Getting Closer - surgery on the calendar pending no changes

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watson524 Supporter
Supporting Member
Oct 2, 2010
Northeast PA
Hi all,

Lots going on mid last week and today in the scheduling world. My mom has an appointment with Dr. Hobbs at Cleveland on 12/15 and she's scheduled for a catherization and other labs on the 16th.

Apparently Dr. Lytle and Dr. Petterson have looked at things and Dr. Lytle wants to see my mom on 12/20. The tried to tie it into the 15th and 16th but there was no way to do that so we'll come home on the 16th and then go back on the 19th (can't miss the weekend at home with the holidays and all going on). They've put her on the surgical calendar for 1/3/11 so she's got to give the dentist a heads up that the work starting on 12/9 MUST be done before the holidays so everything is situated there.

Dr. Hobbs' office said that when we meet with Dr. Lytle on the 20th, we can talk about valve types etc and who will actually do the surgery. That makes me a BIT uncomfortable, not that I'm doubting anyone's skills but if it turns out to be Dr. Petterson, I'd like to meet him ahead of time but....

From what I've read, a bunch of people have had Dr. Petterson but has anyone had Dr. Lytle as their surgeon? Does anyone know if he's done the On-X valves for mitral replacement? We're interested in that because though she's 72, her family tends to live long and we only want to do this once if possible. I like what I hear on the On-X as far as 90 degree opening, better hemodynamics, and pannus growth "inhibitor". Since my mom has been on ACT for almost 30 years and has the A fib (which is TBD as far as having corrected), she'd be on the ACT with or without this surgery so that's not a driver to bovine/porcine for us.

Another question I jotted down for the 15th and the 20th was iron supplements pre surgery. I just try to write down questions in my notebook as they come up because my memory isn't so hot with everything running through it these days.
Oh two other things.... I guess Dy. Lytle's office asked if they went through chest or groin when my mom had the valvuloplasty done in 97 and when she said groin, they said he'd be happy to hear that (I assume because it'll be a "normal" sternum to go through vs a recrack?

Also - his office said he doesn't do the minimally invasive for this surgery so I'm not yet sure if that means no mini thoracotomy (which I wasn't expecting was likely anyway) or no mini sternectomy (which might be nice for less cracking).
Wow they are sure having you drive back and forth alot. I hope the weather stays good for you. I'm glad things are moving along.
yeah she was really hoping the 20th could be the 16th or 17th but it just wasn't possible so... Might take my Home Pilot the first two trips but definitely will need her Subaru Forrester for the surgery trip because she won't be able to pull herself up into the Pilot.
Thanks Greg. Actually it's 1/3/11. Do you know how I can see the calendar or should I ask in the other section? I have looked prior to this and the whole thing shows up blank and says there's no events on any day I pick.
yeah she was really hoping the 20th could be the 16th or 17th but it just wasn't possible so... Might take my Home Pilot the first two trips but definitely will need her Subaru Forrester for the surgery trip because she won't be able to pull herself up into the Pilot.

Have you considerred flying, at least for the surgery trip? I don't know where you live in Northeast pa, but I'm guessing it is about 6-7 hours ride in good weather, but its been a while since I drove across Pa.
We have.... we're up in the north east part of PA just north of 80 so basically it's 80 west for almost the whole way. It's about a 7 hour trip give or take. The closest airport is Avoca (excuse me, Scranton/Wilkes Barre International) and to get to Cleveland from here, you have to make at LEAST one stop and most routes are two stops (one even goes to Pittsburgh, then back to Philly and then out). Allentown which is about an hour south of us is much the same. When mom went out 10 years ago, I actually drove from Lansdale (a Philly suburb where I was living after college) to Baltimore and took Southwest out because I couldn't get a direct flight out of Philly even. So basically, with that many stops and getting to the airport and security and all, we could be most of the way there :) The phrase "you can't get there from here" comes to mind :)
We have.... we're up in the north east part of PA just north of 80 so basically it's 80 west for almost the whole way. It's about a 7 hour trip give or take. The closest airport is Avoca (excuse me, Scranton/Wilkes Barre International) and to get to Cleveland from here, you have to make at LEAST one stop and most routes are two stops (one even goes to Pittsburgh, then back to Philly and then out). Allentown which is about an hour south of us is much the same. When mom went out 10 years ago, I actually drove from Lansdale (a Philly suburb where I was living after college) to Baltimore and took Southwest out because I couldn't get a direct flight out of Philly even. So basically, with that many stops and getting to the airport and security and all, we could be most of the way there :) The phrase "you can't get there from here" comes to mind :)

I know the area you are talking about well. I have family in Wayne and Pike County and I lived in Delaware County before we moved to NJ (still basically a Philly suburb.
I wonder if you could find and Angel flight that would go from Avoca to Cleveland..and yes I flew into that airport from Philly a couple times, (I don't like flying to start w/ so not a fan of the little planes that go from Philly to wilkes Barre) it amazes me it is International :)
I'm in Wayne county a few miles from the southern end of Lake Wallenpaupack. We just got a new terminal and everything. Big doings at Avoca :)

As for an Angel flight, I guess it could be something to look into but from what I've read about folks that travel to get the Cleveland and they seem to tolerate it well after surgery, I'm thinking I'd like to leave the Angel flights open for folks that REALLY need them.
A train? What's that?? LOL! We had the first gravity railroad in the country and used to have a booming train industry but anymore, the closest to here I could get is NYC or Philly....

Seriously, I was thinking car ride, stopping every 1 - 1.5 hours or so to make sure she can walk around a little bit.... is this totally not feasible?
Good news, one less trip to Cleveland needed. Dr. Lytle is going to fit my mom in on the 17th of this month for a consult vs coming back on the 16th and going back on the 19th for an appointment with him so we'll just stay an extra nite but combine the two trips. Still a bit up in the air on if it'll be Dr. Lytle or Dr. Petterson actually doing the surgery (along with all the other questions) but the date is still set for surgery on 1/3/11.
This is all very good news. We stayed at the Intercontinental Suites Hotel with a shuttle available to the Heart/Vascular building. We walked mostly because it was just a couple of blocks and the fresh air was always a reprieve from being inside - but I can imagine December and January are far colder than October!
I think my mom is booking the Guest house at least for the trip next week. Still pending on where I'll be staying for the actual surgery trip since she'll be in the hospital. I don't expect to spend much time in the hotel while she's in the hospital just to sleep and clean up really.
I'm glad they were able to reschedual and cut one of the trips back and forth out for you guys. I hope the weather stays nice (well no snow at least) for your trip next week.