Well yesterday I was supposed to have a tilt-table test done, as referred by my GP (..wonderful lady..), to determine if my low BP is the main cause behind my dizzy spells. She sent me to another GP who she considers a bit of a "brain box" because she thought we could have a bit of a chat and maybe come up with another angle on my ongoing symptoms.
Anyway, I get there and his trainee takes me into his office to take down my medical history. As p*ssed as I am about this, I figure if I give him the info, I can get my test done and go from there. I spend about half an hour talking to the trainee then he went off to get the "real" doctor. I'm assuming in the 5 minutes it took before they got back, he filled him in on my history (..he is obviously a very fast talker!!..).
The doctor graces me with his presence for all of another 5 minutes, telling me he's not going to contradict my cardio(s) (..and gee, considering they're doing such a good job of contradicting themselves and eachother, why would he??..) and he's going to treat me as if I don't have a heart condition!!! Oh - that's a GREAT idea!! I'm sure that has jack to do with the way I'm feeling!!!!
His conclusion is that my chronic insomnia (..which I mentioned I have had since I was a kid..) is probably the main reason for me feeling so crap, and after so many years of my body "coping" with it, I've merely come to the end of my tether and my "batteries have run out". His solution is to put me on a low dose of anti-depressants - despite me telling him I've tried these and sleeping pills in the past with 0 success - and has booked me in for a sleep-study in June and a 6-minute walk test, to check my oxygen levels... probably the only positive of the day.
He then waltzes out the office again and leaves me with his trainee to arrange when all this is to be done. I'm sitting there gob-smacked and ask "does this mean I'm not doing the tilt-table test today?"... no - apparently not!!
I'm then asked to breathe into some electronic device (..which I have huge problems with - and am not told what the outcome is (in my book "fine" is hardly adequate!)..), get given a script for the anti-depressants and some forms to redo all the blood-work that's already been done, see-ya later, thanks for coming!!!
Is it just me, or is this an outrageous joke??!!!
I'm back to the cardio on Tuesday for my stress echo and the event monitor, so I guess I'll see how that goes then decide what I'm going to do.
Meanwhile, I've had the medical profession up to HERE (..hand waving somewhere waaaaaaaay above head..)!!!
Thanks for letting me vent.
Anna : (
Anyway, I get there and his trainee takes me into his office to take down my medical history. As p*ssed as I am about this, I figure if I give him the info, I can get my test done and go from there. I spend about half an hour talking to the trainee then he went off to get the "real" doctor. I'm assuming in the 5 minutes it took before they got back, he filled him in on my history (..he is obviously a very fast talker!!..).
The doctor graces me with his presence for all of another 5 minutes, telling me he's not going to contradict my cardio(s) (..and gee, considering they're doing such a good job of contradicting themselves and eachother, why would he??..) and he's going to treat me as if I don't have a heart condition!!! Oh - that's a GREAT idea!! I'm sure that has jack to do with the way I'm feeling!!!!
His conclusion is that my chronic insomnia (..which I mentioned I have had since I was a kid..) is probably the main reason for me feeling so crap, and after so many years of my body "coping" with it, I've merely come to the end of my tether and my "batteries have run out". His solution is to put me on a low dose of anti-depressants - despite me telling him I've tried these and sleeping pills in the past with 0 success - and has booked me in for a sleep-study in June and a 6-minute walk test, to check my oxygen levels... probably the only positive of the day.
He then waltzes out the office again and leaves me with his trainee to arrange when all this is to be done. I'm sitting there gob-smacked and ask "does this mean I'm not doing the tilt-table test today?"... no - apparently not!!
I'm then asked to breathe into some electronic device (..which I have huge problems with - and am not told what the outcome is (in my book "fine" is hardly adequate!)..), get given a script for the anti-depressants and some forms to redo all the blood-work that's already been done, see-ya later, thanks for coming!!!
Is it just me, or is this an outrageous joke??!!!
I'm back to the cardio on Tuesday for my stress echo and the event monitor, so I guess I'll see how that goes then decide what I'm going to do.
Meanwhile, I've had the medical profession up to HERE (..hand waving somewhere waaaaaaaay above head..)!!!
Thanks for letting me vent.
Anna : (