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Today's update

Today's update

16 July 01, 2006 at 07:22 PM EDT
We have been moved to the floor. Eric now has a big bet that Mommy or Daddy can get in with him. He thinks that is wonderful. Things are going well and he's fairly happy. We are having some poo-poo trouble as that part of the system gets moving again. We hope all will be going well there soon - haha. On another note, we do believe that along with his geographic tounge being flared up, he also has thrush, so that may be another reason that he's not wanting to eat very much and complains about the taste of food. Time will tell as we start the nystantin (sp??) to clear it up. Other than that the chest tube in his right side is still draining, the left lung still has some clearing up to do. So the orders are get him up and moving around some and get that lung to wake up a bit and start functioning bettter.

Well, that's about it for now. You guys take care and I'll check in later. Have a great evening.

Love Karen, Chris , Tori and Eric

15 July 01, 2006 at 01:26 PM EDT
Well, things must be going pretty well. They are telling us to clean up and pack up our things -- we're moving to the floor. They have removed his central line as well, so they are just waiting on a room for us. We have expressed the huge desire to be in a private room, but you know how that goes -- only if it's available. I just worry that he might catch something -- What Karen worry!!! no way! hahaha Well, anyway, I guess I had better start packing - even though shortly in hospital time may be 10:00 tonight - you gotta be ready. Take care and I'll let you know where we end up.

14 July 01, 2006 at 09:36 AM EDT
Just a quick update for the morning. Little E no no longer has the center chest tube. They pulled it around 9:00 this morning. I held his hand and we watched Mickey Mouse Club on Playhouse Disney while they took it out. They also took out the pacing wires as well while they were there. So at last count the only medical things he has in right are the central line, IV port on the right hand, the right side chest tube, his O2 is still running, and his heart monitors. I think that's everything. So I guess we're just going to try to take it easy for now and make sure he adjusts well to the changes. Take care and I'll be back later. Karen
Oh wow...this is certainly great news about little Eric....

this little fella is one brave boy...

I know you will all have a good night tonight ...

prayers continue for an easy-peasy recovery from here on out
It's humbling to read all about the trials this young lad has had to go through. It breaks my heart for ANY kids to have to suffer with illnesses and operations, etc. We adults have a way of complaining ... but then to hear what Eric has gone through -- whew. God bless him, and I sure hope he is fully on his way to GREAT HEALTH.

I'll say this much - for critical care, he's in the right hospital. None better than UVA.


Well, we are headed back to the PICU for another chest tube. Since the one on the right came out - on accident - they are of the conclusion that fluid is starting to reaccumulate a little, so it's best to go ahead and get it out. So we are supposed to be headed over this afternoon around 5:30 if all goes as scheduled to have another chest tube put in. After that we have probably at least 2 - 3 days of draining and seeing what happens. He's on fairly high doses of Lasix and Aldactone, so with that and the tube they are hoping the he heals up fairly quickly.

Hope everyone else is doing well and take care all -- Karen
Thanks for keeping us posted. Eric and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, Karen.............

Oh, Karen.............

I posted you a note on your carepage, but I will reiterate how sorry I am for this latest bump in your road to recovery. The same thing happened last year to a little girl when we were in Michigan..........only they pulled her tubes. Exit x-ray showed an accumulation of fluid, so they had to reinsert one chest tube as well. The good news is that Evan only drained for an additional 48 hours and then they went "H" (ome!) I so hope that Eric's bump goes the same way. Many hugs and prayers. Janet and Katie
Janet's message is encouraging so I hope Eric's chest tube drains quickly and completely and he's on his way home. :) :)
praying that things have improved and Eric is well on his way home!!
keep us posted.
Eric is Home!!!!

Eric is Home!!!!

Update from Eric's carepage

25 July 11, 2006 at 12:08 AM EDT
HI Guys! Sorry so long since the last update, but the past two days have been a whirlwind. We were discharged!! YEAH!! However, we didn't get out until around 5:30 in the afternoon -- between all the paperwork, packing, and the fact we waited on medicine we were very busy. Then we left in time to go to the Ronald McDonald house get cleaned up and then went to get some dinner. By the time we got back it was time to put little E to bed. Also, they have the computer shut down so I couldn't update then. Then we got up this morning, cleaned the room, showered, packed the car and finally got on the road. When we got home Little E had just fallen asleeep in the car, so I felt so compelled to sit and hold him while he slept. Imagine that -- Mommy just sitting and cuddling her boy. Then we had the return of Sissy! She was so happy to be home and see her brother!!!!!! Then it was down to business -- someone had to make a med run and a run to get some basics - bread, milk, something for dinner, yada yada, yada....... So Tori and I went on a med and Wal-mart run -- that took us 2 hours. HHMMMMM Us - 2 hours - Wal-mart -- that says it all. Then we came home, cooked dinner and had family game night. We also had visitors of Nana, Didi, Cat, and her cuz Samantha. We played games til 11:00 -- we had such fun. Eric even joined in with us -- sitting on mommy's lap and rolling dice while we played yatzee. So, now that everyone's in bed -- I finally got to update. YEAH!!!! We have cardiology follow-ups next week and I need to make the peditrician one as well. So, I'll let you know what happens with those.

Thanks again to everyone for your support and prayers. It's meant sooooooo much to us. More than you will ever know. Take care and I'll post some more pics. later.

Take care everyone,
So happy to hear things may be settling down for all of you. Glad you are finally home and may be able to enjoy the rest of the summer.

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