Freekin' doctors!!! GRRRRRRRR!!!!

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Well yesterday I was supposed to have a tilt-table test done, as referred by my GP (..wonderful lady..), to determine if my low BP is the main cause behind my dizzy spells. She sent me to another GP who she considers a bit of a "brain box" because she thought we could have a bit of a chat and maybe come up with another angle on my ongoing symptoms.

Anyway, I get there and his trainee takes me into his office to take down my medical history. As p*ssed as I am about this, I figure if I give him the info, I can get my test done and go from there. I spend about half an hour talking to the trainee then he went off to get the "real" doctor. I'm assuming in the 5 minutes it took before they got back, he filled him in on my history (..he is obviously a very fast talker!!..).

The doctor graces me with his presence for all of another 5 minutes, telling me he's not going to contradict my cardio(s) (..and gee, considering they're doing such a good job of contradicting themselves and eachother, why would he??..) and he's going to treat me as if I don't have a heart condition!!! Oh - that's a GREAT idea!! I'm sure that has jack to do with the way I'm feeling!!!!

His conclusion is that my chronic insomnia (..which I mentioned I have had since I was a kid..) is probably the main reason for me feeling so crap, and after so many years of my body "coping" with it, I've merely come to the end of my tether and my "batteries have run out". His solution is to put me on a low dose of anti-depressants - despite me telling him I've tried these and sleeping pills in the past with 0 success - and has booked me in for a sleep-study in June and a 6-minute walk test, to check my oxygen levels... probably the only positive of the day.

He then waltzes out the office again and leaves me with his trainee to arrange when all this is to be done. I'm sitting there gob-smacked :eek: and ask "does this mean I'm not doing the tilt-table test today?"... no - apparently not!!

I'm then asked to breathe into some electronic device (..which I have huge problems with - and am not told what the outcome is (in my book "fine" is hardly adequate!)..), get given a script for the anti-depressants and some forms to redo all the blood-work that's already been done, see-ya later, thanks for coming!!!

Is it just me, or is this an outrageous joke??!!!

I'm back to the cardio on Tuesday for my stress echo and the event monitor, so I guess I'll see how that goes then decide what I'm going to do.

Meanwhile, I've had the medical profession up to HERE (..hand waving somewhere waaaaaaaay above head..)!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Thanks for letting me vent.

Anna : (
I totally understand Anna :)
FYI I had a tilt table done about 2 years ago and they told me it was normal but I went home and slept for three days straight. That doesn't sound normal to me. I only woke up long enough for someone to bring me food (which I usually didn't end up eating) and to go to the bathroom which I didn't really have to do either.
I really didn't like that test. But according to the medical professionals it was normal.
Something about this tilt table test makes me think that it belongs in a certain "other" thread. :D
I'm having such a case of deja vu with your story. Anti-depressants, all-in-my-head, blah blah blah.

I don't know how Aussie medical care works. Are you stuck with the doctors you have, or do you have the freedom to shop around. I went through about 7 doctors of various types before I found one that actually realized I was actually having heart problems and wasn't just an hysterical woman.

Keep plugging away.

I must say that I am baffled by all the responses of your doctors.

Is it possible that your medical "system" there has something to do with all of the stalling that is going on. If there is a certain waiting period for you to get treatment for your heart problems, is it possible that they are "jollying you along" to keep you happy with anti-depressants and thereby delaying your expensive treatment options?

I mean, really, you have a known heart problem, have already had surgeries to correct some of them, and are now symptomatic again.

Sounds like a major tap-dance to me, and not in the least connected with good medical care. Rather scandalous.

I don't know what answers there are for you. But you have my thoughts and prayers.
Can this 2nd GP you saw overrule your own GP's order for a tilt-table test? I don't know how things work in Australia but I would have thought if your GP ordered it it should still go ahead. Does your GP know you haven't had it done? Would it be worth going back to her and telling her what happened?
On the bright side, maybe the sleep study will show that your sleep (or lack of it) isn't the root of the problem, and they'll finally start believing you.
Fingers crossed!
It's not necessarily wrong to look at things other than you heart condition for the root of a problem. In fact, it should be a good thing fro a doctor to expand the perspective.

But he didn't actually spend any time with you. That seems to say he came in with a preconceived notion of what he was going to do with you. It seems impossible that he could have really listened/read/understood much of anything about your history or your current issues from the brief moments that he had to pick them up (secondhand, too). I would tattle on him to your regular doctor, who trusted him to properly evaluate your case.

It does seem like they're just passing you around like a hot potato. It seems like they should have agreed to do the tilt table test anyway, assuming they recognize its results as valid. The sleep study seems a lot less likely to yield results on the face of it.

And it does seem like doctors are handing out antidepressants like candy these days. Maybe it's so you won't be so upset that they can't figure out how to help you.

Good luck with this. I think I'd put the fish eye on the second doctor's theories (and prescriptions) until I had a good talk with the first doctor.

