for women - uterin ablation question

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hello to all, i realize it's been awhile since i've posted.. still read, just haven't posted lately.. i have a question regarding uterin ablation.. as a woman on coumadin, i'm sure i'm not alone in my nitemare cycles.. at first birth control was helping to control the monthly hemmoraging, then that began to wear off, so then we went with the 3 month pill, which was fine until my quarterly cycle.. once again, hemmoraging.. so now i've been on the pill continuously since january and i've been feeling like a constant dripping faucet since february.. my OB said in april that this is normal as my body adjusts. she mentioned that since the pill raises my BP (i take meds for and want to get off of) we might consider uterin ablation.. i'm ready just to yank it out and be done with it.. but she believes the ablation is the way to go.. I have another consult with her in 3 weeks to discuss this in more detail.. my question is this: has anyone had this procedure? if so, successfull? has your periods stopped, or at the very least very minimal? is it permnament? i'm just so frustrated with this constant dripping/trickling cycle it's driving me crazy.. any advise would be greatly appreciated..

Is this just about the same as a D&C (scraping the lining of the uterus)? Sounds like it might be. I believe ablations may have something to do with a knife, don't they? Why are you hemmorhaging? Does the dr know? It must be awful to have it all the time. D & C isn't a bad procedure so it might not hurt to try it before you go through the whole nine yards. Maybe do that as a last resort?

Good to see you. We missed you.
Actually, my gyn has discussed this with me, and the one she's recommending does not use a knife or any sort of sharp object. This method involves a balloon of sorts being "inflated" in your uterus and then hot water being forced up in there which effectively cauterizes the lining and minimizes monthly blood flow. I haven't done it yet, Christine, but am truly considering it for the exact reasons you've mentioned.
Hi Christine,

I have been battling the same issues. The ablation was offered. After some long thought. Decided not to go ahead with it.

Reasons. #1 hospital stay will be just as lengthy as a general surgery as you will need to be on Heparin. I have a hard time giving in to that for an elective proceedure. #2 opening up to infection.

They may as well schedule the hysterectomy. As my age progresses. My MD may feel better as offering that option. I have been taking RX iron to compensate for the iron/blood loss. It's really mild on the stomach. Gel cap, Chromagen.
Hi, Gina,
Hey, what is the reason for switching to heparin? My doc didn't think it necessary, but we haven't really gotten past the discussing stage. Just curious.

Hey, did you get that pic of your daughter that I sent to you?
thanks for the info.. as far as staying in the hospital - the ablation is done in the drs office as same day procedure.. we haven't discussed it in detail, but if I do need to come off coumadin i'm assuming i would be given shots to take at home several days prior to the procedure - I had to do that prior to a colonoscopy i was to have done but ended up in the ER the day before due to a reaction to having a iron infusion.. so I didn't have it done.. oh happy days! what really helps me is having a female ob/gyn who has patients of child bearing years on coumadin... most docs just think i'm nuts or that it's something other than the coumadin that's making me hemorage.. thanks again for your imput..
Hi Christine...I am 28, on comadin and had the urine ablation November glad I did it. I was in the hospital for 3 days and put on the heparin drip and powerful antibiotics. I only soak up two panty liners during my time of the month now instead of bleeding heavily like I was before the procedure and no more pms symptoms. I would highly recommend it....I was uncomfortable for about a week but after and I even had to stop taking iron pills because I am not anemic anymore!!! :D
I know what you all mean about the extremely heavy cycles. I have talked with my gyn about this as well and he mentioned to me about cauterizing something. I believe it must be what Sherry has mentioned in the above reply. I have been considering having this done but I like others am in no hurry to have an elective surgery. I just had an episode this month where I was at an art opening and I spent most of my time in the ladies room. On the way home I bled right through my clothes. It was extremely heavy. Passing quite a few large clots. My gyn knows about this and says that it is quite common for women who are on coumadin. It just comes down to how long I can stand to deal with it. My only options are the cauterizing and a hysterectomy; at least that is all that has been discussed with me. I'll be curious to hear what other women have to say on this subject.

