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Looks Good to Me

Looks Good to Me


As a relatively new user, I think your new "batting order" looks logical. I also like Karlynn's concept of "Small Talk" being like discussion at the family dinner table.

Hank said he thought Heart Talk should be first and thinking about it, I agree. If you all see something that doesn't make sense or could make better sense, please speak up.
Ross said:
Hank said he thought Heart Talk should be first and thinking about it, I agree. If you all see something that doesn't make sense or could make better sense, please speak up.

I ditto everyone else on this. Looks great to me. Thanks for all your work here Ross. You are certainly to be commended and appreciated.
I think the coumadin forum might be better before new advancements but of course I am looking at it as a person on coumadin and you know better as to how many people actually use the different areas. Other than that, I think it is a big improvement, Thanks.
Similar to Betty, I think that the Coumadin forum needs to be bumped up some. You have to scroll down (on my PC) quite a bit in order to see it and I think it's one of our more popular forums. Otherwise, it's a great idea. For the new people coming in to take a look, they most likely look at the Forums list and start reading from there. For myself, beging a seasoned member, I just click on New Posts and start reading.

Nice work Ross!
Is this any better? I have to keep Coumadin and QAS together, so recipes makes sense in this little grouping too, but no matter how I do it, Coumadin is about middle of the road.
I always scroll down to the bottom to see who has a birthday, who our newest member is, etc, and then scroll to the top to check new posts. Or am I missing the point again?
JimL said:
I always scroll down to the bottom to see who has a birthday, who our newest member is, etc, and then scroll to the top to check new posts. Or am I missing the point again?

I'm all over this thing as well. I couldn't miss anything if I tried. Nosy, I guess.

It looks good to me. Thanks for taking the time as I am sure it was a bit.
Looks good to me. I've got my display set at 1280 x 1024 pixels and "Coumadin" is the last thing that appears on my screen without scrolling down. That way a visitor will see that we are a Valve Replacement Forum first before they find (and they will) Small Talk.

I usually scroll down after I log on to see who's here now but when I first joined I usually didn't go further than the "Coumadin" Forum. As I got into this site and felt I had something to offer I started expanding and now you can't stop reading me :D :D :D .

Hank, I think this layout will best serve your original intent of I know it was a Godsend to me (and to others based on the readings) and would hate to think a mistype by one of our family might drive someone away before they "get to know us". To know us is to LOVE US :p :p :p . Keep it all in the Family :rolleyes: .

May God Continue to Bless this Site, its Members and Soon-to-Be Members,



You are great. :) :) :) BUT...I would think....Heart Talk..Then Pre-surgery..followed by Valve selection.....Coumadin...Qas...Post- surgery.....followed by Small talk Then..on down the list. :) .........Small talk brings in a lot of questions from Post-surgery members who ask questions NOT to their surgery..but, other health issues...Like the flu, ect.......friends who are wondering about Heart related things, ect.......Just my 2 cents... :D..don't change anything..It looks good now. :) Bonnie
Much better!

Much better!

This looks really good, Ross. Thanks for taking the time to make these improvements for us. I think they are in excellent order. Like Karlynn, I just pop in and hit New Posts at first, to get caught up. Then if I'm after something specific, I go looking through the particular forum I'm most curious about.

Great work! :D Marguerite
I need to say something here. Hank had nothing to do with the display order change, this is all my doing. Once again, what I thought might be an improvement has ticked off some people. Don't start on Hank about it. He had absolutely nothing to do with it. I've been thinking and a few have made suggestions that to me, sounded like what I've been thinking also, so I thought we'd give this a try. Honestly, I don't think Hank was very happy I did it either. I didn't realize that it was going to be so touchy to do. I guess I do too much thinking now a days, but was trying to think of ways it might improve the site overall for it's next step in growth.

If you hate the change, say so, but please tell me why.
If you like the change, say so, but please tell me why.

I'm only looking ahead and experimenting to see what will and won't work. It has nothing to do with the problems of recent. I've been thinking about this for over a month and just decided to do it without asking. (Shame on me!)

Well, I've said my piece, let the hail of fire and brimstone begin.
Ross said:
Once again, what I thought might be an improvement has ticked off some people.
You can't be serious. The order of threads in this forum has angered a few? Perhaps backing away from the computer once in a while and stepping outside for some fresh air would put a perspective on what is really important in life...
Ross, I agree with Les. As far as the order, it's great. You can't please everyone. It seems as logical as it can get to me. Of course, some prefer a certain order based on their personal preferences. I believe that your arrangement certainly takes into account the purpose of the forum and is considerate of seekers and new members. After a bit, we all learn to maneuver easily no matter what order it's in.

Somebody don't like it and gona take their ball and go home :p . All right people, get it together :mad: . Aren't we adults here (well except for Ross :) and maybe me :D )? Lets all get a life :rolleyes: . I think the new format of the "Forum" is the best solution we have come up with. True, I like "Small Talk" and now I have to work (my index finger may get a little sorer from all the spinning of the mouse wheel) some to get there. But I think the new "layout" of the "Forum" better meshes with Hank's original dream of this being a VALVE REPLACMENT FORUM. New people facing this dreaded surgery come here for the first time to receive help and guidance. They can start in "Heart Talk" (where Ross or Hank can move it to another Forum site if appropriate) and expose the biggest bomb that has ever been dropped in their lap. They need our help and guidance. They didn't come here primarily for "Recipes", "References" and even "New Advancements". They came here to help deal with the most devistating news they have ever faced.

And now some want to give Ross and Hank grief for trying to provide improvements to GROW UP!!!!!!!! I figured most of us had moved on from those days of "give me back my pencil", "she touched me", or "she's in my room". Well Ross, just send that "hail of fire and brimstone" down my way. I'll put my firesuit on and type on until the keys melt.

May God Bless You All (even those who disagree),

Rosseroo your work, devotion and time are very appreciated. Change is good. It's good that Small Talk is further down the list so newbies don't become overwhelmed with our "personalities" immediately.