I've just reread your post. I'm glad to hear that they have scheduled you for the sleep-study and 6 minute walk, at least. You have mentioned in the past that pulmonary hypertension has been mentioned in your case. Sleep apnea is indeed linked to PH, as you probably know. I'm not really sure what the connection entails, whether it is one of the causes of PH, or whether it is something that PH causes. But I do know that the connection exists in some people.

The 6 minute walk test is also used to keep an eye on pulmonary problems, so is a good thing.

Any test that can shed some light at this point is a positive thing.

Good luck.
...And that's why it's good this is a forum full of people with diverse understandings. I never would have come up with Nancy's reasoning.

That puts a better spin on the tests he has planned for you. I still think Dr. #2 didn't spend enough time on you, though.
What does the GP who orderd the tilt test have to say about it being nixed???

If I don't do a test for whatever reason (mind you, this is rare and usually because of scheduling problems) my doctors start getting a little testy... At one point, long before I knew I had a heart valve problem, my GP ordered a breathing test for me. I got the test done (they administered albuterol not ten minutes after I told them my cardiologist advised me to stay away from it) and it took several phone calls from my GP AND my cardiologist to get the results faxed around so they could see them.... This was about 9 months AFTER the test was done...

Generally, if the test is ordered, it's DONE no questions ask. Another doctor doesn't come in and overide the doctor that ordered the test to begin with. That's "fishy" in and of itself...
Where would I be without you guys and your never-ending support?!!!

Karlynn -
Shopping around for GPs isn't too much of a problem, but you can't see a specialist without a GP referral, and as happy as I am with my current GP it seems the specialists on her list could use a good slap up-side the head!!

Nancy -
Thanks to your previous advice, I'd made the connection between PH and sleep apnea, so I'm glad to be having a sleep study done after all these years (..why it wasn't done long before now, I don't know..). I don't think sleep apnea is my problem, but who knows..... I'm also glad to be having the 6 minute walk test, but despite scheduling these tests, I'm sure this guy is still determined that it's merely my "batteries going flat" from years of sleep deprivation, rather than PH. Again - I don't want it to be PH, I'll be happy if it's not, but I at least want someone to CHECK IT OUT before deciding if it's an issue or not.

Bob -
I've gotta agree with you that there's nothing wrong in checking out things that aren't heart related, but I've also got to agree that he could hardly draw any reasonable conclusions from the time he spent.... or rather, didn't spend... with me. Honestly, the whole appointment was a joke! He never took my pulse, BP, listened to my heart, or even looked at the cardio reports I brought in with me. No, he seemed quite happy to rely on the very brief synopsis his trainee gave him. And yeah - you better believe I'll be having a word about it to my regular GP!!! (..evil little smirk is now emerging on my face!!..)

Gemma, Harpoon -
I've not yet had a chance to see my regular GP. I've got to head down to Perth again tomorrow (another 8hr trip) for another cardio appointment, in which I'll be doing a stress echo and acquiring an event monitor. I should be back next Thursday and will be making an appointment to see her as soon as I can to discuss everthing that's been going on. I'll be sure to keep y'all posted!

Meanwhile, I keep waiting for someone to leap out, smiling inanely and proclaiming loudly "SMILE - YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA!!!!!!". Whadaya reckon the chances are...????

Cheers all
Anna : )
Here's a cute story about Joe's 6 minute walk test.

First one he had, he was very, very ill, January of 2003. He didn't even remember that one, couldn't even do it. This last one was a couple of months ago. When he saw the pulmonologist, she said, "Gee, you didn't go very far for a guy who is using the treadmill every day." Joe said, " what do you mean, I walked for 6 minutes, right?". She said, "Right, but we measure how FAR you go in the 6 minutes." Now that he knows what the rules are, I'm sure he'll do much better the next time. :rolleyes:

So, if you want to pass your test don't take a leisurely walk down a country lane.


I can SO associate with what you are saying. It took me a long time to find Doctors I could "work" with. They are priceless when found. Of course they consider my heart, but at times, they have to look at the other working parts!

It took them 2 years to diagnose a stinkin' thyroid problem, cause they couldn't see past all the heart stuff. Nobody noticed the 40 lb weight gain, on a 95 lb. frame?? duh... I am very direct with my Doctors, always with a smile (you understand), no beating around the bush... but that episode taught me alot.

It is unthinkable to me that they have not looked into your sleep problem before now. I wish you all the luck, and hope you are feeling tip top soon!
Hey Mindy,

I actually had a myriad of tests done before I ever got to the cardiologist, specifically to rule out things like thyroid, anaemia, low blood sugar, lupus, etc, etc, etc..... The funny thing is, when I asked for the thryroid test the doctor looked at me and said "you don't look like you have thyroid problems!". I patiently explained to him that you don't necessarily have to be overweight to have thyroid problems and given the wide array of symptoms and my family history with thyroid problems, I thought it would be worthwhile checking out.

