Tell Dottie to pack her jacket, just in case.
But don?t forget her shorts!
Tell Dottie to pack her jacket, just in case.

But don?t forget her shorts!
Yea!! I'm so happy to hear all of you are coming!! It sounds like we will have a great turn out.
It would be so cool if we could rent every room in the place, you know they only have 62! That?s one reason I would like everyone who is even thinking they *might* come to reserve their room now.... I?d hate for anyone to wait until the last minute and not get one!

You can always cancel if need be.
It?s such a neat building, you guys will just love it. Dottie will love the river that runs right by the back door. It even has a walkway next to it.

There?s a really cool sitting room and patio in the back of the hotel that over looks the river too.
I didn?t see a piano anyplace when I was there.

Maybe we could all bring our own instruments?!

I?ll get Ry to play one for me... he plays the trumpet.

Anyone else play an instrument? Maybe we can even talk Dick into bringing his banjo!!

I've heard rumors that Billy can't come...

But I refuse to give up on him yet.
The weather? Well... to be honest, I live about a six - seven hour drive southwest of Golden... and actually even on the other side of the continental divide.... we have a lot more trees over here.... but still, in the Golden area.... I believe their weather is pretty much the same as ours. My elevation is 6200, Golden is 5674. We get our first freeze the end of September, early October our leaves are at their prettiest.... by mid Oct... may be a little late... but they should still be pretty. Here you would expect some very warm days ...with some very cool days. But generally you wouldn't need anything more than a sweater. When the sun goes down, the evenings will be cool. I know... that just about covers anything... but that's how our weather is! lol Maybe someone closer to the Golden area will chime in....
I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone!!