Take Care Everyone!
Hi, All. So glad to hear one of our members, Fay, has done this successfully. I may revisit this with my gyn in a few months. My problem is being a teacher and having to run to the restroom between each class. With certain classes, I really need to be close enough to my classroom to monitor what's going on, and going to the restroom seven times per day is counterproductive to that. This has been a helpful thread, and I will continue monitoring it. Thanks for starting it, Christine.
This week I went to see Menopause The Musical. It was 90 minutes of non stop laughing. If it comes to your town go and see it.
Many years ago I was put on the pill for break through bleeding. A few years ago I went off the pill because of age and hp. After a year I was having heavy bleeding. My doctor said I could live with it or go back on the pill or have ablation. I think my doctor said that ablation would stop by period for about 3 months and it sounded painful so I?m back on the pill.

What is the source of your problem?

I was on the BC pill on and off from when I married (first marriage) at age 20 until I had my hysterectomy @ 34.
I began having problems in my late 20s/early 30s -- very heavy periods, then later 2-3 periods a month. At 34, I was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia, which my OB/GYN said was a precancerous condition. My OB/GYN tried a different BC pill, then hormones, then a D&C. He never mentioned any uterine ablation.
Immediately after the D&C, I had repeated periods again and was told it was time for a hysterectomy. As it turned out, I also had endometriosis everywhere.
When my original OB/GYN said I needed surgery, I wanted a 2nd opinion. The first doctor wanted to also take out my appendix; the 2nd doctor said he did not ever do appendectomies because that falls under the realm of general surgery not OB/GYN and if something went wrong, I could sue him for malpractice. Plus, he said, 34YO women did not usually run the risk of having appendicitis. In other words, it was an easy way for Doc #1 to make some extra $$$. I switched to Doc #2.

This was years before I had my MVR and went on warfarin.
basically i'm healthy in that area except that i'm 38 (older women start to have heavier periods I was told) and on coumadin.. the two don't just mix well. my problem with the pill is i'm fine when i'm on it.. then when I take that week off I usually start on the 4th day, by day 7 of no pills my body gets into the mindset of great no BC, and I start to hemmorage for 3 or 4 more days.. it usually takes about 3 days of BC (next pill pack) to stop the bleeding. so we went to the 3 month pill.. fine for 3 months, but then hell during that time off the pilll.. so now i'm on the pill continuously, and I describe it as being a constant dripping faucet.. my OB says it's normal as my body adjusts for the 1st several months.. i'm just plain tired of it all.. but before we go the route of the hysterectomy, we're playing out all other options.. uterin ablation is my next step.. it basically destroys the lining - my question is it permnament.. if not, then why bother.. i have a dr appt in 3 weeks to discuss.. thanks for the imput and concern..
At 46, my periods have been heavier in the last year. I have 2 days of "Don't stand between me and the bathroom or you'll get run over." to next to nothing for another 3 or 4 days. I'm chaulking this up to The Change. Before that, I never had an issue with Coumadin and my periods.

I'm kind of with Gina M on this. If I have to go on heparin, antibiotics and spend time in the hospital, I'd just as soon have them take it out. With newer procedures that either do it by laporascope or through the vagina, it's no longer a major assault on your abdominal wall muscles.
Just had an appt. w/ my new gyno. He also recommended uterin ablation and did not think I would need to go off Coumadin in order to have it done. He would have me use antibiotics. First I'm having a uterin ultrasound done to make sure my issue isn't fibroids or polyps. If those have to be removed than I would need to do a bridging therapy but from what I gathered I could still have the ablation done. (And this doctor, my first visit to him, passed muster by mentioning bridging therapy before I even questioned him about it.)

