Well, I am still ticking and the aneurysm is stable. I had a angio cat scan and all looks well. No growth of the aneurysm and everything is good. Still have transient pains that seem to be related to my acid-reflux. A good burp sends them away. I am doing a much better job of laying low. Tomorrow I go in for pre-op (a week early!) but I am so ready. I have been staying off the posts for the most part lately but I have been here watching and reading. I am so glad everyone seems to be doing well.
I have a bit of a wierd question and it is for the hairy guys that have one of those God given sweaters like I do. I guess any of the ladies can answer as well, but if you are speaking from experience, that would be really sad (haha). Did any of you shave yourself or do laser or anything like that. I can imagine the itching from being dry shaved by the nurse would be almost as miserable as the pain after a week or so.
Any suggestions?
One other question I would like to bring my ipod and keep it with me to the last moment. Do you think I can keep it until I go into the operating room? Or should I give it to the wife when I am wheeled away from her? I wouldn't want to lose it, but I get much comfort from worship music.
I am making a list of things to bring and got much off of the post that Deenabobeno started awhile ago. I alos have printed up maps and where to park for friends. Cedars is in Beverly Hills and it can cost $10. to park and visit if you don't park in the right place. What a scam the whole parking lot thing is. Oh well any other suggestions as I am in the batters box as of tomorrow.
One last thing I have some friends flying in on Fri. to pray with us and just hang out (what great friends, 12 hrs of flying to spend one full day and a couple of nights with us) but after they leave (Sun.) I am going to seclude myself mostly to home the last couple of days since I don't want to run the risk of a cold or something impeding my going in. Is that being overly cautious? Any suggestions?
I have a bit of a wierd question and it is for the hairy guys that have one of those God given sweaters like I do. I guess any of the ladies can answer as well, but if you are speaking from experience, that would be really sad (haha). Did any of you shave yourself or do laser or anything like that. I can imagine the itching from being dry shaved by the nurse would be almost as miserable as the pain after a week or so.
One other question I would like to bring my ipod and keep it with me to the last moment. Do you think I can keep it until I go into the operating room? Or should I give it to the wife when I am wheeled away from her? I wouldn't want to lose it, but I get much comfort from worship music.
I am making a list of things to bring and got much off of the post that Deenabobeno started awhile ago. I alos have printed up maps and where to park for friends. Cedars is in Beverly Hills and it can cost $10. to park and visit if you don't park in the right place. What a scam the whole parking lot thing is. Oh well any other suggestions as I am in the batters box as of tomorrow.
One last thing I have some friends flying in on Fri. to pray with us and just hang out (what great friends, 12 hrs of flying to spend one full day and a couple of nights with us) but after they leave (Sun.) I am going to seclude myself mostly to home the last couple of days since I don't want to run the risk of a cold or something impeding my going in. Is that being overly cautious? Any suggestions?