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have been known to eat spinach

What's wrong with spinach? :)

I tried to make a thread or two in this section and it bombed. I think there's an age difference at play, and also the fact that we're on a cardiac support forum. In retrospect I feel kinda silly about making a thread about posting tattoos... but at least I got to show mine off. :D
This site IS invaluable, no question about it.
For some people, OHS can be a mind boogleing experience before and after surgery and
having a good chuckle or laugh lightens ones burden of questions - its good for the soul.
Sometimes we do have to lighten up, take a step back and breath.
Personally, I wouldn't make a comment (post) about politics, race or anything in between - "Hot Button" topics only result in anger, hurt feelings and removal from the forum. Its not worth it.

Well i agree with Freddie i think (LOL)
It is nice once in awile for that chuckle.

As a relative newbie to the forum and a non-American to boot I thought I would add my two cents worth. I frequent a lot of health-related forums and the only one that has never had an all-in brawl is the one where the messages are moderated. With the others religion and politics have always been the root of the infighting and there have been some pretty spectacular blow-ups.

And with regard to politics I have to say I personally found the recent thread on 'Home of the Free because of the Brave' a tad offensive but then again it was posted around the 4th July so you guys are allowed to be a little patriotic - but only for a day or so!

Much of the internet thrives on the controversial and sensational.

As a member of SEVERAL (OK, way too many) message boards and groups in general, I can attest to this.


Course, a few companies have managed to thrive on that, too.


Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"You've made a fool of everyone" ... Jet ... 'Look What You've Done'
Hot Button Topics..

Hot Button Topics..

I just had to laugh when I read this thread.... :D

As bizarre as it may seem... ?Hot Button? topics also include valve choice and warfarin. :eek:
I debated on responding once more with that very sentiment regarding valve choice and Coumadin. I know we recently had a few folks with their undies all wadded up over it, seems those topics always bring on a lively debate.

There should simply be another forum created call "lets argue" and we can put all the Hot Topics in there :)
I feel partly responsible for all this because the other day I chided Bonzo Dog a bit for a piece of satire he had posted. I meant it to be light-hearted but maybe I got carried away a bit. (Okay, Bonzo, more than a bit. :DI) I just want to make clear that I enjoy Bonzo's thoughts and believe he brings an interesting and valuable perspective, even when I don't completely share it. Hope he'll keep weighing in from across the pond; we "patriots" can jolly well take a little ribbing. :D

Having said that, I do believe we are better off steering clear of out-and-out political debate, I think funny stuff like the JibJab that Ross posted is fine, poking fun at both sides. But if we get into outright political wars, I think we will be distracted from the main mission of helping folks who come here worried about upcoming heart surgery.

Of course, I concur with all that's been said about the great job Ross does in trying to keep this funny farm from dissolving into anarchy. :eek::D
I debated on responding once more with that very sentiment regarding valve choice and Coumadin. I know we recently had a few folks with their undies all wadded up over it, seems those topics always bring on a lively debate.

There should simply be another forum created call "lets argue" and we can put all the Hot Topics in there :)

Like I said before, you folks can argue until your blue in the face, we don't care. What we do care about is that it's done in a respectful adult manor and not break down into insulting and flaming one another. Hank nor I want to see or hear anymore of it. I've got tons and tons of posts that have done just that. Some seem hell bent on causing trouble and for those folks, infraction points will be given and eventually they'll be shown the door.
F'r example...

F'r example...

That being said I do not see how political discussions fit in?.not saying they don?t I just don?t see it?.

We could start with the fact that, almost by definition, everyone on this site is medically uninsurable or is the spouse, partner, friend or relative of someone who's medically uninsurable. That there is such a thing as "medically uninsurable" in the richest country in the world is a consequence of public policy decisions.

Not saying we have to go there - just pointing out the relevance of what we call "politics."

I sound like Rodney King

I sound like Rodney King

On the face of it, having a forum on "hot topics" sounded like a good idea to me. But, after thinking about it I realized that all topics are "hot" to many of us at one time or another. I'm not sure we want to invite discourd.

I have also noticed that the "hot" topics just seem to pop-up and they seem to be in all of the forums. And, I have noticed that people ( very much including yours truly) can get exercised about some things that just plain don't phaze other folks.

Frankly, looking back, I don't see that the people who started posts that wound up being arguments had that as their intention. In normal discourse, problems can arise beacuse of misconceptions.

At the risk of being called "goodie two- shoes," I think that part of the answer rests in being kinder and more tolerant with those whom we disagree.

Who was that who said, "...a kinder and more gentler nation?" Oops, is that politics, or was in Blanche? :rolleyes:

The word "uninsurability" is certainly a hot button for me. I've always worked and never been uninsured, at least since I was old enough to know better. I've made job choices based on the fact that I or my husband have to work for a company with group coverage in order for me to be insured. I work for United HealthCare and negotiate hospital contracts for commercial insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP (the state program for children). So yes, if you start me on that road, it could get ugly!
We could start with the fact that, almost by definition, everyone on this site is medically uninsurable or is the spouse, partner, friend or relative of someone who's medically uninsurable. That there is such a thing as "medically uninsurable" in the richest country in the world is a consequence of public policy decisions.

Not 'everyone' on this site is medically uninsurable - there are many people from other countries not just the US ;) No-one in Australia is medically uninsurable - private health insurance is open to everyone. We have a 12 month exclusion period for claims on pre-existing conditions but you can join and have a dozen serious medical conditions and be covered. What happens to those of you who are 'medically uninsurable' - who looks after you?
for some years I was uninsured - not uninsurable - couldn't afford the cost of coverage. I paid my own medical bills and prayed very hard that I would not get sick...........
I think that part of the answer rests in being kinder and more tolerant with those whom we disagree.


This sums it up for me. It's certainly I should have headed at this when I pounded out a "response." This statement, for me, would seemingly apply to responses to others' posts. I believe it can apply to those initiating threads/posts; is what I'm saying respectful of my audience? Just my opinion/observation.

The more things change... the more they stay the same

The more things change... the more they stay the same

Infraction points... Wow... there?s a controversy just waiting to happen.

Running people off is not going to solve the problem. The people ?getting their panties in a bunch? need to be a little more open minded and a little less defensive.

And a fight room sounds great in theory... but the arguments start in innocent threads. This thread is a great example......

Suppose I chose to answer Geebee :eek: ... maybe simply suggest she take a deep breath and re-read the thread. :rolleyes: Or point out to njean that the thread next to the one we?re talking about - is HER thread complaining about coumadin. :confused:

The thread would take a turn for the worse, I am sure.. And I?m just as sure you would blame me. :rolleyes:

The more things change... the more they stay the same. :p:p
Suppose I chose to answer Geebee :eek: ... maybe simply suggest she take a deep breath and re-read the thread. :rolleyes: Or point out to njean that the thread next to the one we?re talking about - is HER thread complaining about coumadin. :confused:

The thread would take a turn for the worse, I am sure.. And I?m just as sure you would blame me. :rolleyes:

Offering hypothetical responses is just a somewhat clever way to respond with out actually responding. It's kind of like being a little bit pregnant. So we'll have to see if someone hypothetically responds to your hypothetical response to Geebee and njean. :)
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