Lettitia :
Would have PM'd or e-mailed, but with the warnings on the board decided against it. Try googling yeast, fungal infections etc., and see if any help comes up there.
My mother had a fungal infection on her face and went to a dermatologist, who prescribed a cream. Took months to work, but in the end, it did clear up.
some instant releif suggestions :
1. athlete's foot is a fungal infection, right? so use athlete's foot cream and/or dusting powder on some of those dark places (I am thinking armpits, back of knees, elbows, and, if you're anything like me, under the ****y bits, too)
2. I have a friend who swears by vinegar for the particularly feminine kind, it seems to change the pH of that area enough to inhibit the growth of Candida, not sure about any of the others. Oh, she also wears under wear as little as possible, and NEVER anything but loose cotton ones.
Hope this isn't too graphic or radical !