During my 38 years in professional journalism, I have been a copy desk chief (managing and approving the work of a crew of copy editors), a layout artist, copy editor, reporter and writer. I now work in advertising. I learned years ago that all caps and even what we called Upstyle (Writing Like This, Like How Headlines Appear In The New York Times). Studies have proven that all caps and Upstyle are more difficult to read -- it's more difficult for the brain to "translate" what the eye sees. Liberal use of punctuation marks such as quotation marks -- unless needed, for example, for direct quotations or nicknames -- also slows down comprehension of written material. Certain punctuation marks stop the eye more than others.
When I get copy in all caps from customers, I refuse to accept it. It goes back to the customer to be retyped. In my line of advertising, we follow Associated Press style and lowercase many words that are sent in Upstyle.
That aside, an occasional word in all caps in e-mails or on a forum like this doesn't bother me -- it's either an acronym or used for emphasis. I ignore posts or e-mails in all caps.
When I get copy in all caps from customers, I refuse to accept it. It goes back to the customer to be retyped. In my line of advertising, we follow Associated Press style and lowercase many words that are sent in Upstyle.
That aside, an occasional word in all caps in e-mails or on a forum like this doesn't bother me -- it's either an acronym or used for emphasis. I ignore posts or e-mails in all caps.