from drive to please this really really helped me Thanks TRACY It should be posted

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Nancy jane

As we know we come in touch with such great folks here; this is from 'drivetoplease' who just celebrated her 1 year anniv. and it helped me a lot
I have it posted on my desk. too GOOD not to share... thanks Tracey !!!

Here are things I told*myself of over and over to calm my nerves before the procedure:
1.* They have been doing valve replacements for 50 years--it works.
2.* There has never been a better time in history to have a valve replacement.* We have amazing technology and tools today.
3.* Without the surgery my life will be shortened.* With AVR my life expectancy returns to normal.
4.* I am strong and healthy*and I can handle this.
5.* Once I am recovered I will feel better than ever.
6.* The scar is a badge of honor that I will be proud to show off as a symbol of survival.
This sounds a lot like what I've been telling my family members and co-workers when they express concerns about my upcoming surgery. Every time I reassure someone else that I'll be OK, I believe it a little bit more myself. On my list is also: I have an amazing surgeon at a top notch hospital.
Funny. I added my surgeons name on that too when I sent that list to his office. I told the nurse everyone should get that mantra. Thx. N