Getting Fat

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2009
So i am 4 months out of surgery and have been gaining weight over the last two months. I am convinced it relates to my taking Toprol XL. For the first month I was losing weight as my metabolism worked overtime to heal. I was down 14 lbs at the end of month one. Month two I stayed the same weight and now I am 12 lbs heavier than when I had surgery. Total gain is 26lbs from my post surgical bottom. I had a physical today with my GP and he agreed that it may be from the Toprol and that I should talk to my cardio about lowering, quitting or switching out of this to another beta blocker. My BP hovers near 115/70 pulse at rest is now down in the low 60s and it was never that low at any time in my life and my cholesterol is just a hair over 100. I am on the beta blocker to try to remodel my heart due to a slight enlargement of the heart. What is worse a slightly large wall or too much fat? Yes I am exercising and eating normally.
26 pound gain since surgery 4 months ago is quite a jump. It's good that you will be going to your cardio to check it out. I remember that I had to check weight daily post-OHS to see if I was retaining fluid. I wonder if fluid retention might be a factor. Don't have experience with the particular med you mentioned. No doubt meds can have many effects on us, sometimes unwanted ones, but I am unfamiliar with that kind of gain attributable to that kind of med. Might just be lack of knowledge on my part, to be sure.

Another thought: Has your cardio signed you up for cardiac rehab? The nurses monitor your weight and vital signs and systematically guide you into a fitness program appropriate for you. Not saying that you are not already attentive to fitness -- sounds like you are. But post-surgery many folks find the cardiac rehab a good refresher course with some new information. I know that I did.
Hi, I have the same problem I am getting fat altough for firs month after op I lost several kilos. Now I am fighting against increasing my weight. My opinion is that this is no betablocker ( I take bisprolol) but in first month I had no so big appetite like later due to limited mobility, pains and general bed feeling, etc. In second and third month my appetite came back but still I couldn't make comperhansive excercises due to some pains small capacity and fear of overloading. This is brutal truth.

Well we will see. My GP recommended bisprolol as being easier on the metabolism.
I did 8 weeks of cardiac rehab before I went back to work.
I am lifting weights and doing 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 times a week and I ride my bike.
I don't notice any joint inflammation but my waist has grown huge. Maybe I am just turning 40 this month?
Sounds like you've done everything right, James. Must be frustrating to have the gain. Maybe the med indeed is a factor. Please let us know what your cardio has to say; all of us who fight the weight battle will be very interested.

I started real training three weeks ago, on running machine, increasing speed from 2 till 5 km/h today and inclination from 0 to 6 deg. Every day I do two 20-30 minuts sessions on mornig and on evening. My rest BP goes slowly down and now I have 130/90. My HR is over 90 during dayly activity and even 60 when I am in the bed. Before op I had very fast HR, 110-130. Except this I came back to the work, unfortunately this is job behind desk.

I lost ten lbs after surgery and enjoyed this loss for about five months only :(

After that, weight started creeping back on me and I gained 12-14 lbs. As of last November, I started eating a light dinner around 5pm and tried to avoid eating anything afterwards. Since it is not easy to stick to this, I allow myself a fruit and a cup of fat-free yogurt when too hungry. The results started showing in February and so far I had lost around 7-8 lbs...SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWLY, but surely. I have also stuck to walking and sometimes went to the Gym for weight lifting 3 times a week,

Stick to a disciplined diet and an exercise and be patient. Good luck.
James, I've been exchanging notes in the past couple of weeks about the effects of Metoprolol which is sold as Lopressor and Toprol-XL. In two weeks, I'll be 8 months post op and I've been taking the Lopressor formula during that time. Like you, my weight dropped after surgery and my activity level picked up. During the later part of Cardiac Rehab, my weight loss dropped off then I reached some kind of plateau. Around my 5 month point, I began feeling less energetic, was gaining weight and began getting small infections such as in the hair follicles in my nose. This was accompanied at times by swollen lymph nodes. At 6 months, I had a bad sinus infection after which my energy level dropped even further. Then, a week ago, sitting at my desk I realized I hadn't done anything that morning and all I wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep. One of my coworkers asked what my pulse rate and blood pressure were. I didn't have a BP cuff but it was simple to check my pulse rate which was 48 in the middle of the day. That may be normal for an Olympic athlete but one of those I am not.

I called my Cardio's office and reported my experience and my low pulse. When he called back the next morning, he had me reduce the beta blocker by 50%. I've now been on the reduced dose of Metoprolol (12.5 mg twice a day) for a week. Already I am feeling more energetic and my weight has dropped for the first time in several months. In a week, with no antibiotics, the lymph nodes have returned to normal and all signs of the little infections have vanished. It seems likely to me that this is not a coincidence.

Next week I have my first echo-cardiogram since my AVR and a few days later will see my Cardio for the first time in 6 months. I plan to discuss this with him and, as well, the possibility of leaving off the Metoprolol completely. I'll let you know what I learn.

Well my Cardiologist recommended I cut the Toprol in half from 100mg to 50mg so I hope that works for me too. Let's hope we just get off this crap huh?
James, I can't say for sure if metabolism is the same for men, as it is for women as they age. Generallly speaking though, you do get a bit heavier. It probably has more to do with the individual. Just eat a healthy diet,( lots of fruits and vegies) cut down on the junk. It sounds like you have a great exercise plan! Hopefully, you can get off the beta blocker soon, or reduce the dosage.

Good luck!
I can tell you Lyrica will cause you to put on the pounds. I've gone from 208 to 231. I'm going to have a talk with the PCP tomorrow about stopping it. This is ridiculous.