Fungus overgrowth problems anyone?

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
Since my first valve surgery in 2001 and the use of that bad homograft I am a human fungus bal just waiting to spew spore out at the drop of a hat, anyone else have fungus over growth problems?


Fungus problems are nothing to fool around with. I hope your doctor is addressing the issue. It can get bad enough to get systemic. So I would call the doc and get in to see him/her.
I have had both IV and oral antifungal meds so many times Ihave h lost count. Anti -biotics always bring it back.
Ever since I had my valve surgery, I've had problems with female fungus issues. I always get them after taking antibiotics, no matter what the dose. Sucks. :mad:
Female fungal problems are a commom side effect of taking anti-biotics. I have had that particular problem since I was 16 and worked in a bacteriology lab, every time, almost, that I get an antibiotic prescription, I also get one for the fungus thing, just in case. It sure helps to have a family doc that understands these things :D

What happens (just in case you want to know) in this case is that the anti-biotic kills a bunch of good bacteria, as well as the bad ones (anti-biotics don't know the difference, unfurtunately). Then the pH of those areas changes, and allows the Candida to proliferate, causing an infection. Those Candida are actually there all the time, just held in balance, ususally, by the pH and the other bacteria competing for food.
This is really interesting. I had a cyst on my butt that I had to take antibiotics for, and I developed a horrible fungus rash on my arms shortly after starting the pills. I knew it was a fungus because I finally used jockitch cream on it and it went away.

In my mind, the cyst removal cured my arm's fungus rash, but now that I read this thread, I understand that it was the antibiotics that caused the rash. I quit taking the antibiotics after removal and geewhiz, it's gone. Wow!
I have had both IV and oral antifungal meds so many times Ihave h lost count. Anti -biotics always bring it back.


I'm sure you have probably tried this, but I haven't seen it mentioned. EVERY tim I need to take antibiotics, I make sure to start taking Acidopholous (sp) and eating yogurt. They help return the "good" bacteria to your digestive tract and gynocological tracts.

But make sure that your Drs. know this. I wish I had a more definitive answer for you. Follow Nancy's advice, we all know that she has been through everything with her Joe.

I'm sure you have probably tried this, but I haven't seen it mentioned. EVERY tim I need to take antibiotics, I make sure to start taking Acidopholous (sp) and eating yogurt. They help return the "good" bacteria to your digestive tract and gynocological tracts.

But make sure that your Drs. know this. I wish I had a more definitive answer for you. Follow Nancy's advice, we all know that she has been through everything with her Joe.

I take probiotics )with acidopholous in them) every morning (including when I have to take antibiotics). I also eat yogurt. The only thing I wonder about, though, is that wouldn't the antibiotics in the bloodstream just kill the good bacteria when a person takes it making it sort of useless?
I take probiotics )with acidopholous in them) every morning (including when I have to take antibiotics). I also eat yogurt. The only thing I wonder about, though, is that wouldn't the antibiotics in the bloodstream just kill the good bacteria when a person takes it making it sort of useless?


I'm not sure about your situation, I only take acidopholous after I've started a course of antibiotics, and I take them for a month, then quit. I try to get some yogurt in at least once a week, but that doesn't always happen. I would think that even if the antibiotics would wipe out the good bacteria while your taking them, the constant replacement and subsequent doses of probiotics would help you system recover faster.
I get fungus growth in every warm dark spot on my body including my sinus cavities and GI tract. some yeast and aspurgillus(sp). I only get this in my GItract because of the prevacid I have to take for my recurrent bleeding ulcer.

My ulcer has sure taken the spice out of my sister-in-law's Gumbo.

I get fungus growth in every warm dark spot on my body including my sinus cavities and GI tract. some yeast and aspurgillus(sp). I only get this in my GItract because of the prevacid I have to take for my recurrent bleeding ulcer.

My ulcer has sure taken the spice out of my sister-in-law's Gumbo.


Wow Lettitia,

I don't even know how to respond to this. What does your physician say about this? Is there a fungal specialist? It sounds like you need more help than any of us can give.
General notes about probiotics

General notes about probiotics

Some general comments about probiotics:

1.) Standard treatment is to begin the probiotics as soon as you have finished your course of antibiotic treatment.

2.) Just like antibiotics, there are different kinds of probiotics. For example, my husband is currently taking one designed to work especially in the lower intestine.

3.) Check the inactive ingredients of your probiotic to make sure that it does not contain anything to which you are allergic. And check the active ingredients, too: many probiotics contain other "helpful" ingredients, which are only helpful if you can tolerate them!

4.) If you buy a probiotic that is refrigerated, don't forget to keep refrigerating it!

5.) If your house gets warm (like a Phoenix house) it's generally a good idea to refrigerate all probiotics after opening them.

6.) Don't forget to lower your sugar/carb intake while you are taking antibiotics and during your course of probiotics. No need to feed the fungus!

7.) I personally believe that a combination of my current low-sugar diet and probiotic use has helped me to avoid yeast infections after all those antibiotics I had to take pre-surgery.
Lettitia :

Would have PM'd or e-mailed, but with the warnings on the board decided against it. Try googling yeast, fungal infections etc., and see if any help comes up there.

My mother had a fungal infection on her face and went to a dermatologist, who prescribed a cream. Took months to work, but in the end, it did clear up.

some instant releif suggestions :

1. athlete's foot is a fungal infection, right? so use athlete's foot cream and/or dusting powder on some of those dark places (I am thinking armpits, back of knees, elbows, and, if you're anything like me, under the ****y bits, too)

2. I have a friend who swears by vinegar for the particularly feminine kind, it seems to change the pH of that area enough to inhibit the growth of Candida, not sure about any of the others. Oh, she also wears under wear as little as possible, and NEVER anything but loose cotton ones.

Hope this isn't too graphic or radical !:eek:
A tidbit: Jock itch, athlete's foot, ringworm: all fungus. The over-the-counter treatments for these are identical in content and strength and come off the same production lines. The only difference is the advertising on the can. The jock itch formulas are the same as the athlete's foot formulas, and they can be used interchangeably, anywhere reasonable on the body. Just stick with one active ingredient throughout your treatment.

Fungal infections can be one of the side effects of the premeds taken for some dental and other procedures. Basically, an antibiotic sets a powerful mold to indiscriminantly kill bacteria, which lets various fungi grow unchecked.

I also keep and use probiotics. Acidophilus is only one of many, so I keep and alternate different probiotic formulas which have anywhere from 8-10 different bacteria types in them to have the greatest effect. I agree that they lack value during antibiotic use, and are more effective afterwards. I'm not so sure that the bacteria taken in a probiotic have a viable way to migrate to the genital tract from the intestines, or if they'd even be the right ones. They are surface-colonizing bacteria, rather than blood-borne.

Best wishes,
Monostat and Tinactinunder my arms breasts and on my feet are daily routines for me along with 8 oz cup of yogurt with grape-nuts for a little fiber.and cholesterol prevention along with my fungus dampeners. I also take Nyastatin 1million units twice a day for one week each month.

I had Mitral Valve repair about 5 years ago...and have a fungus on my toe that wont quit..been two years...trying various anti fungal liquid now..

I have never heard of any connection between fungus and heart valves...Is my cardiologist going to laugh in my face when I mention it? Or is there any medical evidence that this may in fact be related?
Does anyone have any links or information of a connection between fungus' and heart surgery? I can't find a thing..why would there be a connection?

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