gallbladder surgery

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
My sister is going to doctor today to find out if she needs gallbladder surgery. She thinks it would be out patient in a day but I was wondering how long recovery. Has anyone had it done (not on coumadin,,know that would be longer)..I would want to be with her for a few days. Bonnie
Hi Bonny
My mom had gallbladder surgery but that was back about 18 years ago. I think she went in to the hospital and was off work a week. But, her colleague at work just had gallbladder surgery last year and I think she had it out-patient, but still took a week off of work.
Had mine out one day stayed over night and was up and walking that morning unattended. It was done with the scope and was a breeze. The worst part of it was recovering from the anesthesia. That took a while. I don't remember any problems at all.

Now Joe's gallbladder surgery-----well, I won't even go there!! I'll just say he had his done in May, and he's still recovering from it. Major complications. Different doctor.
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Hi Bonnie,
Haven't had my gb out YET.. but did just have my appendix out. It was done laprascopic and is usually a day surgery... they kept me over night because of heart/leukemia thing. The only thing that I couldn't do was lift anything heavy for about a week or two.

Take care,
I had my gallbladder out five years ago. It was done laproscopicly (sp?). I was kept a couple of days simply because they couldn't figure out what went wrong in my gall bladder and were afraid I'd thrown a blood clot (long before my coumadin days) from some atrial flutter I'd been experiencing. All I really remember is moving a little slower for a few days and not being able to wear pants, unless they were elastic waist. My tummy was a little swollen from the surgery and I couldn't button any of my pants. Plus, it would have probably hurt to try. I was in college at the time and hadn't yet started school, but I started classes a week later.
