Friends operation on Monday

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RunMartin Supporter
Supporting Member
Oct 20, 2003
Pendle Hill, North West, England
There is someone I know who is very ill at the moment. She is due to have an AVR on Monday (18th April) along with a triple heart bypass and surgery on her arteries in her neck to unblock them (this requires two surgeons). She has been in hospital for about 6 weeks whilst they have been trying to stabilise her and she is presently having tests to see if she has pneumonia. The worry is that if see has any signs of pneumonia then the operation will be postponed and she really does need the surgery. Her friend does look on this site but has not posted yet. Could you add her to your prayers on Monday as she badly needs the operation.


I most certainly will Martin. It's bad enough to be sick, but even worse to be sick and need this surgery on top of it all. Best wishes and prayers. ;)
Martin, she sounds critical. I pray that she can handle all the surgery that is about to be performed. Please give her a huge Valve Replacement membership hug; tell her we are there with her. When she finishes her trip up the mountain, will you come in and let us know how she is. She has my prayers; tell her I wish her GODSPEED!
She Has Mine Too!!!

She Has Mine Too!!!

Here is wishing your friend the best care, the best recovery and the best of times once she has recovered. She is in my thoughts and prayers. Harrybaby :D :D :D
Martin, glad it's over for her. Let us know when you can, how she is.

If you think she would like to know about this thread, print it out and deliver to her. It would be like a get well card from some caring folks.
Re: 'My friend' in RunMartin's messages

Re: 'My friend' in RunMartin's messages

Hi. My name is Alasdair and it is specifically 'my friend', Irene who was operated on two days ago on Monday. Many many thanks to Martin who alerted me to this great site and who posted the first messages about Irene. She seems to have come through the three operation - AVR, multiple heart byepass and clearing of neck arteries - satisfactorally but the current concern is the functioning of her kidneys and urine production. Is this common with this kind of operation? I am praying for her as I'm sure you all are.
I am very grateful for all your postings. Is there an easy way to save these 'threads' or print them out?
I will keep you all informed. God bless. Alasdair
Mornin Alasdair - just go up above, left hand corner, to File, click on it, then go down to print, click on print - and let 'er go. It will print from top to bottom just as you see it on your computer.

We've not had anyone who has a kidney/urine complaint re the surgery that I can recall. However, there is a newbie who is asking questions about frequent urination and we are trying to find if anyone has a similar problem. So far, noone.

Your friend can learn a lot by becoming a member - or you can learn for her.

Wish her a happy day. Thanks for coming in. Blessins....
With the magnitude of everything done, kidney function would certainly be impeded for a bit. Things should slowly return to normal with time, but yes, it can be a worry at this point.
Hi Alasdair and Martin,
Greetings from Chester :D .
Glad to hear Irene came through the op OK - it sounds like she had some major surgery done so it's very possible her kidneys are just temporarily affected by the whole trauma, drugs etc. Hopefully things will settle down soon.
If you go up to "thread tools" at the top of the thread and click on it, it brings up a "printable version" option - that lets you print just the text and who wrote what, without all the pictures and stuff. Bit easier on your printer :) .
Best wishes,
Mums op!!!

Mums op!!!

Hello to everyone who has shown such great interest in the HUGE operation my mum has just had. It is a real comfort to know that other people have had similar experiences and are so encouraging that things will continue to improve.

I am on my way to see her shortly and will certainly tell her that so many people have been thinking of her and praying for her - i know she will find it uplifting.

At present, they are reducing one of her drugs which is stabilising her blood pressure and her kidney function seems to be improving ever so slightly. Although it is slight, it is in the right direction and with her fight and determination we can remain positive.

Thanks again to everyone and we will be in touch soon!!
Thanks to you all

Thanks to you all

Irene's family and friends are very grateful for your thoughts and prayers and thank you all. From what I am told she is likely to be in hospital for a few more weeks but hopefully she is over the worst!

Thanks again

Irene sends her heartfelt thanks to all

Irene sends her heartfelt thanks to all

Irene is now out of the Intensive Care Unit and out of the High Dependency Unit and is in a fairly normal ward. She is devoid of 'drips' and needles in various parts of her body and is looking forward to the beautiful simple things in life like being wheeled out for a spot of sunshine on her face and fresh air in her lungs! Even her surgeon is especially pleased with her resilience, courage and progress. She is profoundly and eternally grateful to all the people who have prayed, visited, sent cards and messages and helped in whatever way. Thanks too from her family and me to all her friends on this website. God bless you all. :D
Thanks for keeping us in the loop. And tell her congraTULAtions on her improvement. She will get there.

Hey, Irene - sounds like you are coming right along on schedule. You went through a serious surgery - like most here in VR. And now look at you. It's done and the recuperation has begun. Good job.

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