Food Prep and Vit. K Levels???

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
As part of my ?lifestyle change? I have been trying to snack on different raw veggies.:eek: Being the conscientious little mechanical valve recipient that I am I checked them for Vit. K levels. I usually use the link to I have noticed that many, if not all seem to have a different level of Vit. K depending on how they are prepared. For example, carrot juice is rated high, frozen/canned/boiled/micro-waved carrots are medium and raw baby carrots are low. It would seem to me that raw veggies would be higher and that cooking would break down the Vit. K. What gives? Is this true with all foods?

Inquiring minds want to know.:)
I don't know and honestly, I gave up even giving a damn. You'll drive yourself insane trying to cook like that.
It's true, it's true......chimps are smart!
Last year I stumbled onto a super detailed list of Vitamin K content in foods. I believe it was one of those Canada Food Guide sites, but I can look it up. I was really surprised at how different the amounts of vit.K are depending on food storage and preparation.
Basically, fresh raw foods provide lower levels of "absorbed" vit.K meaning that our bodies have a harder time to absorb/ process the raw product.
Once a food has been boiled the structure is changed and the vit.K is easier to digest and absorb in our bodies.
The largest variation is between raw and boiled foods.
Freezing and canning will show smaller differences.
I'm not a chemist:) , this is just the reasoning that I learned from an article.
At the time I was a newbie and thought I may need all this info; nope, no need.
Munch on all the raw stuff you want.
Thanks for the information. I am not stressing or worried about it in the least.....I eat anything and everthing:D I just noticed the diff and thought it backbuttwards.:p
Well ok then. I'm simply saying don't get youir head to involved into the K thing. Honestly, at first, I tried to use it to cook with and my INR was all over the place. Stopped worrying about it altogether and just cooked what I wanted and it all fell into place.
Vitamin K??? Whats vitamin K???;)

It's been years since I gave a 2nd thought to what foods have what amount of K. The only thing I pay attention to is the protein source for energy/diet bars and drinks, if I'm going to start using them regularly.
USDA Nutrient Database

USDA Nutrient Database

Here is a database I used to sort for vitamin K. The database sorts food for every type of nutrient content and would be very useful for anyone needing detailed information.
I looked thru this but also found that the items vitamin K content varies depending on how it is prepared. I just decided looked at the highest 3 items and forgot about the rest.

So, my vitamin K watchdog plan is to not eat a bucket load of kale, collards or spinach :rolleyes:.
This plan has worked great for me so far as I don't even like those.

Now where the hell did I put the salad dressing :confused:
Isis said:
So, my vitamin K watchdog plan is to not eat a bucket load of kale, collards or spinach :rolleyes:.
This plan has worked great for me so far as I don't even like those.

You're missing some of the finest things in life -- greens and spinach! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good!
I just bought a big bag of Brussel Sprouts today! Thinking of you Ross!!!
So, I was all ready for my green feast.....yesterday I tested my INR and I was at 3.6
And what does hubby ask me? Would you like some carrots. CARROTS?????
I asked him what happened to the brussel sprouts, he replied that he had finished them off 2 nights ago.
OK, fine, I said lets have some broccoli. Then he says that he forgot to buy some:eek: At this point I thought I may choke I sit with a perfectly good 3.6 waiting for something very green and I got stuck with CARROTS.:mad: Karlynn, pls pass me some sprouts!
What the ???? are collards and kale?...I thought was pretty well informed when it comes to vegies but we do not have anything called by those names here....a picture would be helpful, maybe we call them somethingelse in Aus. :D
aussigal said:
What the ???? are collards and kale?...I thought was pretty well informed when it comes to vegies but we do not have anything called by those names here....a picture would be helpful, maybe we call them somethingelse in Aus. :D
Kale almost looks like a longer type of cabbage leaf. It has quite tough ribs and is thick.
I don't like it much, but my Greek tortoise loves it.
aussigal said:
What the ???? are collards and kale?...I thought was pretty well informed when it comes to vegies but we do not have anything called by those names here....a picture would be helpful, maybe we call them somethingelse in Aus. :D

Kale is similar to spinach in taste - but has a stronger taste - I'm not crazy about it.
Karlynn said:
I just bought a big bag of Brussel Sprouts today! Thinking of you Ross!!!

Had a book once with a recipe for steamed brussel sprouts leaves sauteed with butter, grown sugar and chopped cranberries. Think it was in a "Spirit of Christmas" book by Leisure Arts. Loaned it to a co-worker, who failed to return it before she moved to South Texas. :mad:
I made the dish several Christmases ago, and it was really good. Unique blend of flavors.
Only brussel sprouts lovers would appreciate it......
I've been trying to find a recplacement book by visiting used bookstores. One of these days, I will, and I'm gonna buy a bag of brussel sprouts and some cranberries!
catwoman said:
Had a book once with a recipe for steamed brussel sprouts leaves sauteed with butter, grown sugar and chopped cranberries.

I like this recipe, except I make it without the steamed brussel sprout leaves .....yum :)
I would guess that the reason the juice is the worst is because it's more concentrated. I remember from my dieting days that juices were to be avoided because of the amount of sugar (as much as 5-6 of the actual fruit/veggie) and lack of roughage. It was much better to eat an orange, apple, tomato, or carrot.

I like Spinach if it has something mixed with it, especially in spinach dip or Boston Market's creamed spinach. I would guess with the spinach and mayo, the Vitamin K is ridiculous, but that's not something I think about. I just eat what I want, test every couple of months, and hardly ever adjust.
catwoman said:
Had a book once with a recipe for steamed brussel sprouts leaves sauteed with butter, grown sugar and chopped cranberries. Think it was in a "Spirit of Christmas" book by Leisure Arts. Loaned it to a co-worker, who failed to return it before she moved to South Texas. :mad:
I made the dish several Christmases ago, and it was really good. Unique blend of flavors.
Only brussel sprouts lovers would appreciate it......
I've been trying to find a recplacement book by visiting used bookstores. One of these days, I will, and I'm gonna buy a bag of brussel sprouts and some cranberries!

Marsha, you mentioned this before and I thought it sounded good, so one of my nights of no sleep I searched all over the internet for the recipe for you, but never found it :(

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