Lisa in Katy
I'm also a Golden. My son did it after I did, with some different questions, and he is often a Golden. Unfortunately, he has all my laziest qualities, so we probably would be the same kind of dog!
PJmomrunner said:I'm a beagle! One of my best friends had a beagle for years (until she died last November) no wonder we get along so well!
doyo said:Both my wife and I were golden-retriever.
Laid-back, that's me!
Then I tried the second time and I am a Great Dane
Let's see if I've got this straight, Bob. You've either reached that state of Karma where you're mistaken for your dog (according to the quiz-- ), or you're a MUTT?RobHol said:Well, I just took it again, with several questions that were new, and now I am a Golden Retriever. Was a Norwich Terrier the first time. So either I am a mutt, or I am finally becoming as good as my dog.