I even said to the guy I saw the other day "sure, it might not be (whatever), but considering I'm having "x" amount of symptoms, why don't you just humour me and check it out anyway?!". Honestly, you would think they were paying for these tests out of their own pockets the way they carry on sometimes!!

Oh well, it looks like I'll just have to keep smiling and jumping through those hoops for a little while longer.....

Anna : )
I have had the tilt table test, the 8 min, walking test and I have sleep anpea. I am on c-pap. But i can't tell much different though. It is a pain ****. I pull it off during the night in my sleep. Now that they are treating me for cardiomyopathy my life is a mess. More meds to take and they don't want me to plan any trips far from home. I thought I was doing so good. I was just feeling a little tired. I was going to Europe this summer with my oldest daughter. But this is not going to happen. I just hope they get this all straighten out so I caan come to Denver this fall. I already have our rooms booked. I don't think there is a test out there I have not had. None of my Doctors see eye to eye on anything. I was in the hosp. for five days for a heart cath. I hope you have better luck than I have. My prayers are with you.
Another one for the books, Anna...

Called the cardio shop Friday morning, as my Atenolol (beta blocker) runs out Saturday (tonight) and some smart*ss put no refills on the prescription, probably to "ensure compliance." I have been back to the cardio's office six times for reports and questions, to see the cardiologist twice, had an echo in their lab, and an MRI at their behest. I guess that should qualify as compliance. I think the time spent calling in the death threats should count, too... :eek: :rolleyes:

I asked them to phone the prescription in, but they said that's not the way they do it. They insisted that I bring the bottle to the drug store, and have the pharmacist call them. Then they renew it with the pharmacist over the phone.

So, I bring the bottle to the pharmacy on the way home. The pharmacist takes the bottle, calls the cardiologists, and...and...and...

Yup. No one there. Closed. Closed all weekend as well. Oh, yes, Monday is a holiday (Memorial Day in the U.S.), so call back on Tuesday instead.

Apparently, the death threats had no effect after all. They must be inured to them by now. *sigh* I guess it was arrogant to assume I was the only one to think of it... :rolleyes:

Fortunately, the pharmacist had his head screwed on straight. Without me having to make a fuss (and Oh, yes, I would have made a fuss...), he simply set me up with enough pills to last through Tuesday. He'll call them back, then. Hope he gives them hell about it. I know I will.

Sharing in your delight with our medical professionals,
Well, I'm glad your pharmacist had half a brain!!

Meanwhile.... quick update:

Had my sleep study on Wednesday night and managed to get a reasonable 5hrs in - much to my surprise! I thought I'd be too wired (..pardon the pun..) to be able to sleep very well since I HATE hospitals.

My heart was doing some pretty funky things and I expected the frequent ectopic beats and such, but there were a couple of occasions where my little heart line looked like a 5y/o went spastic with a crayon!!! :eek: At one point I got out of bed to get an extra blanket and what was going on on that monitor was just SCARY - I can't even explain how strange the pattern looked! Oddly enough, I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary, but seeing the monitor was not overly encouraging.

My O2 levels were pretty stable while I was stationary, but the minute I did anything, they DIVED ( one stage they dropped below 80..). I'm SOOOOO looking forward to seeing how they go with the walk test, which I'm doing this Thursday morning.

Anyway, I think I can safely say that sleep apnea is not the problem - which I was already sure of, but you know how it goes....

So after setting the monitor alarms off all night (..which the nurse tried to tell me was due to activity....HA!!..) the doctor (..sorry....the doctor's intern..) tells me the next morning that there was nothing unexpected there. Clearly he wasn't looking at the same monitor readings I was!!!

Hopefully I'll be seeing the DOCTOR some stage next week after the walk test to get the results of all the tests and the bloodwork they did.

Meanwhile, I still haven't heard anything from the cardio's office about my stress echo or event monitor - although they've managed to get the bill to me without any problems! I think I'll just refuse to pay up until they do me the courtesy of letting me know what's going on :D

...until then.....

Anna : )
I'm glad you are getting all this testing done. The low oxygen saturation is what bothers me. The erratic tracings on you monitor when you are moving around or even brush against the wires are more likely just artifact...particularily if you didn't feel anything really strange at the time.


I feel for what you are going through. I hope you get the real answers soon. I will pray for you and hope for the best. You are a dear friend here. Take care and enjoy the holiday.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve

Those erratic looking monitor traces are just from movement of your arms or other upper body muscle movement, and getting up out of bed would do it as well. This will set the alarm off, but the people viewing your monitor action can tell the difference between that kind of thing and the real problems.

When I was new to looking at Joe's hospital monitors, I thought he was going to die every other moment, they happened when he was reading the paper and turning pages, when he was eating, or even when he turned in bed or moved his upper body. It's scary to watch, but usually of no consequence. There is an "eye in the sky" in a remote location watching all of this stuff and I can assure you they will come a-running when there is a real emergency or if one of the electrodes falls off or fails, because they've had to do that for Joe on occasion.

Sounds like you did pretty much OK. Hope everything else works out as well.