Forget mechanical, tissue, Ross--what breed ARE you?

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I'm also a Golden. My son did it after I did, with some different questions, and he is often a Golden. Unfortunately, he has all my laziest qualities, so we probably would be the same kind of dog!
PJmomrunner said:
I'm a beagle! One of my best friends had a beagle for years (until she died last November) no wonder we get along so well!

I am sorry to hear about your friend.

everybody I sent it to was a Golden Retriever. I am a Great Dane. Lo and behold my daughter came home and took the test and guess what? I don't feel lonely anymore - she, too, is a Great Dane. Must be the genes. friend who had the beagle is a great dane.

The husband is adamant that we have no dogs and he travels a lot so the kids and I have always joked that maybe we could get a maltese or a jack russell terrier and pass it off as another cat. (We've got three cats already.) Do you think we could slip a great dane by?
doyo said:
Both my wife and I were golden-retriever.
Laid-back, that's me!

Then I tried the second time and I am a Great Dane :confused:


I think if you're told a golden retriever once AND a Great Dane the second, then we should call you a MUTT! ;) (Tobagotwo too!):p :p :D :D
Well, I just took it again, with several questions that were new, and now I am a Golden Retriever. Was a Norwich Terrier the first time. So either I am a mutt, or I am finally becoming as good as my dog. :D
RobHol said:
Well, I just took it again, with several questions that were new, and now I am a Golden Retriever. Was a Norwich Terrier the first time. So either I am a mutt, or I am finally becoming as good as my dog. :D
Let's see if I've got this straight, Bob. You've either reached that state of Karma where you're mistaken for your dog (according to the quiz--:p ), or you're a MUTT? :eek:

Well, I'm not EVEN going to say anything else, because I like you TOO much!:)
Besides, Gadget is apt to wander through and I'm sure he'd say something funnier than anything I could think of!;) :D :p
I'm a Golden Retriever.

My computer geek/computer science grad student nephew has one named -- what else? -- Megabyte, Meg for short.

Quite frankly, I'd rather be a Heinz 57 -- a little bit of this, little bit of that.