I know what you mean, Justin's are 17 years worth, he was in the hospital 8 months out of the first 2 years and had 4 ohs, pyloric stenosis surgery, 2 surgeries for his broke arm, a broke pace surgery and endocarditis and God only knows how manycaths, and they wanted I think 25 cents a page, which is why I had to get creative and figure out how to get them for free,
I see medic alert has a new computer flash thing for medical records, I'm trying to figure ourt who down loads the data one them (can hold everything even caths, I believe) and how to go about getting that done, if it is feasable, I want to get one for Justin for when he goes off to college and on his own. In theory, when you go to a new hospital or doc you give them the flash key thing and they can see all the records, but i don't know if all the hospitals have the cabability to use it, but I think that is the way to go, Lyn