Of course I will run this all past my cardio before doing anything. But this gyno said that at 46 I have probably 6 or 7 more years of heavy periods before they stop. He said that birth control could be a way to control it, but that it didn't mix well with Coumadin and some women have hard time regulating their INR. He said uterin ablations have significantly decreased the number of hysterectomies being done.

So had anyone had this done since this thread was started? Or has anyone heard any more info?
Hi Everyone!
I am visiting my gyn next week to discuss utine ablation. I just can't put up with this clotting and extremely heavy bleeding. It is effecting my way of life too much.
I was also wondering if you would have to go off coumadin for this procedure. My gyn had mentioned to me about using bridge therapy but it doesn't sound like there is much if any bleeding involved. I would think you would have to take antibiotics to ward off infection. I also want to ask about how permanant it is. You ladies have given me many questions to ask. I will definitely let you know what I find out next week.

Take Care!
I'm with you both on this. Mine have become unbearable. I have my yearly the second week of October and will address it with her after I hear from you two.
I have not been able to find out anything about uterine ablation and the warfarin user on the net. This is my biggest issue. If I can stay on Coumadin and have the procedure done in the office or as an outpatient, then I'll most likely get it done. If it means a hospital stay, I'm not quite to the point where I absolutely can't stand it anymore.

I just noticed this is on the Small Talk forum. Maybe I'll post something on Anticoagulation and see if Al has any knowledge.

I am also planning on giving my card a call to get her impressions, or to have her do a little fact finding with the Gynecology dept. at Northwestern Memorial.
Here is what I found out today!

Here is what I found out today!

Hi Ladies!
I've seen my gyn today about having an ablation done. He told me that they would most likely do the hot water procedure for me. He also told me it is something they can probably do in the office. They will know in about two weeks if they will have the equipment or not. Next week they are going to do a certain type of ultrasound where they insert a catheter into the cervix to make sure there is nothing else causing the heavy bleeding. They always have to check that out before they do the ablation. For the ultrasound he is going to put me on antibiotics the day before and keep me on them until the day after the ultrasound. He said there really shouldn't be a chance of bleeding so they are not going to hold coumadin. No reason too. He said if there were any bleeding it would be slight like when you go to the dentist for a cleaning. That is why he is doing the antibiotic, just to be on the safe side. He also said there really isn't a chance for major bleeding with the ablation but the reason they put you on bridging therapy (I would give myself lovenox injections) is because they have to clamp and pull aside the cervix and that may cause bleeding. It is just to be cautious. I will also be on antibiotics for the ablation. All in all he said the ablation would only take about 20 minutes. If they are unable to do the ablation in the office it will be done in the hospital but I will be in and out the same day. He also told me that the ablation should be permanent. He is hoping to stop my periods all together or at least have them become much lighter. He would consider that a success. He told me there were other options such as hot water balloons, freezing, laser etc....He feels in my case that the direct hot water would work best. They would give me something to numb me before the procedure. He also told me that he felt that the laser ablation was not a very dependable way to have an ablation done.
I hope this information is helpful to you ladies. If I forgot to cover something let me know. I want to make sure I cover all issues before I have this done. I couldn't believe he was getting me in so quickly for the ultrasound. I think he understands that I have a short window of time where I don't bleed at all. He is a wonderful doctor and I trust him completely. He is being very cautious with me and considering my past medical history. He doesn't want to take any chances. It sounds like this may really work for me. I'll let you ladies know how everything progresses.

Take Care!
I'm also having a uterine ultrasound next week to check for anything that might be causing heavy bleeding. They put the catheter in to fill the uterus with a saline solution in order to get clear pictures. I'm premedicating for it just as I would the dentist. I'm also considering the ablation. I'm glad you were able to get some detailed info from you gyno.
I had this done 2 years ago it was the best thing ever..reduced the loss by probably 98% for me after suffering years of it increasing, I now only get a little spotting...
i didnt have any other stuff like heart-worries back then though...well not as urgent as they are now...but i highly reccommend the ablation if it is suitable for you...