Folks We Nearly Messed Up!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Today is Kodiaks surgery and not one of us said a word about it. I don't like to leave any member go into surgery without them knowing that we do care, pray, and wish the best possible outcomes possible.

This may be late, but I'm doing my part on this end. I do hope someone can post and let us know how you are when it's over. :(

You are in my thoughts and prayers today. I will be watching for word on how you are doing.

I'm sorrry I didn't give you any kind of send-off. I'll have to pray extra hard for you all week!
We need to elect officers to keep us in line when we mess up.

Kodiak - you are being prayed for at this very moment. Praying for a very successful and speedy surgery today. We will be waiting to hear how you are doing.GODSPEED!!
Has he posted since April 7th? Said he could have 2 day span 5/21 5/22nd.Due to Dr. Cosgrove's heavy schedule..Kodi,,Are you there? Bonnie
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes for a quick, uneventful recovery.
Kathy H
There was no post, but..........

Last Activity: 10 Hours Ago 11:33 PM

Someone was looking to see if we remembered. :(

I guess the old saw about the squeaky wheel getting greased holds true here, too. I'm sorry I didn't check the calendar for a couple of days. If your sugery date stayed on, my prayers and thoughts are with you right now as you're climbing the mountain.

Please check in when you can and let us know how you're doing.

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time!! Please have someone let us know how you are doing. Sorry that we 'messed' up!! :( Here's to a very speedy recovery!! ;)

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. I've not crossed that mountain as yet. My surgery has been delayed until may 27th because Dr. Cosgrove has to fly oversea to perform surgery or at least that is what they told me. However, they assured me that this date is final. I have been on this forum reading different posts and suddenly see this post and was so moved to see that all you guys had me in your thoughts and prayers.
I was planning to post a couple days before my surgery to let everybody know. Well you know. I have booked hotel near cleveland clinic for wednesday and the surgery is on thursday. Looking at my TEE results, Dr. Cosgrove thinks that repair is not feasible but I am praying that once he opens me up, he changes his mind and can micraculously perform the repair. In the likely event that repair is not possible, I have pretty much decided on CE bovine valve that he strongly recommends. This will be a MI (minimally invasive) surgery and I hope I dont any complication but I am preparing myself for any eventuality. I will give you a complete update on my condition soon as I get a chance.
Again thanks a lot for your prayers and thoughts and I will surely need them next thursday when I will be on my way crossing that mountain. You guys are wonderful.


I'm glad we didn't miss your date and you were able to see that we are all thinking of you!! Our prayers will still be with you during this time of waiting and also next week for your surgery. We will be anxiously awaiting news after your surgery!!

Hi Sam,

getting bumped so close to your date is probably very dissapointing. Waiting is the most difficult part. You seem to have everything under hand, that is important.
My personal (non proffesional) opinion is, do not push to hard for a repair. If it works out well, it is the best solution. But if it becomes a battle to pull together some half-baken repair, the risks of returning to theatre become too high. Then I would be happier with a secured replacement. Thats what I got and I feel at much more comfort with the results.

We will be thinking of you on June 2nd. You can tell your surgeon there are hundreds of us out here waiting for you to come back so he better do his best job...


I'm sorry you are still waiting and know this time can really drag. Anyway, the promise of extra prayers this week and next week holds true.

I've learned that rheumatic valves are the ones most often unrepairable. It has to have something about the disease process itself. I also had minimally invasive (heartport entry) to replace my mitral valve. My moderately leaking aortic valve was left untouched. Do you know if they are going to do anything to your aortic valve?
Best Wishes

Best Wishes

My stomach dropped when I read the post that we slipped up, so I'm a little relieved to hear about the rescheduling so I could have a chance along with the others to wish you the best of luck. Have some hope, they told me a repair was out of the question, but once they opened me up they realized a repair was able to be done. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. You are in my prayers.
Dawnwit15 ;)
Sam's surgery (Kodiak)

Sam's surgery (Kodiak)

MAY 27th May 27th...Got it..and I will try to remember to bid you good luck on Tuesday..before you leave.. :) :) .Bonnie
Best wishes

Best wishes

good luck, you are in my prayers. Relax (yeah right), or do something that would relax you more than anything so you can at least make that effort, I thought it helped. Will look forward to hearing your wonderful news when all is done.
Leighanne, PVR with bovine pericardial, TV ring, MAZE May 11, 04 Childrens Boston.

Dr. Cosgrove is worth waiting for. He is a brilliant surgeon. He did my surgery and repaired my mitral valve - told (my cardiologist) before the surgery on seeing my TEE that he was 95% sure he could repair it.

However, there are many instances where they get in there and find they cannot repair the valve or they can when they said they couldn't! I hope the latter will be the case with you, but the bovine valve is a good choice and that is what I told Cosgrove seconds before they put me out - that I wanted the bovine tissue valve if he couldn't repair my mitral valve.

Dr. Cosgrove was out of the country right before my surgery (it was postponed one day) and the next day after my surgery, he was out of the country again!! He is one busy man, but his eyes were twinkling and he seemed very "present" when I met him in the minutes before my surgery. He has a gift from God and we are the lucky recipients of that gift.

We will all be praying for you and are sending healing thoughts!! Cleveland will take VERY good care of you. Have someone post for you after surgery!

Christina L.
You'll have lots of help up and over that mountain from all of us. Enjoy these extra days prior to surgery - have a few extra drinks and lots of good food. Hope that mountain's a molehill and the truck misses you entirely. Best wishes and all my prayers go withyou.

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