gallstones and beta blockers

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I have a question. 5 years ago i had my gallbladder removed. I went to my doc today and She thinks that i'm producing more gall stones. i have to have a ultrasound to find out for sure. But she's trying to see if there is a link between gall stones and beta blockers. I was just wondering if anyone else has had any problems with gall stones while on beta blockers. And or has anyone ever had gall stones after having thier gall bladder removed? Thanks a bunch!!!

Joe, Nancy's husband, recently had his gallbladder removed, and is currently in the hospital with pancreatitis. Look up her name, and send her a message. I am almost certain her Joe would be on beta blockers. I hope all turns out well for you! (You've just got to do better than her Joe with this.......he attracts trouble!)

gallstones & beta blockers

gallstones & beta blockers

Had mine removed in the early 70s, and have been taking beta blockers for at least 20 years with no known stones. My beta blockers were for cluster headaches, which worked. Now they are for high BP also.
Hi Kerriberri-

I myself was on beta blockers (Inderal) for 20 years for hypertension. Hated every minute of it. I had to have my gallbladder removed a few years ago. And funny you should mention it, I am experiencing some gallbladdery (is that a word?) pains every now and then. I think you can get stones in the bile duct.

I'm not on Inderal anymore. Cozaar now. I plan to speak with my PCP about it.
Thank you all. I just couldn't understand how you could have gall stones with no gall bladder. lol Nancy like you I have been having pains on and off for almost a month now, I had told my mom that it feels like i was going through gall stones all over again and laughed it off. Boy did those words come back to bite Nancy let me know what you find out from your doctor.