Flashing lights in Eyes......

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
This is so strange and wonder if anyone else has experienced this.

Day two post op in the hospital, I experienced flashing lights in one eye for about 20 minutes. It was constant during that time period but did not effect my vision. No headache and no other symptoms. I've never had migraine and no one thought this was one. Nurse did basic exam to be sure I wasn't having stroke (I assume that was what her procedures were testing.) She called the floor doctors who spoke with me and did similar exam. No one seemed very concerned about it. It went away.

Later that day, again, same thing for about the same length of time. Same eye.

Next day fine but it happened third time the day after. Again, Nurse did same exam and they discussed whether a CT scan might be in order but all felt fine (including me) about not doing it. Absolutely no indication of stroke.

Came home. Fine. After I was home two weeks, it happened again. Same eye. But shorter duration and only half as strong.

I'm now six weeks post op and today it happened again. Lasted about 20 minutes and was same as the first time I experienced it.

I did not mention it to my cardio or Primary Care doctors when I saw them as I thought it had ceased and the hospital doctors did not seem disturbed. It was written up as part of Discharge Report.

Has anyone else had anything like this?

I see surgeon this week and intend to mention it to him.
Coincidentally, I had seen my ophtimologist (sp ?) three weeks prior to my surgery and he specifically told me at that time I had no sign of any retina detachment. (The hospital doctor's were interested I had just been to eye doctor.....made it more likely whatever was happening could be associated with surgery??) They asked my eye doctor's name/where is he located.....wonder if they spoke with him?

Any thoughts? Thank you.
Kinda funny...I get these same 'light spots' too, but usually in both eyes and I got them well before surgery. Mine usually last for about 15 minutes and then I'm able to see everything clearly again. When 'it's' happening, it's hard to focus on anything because of the light. Kinda strange. I've never gotten an explanation for it.

Let me know if you get one...
Sounds like optical migraines - very common after OHS. Also, very common to have them without a headache. If you never experienced them before surgery, they will more than likely become less and less frequent.

However, it never hurts to have things checked by your opthamologist because the symptoms can be similar to retinal detachment which can happen at any time.
The thing that makes it sound strange to me is that you say it is just happening in one eye. I have gotten "visual migraines" (no pain, just visual effects) from the time I was about 25, although less now. There are zigzag lights, but not just in one eye, and they last 15 to 20 minutes.
I am 4 weeks post op and get the white light gliders since I was recovering in ICU. I think it is the anastasia wearing off.
Funny you should mention that.

I just saw my Opthalmologist for my annual exam and he gave me a pamphlet entitled "Flashes and Floaters". It's longer than I care to re-type so I suggest you call your Opthalmologist's office and ask if they have a similar pamphlet they could send you.

Quote from that pamphlet:

"One should have a dilated eye exam if NEW flashes and floaters develop".

Bottom Line: You may want to see your Opthalmologist again 'just to be sure' your retina is NOT involved. At the very least, you should notify your Opthalmologist of those Flashes and their duration.

'AL Capshaw'
I get them every now and then and usually just in one eye, most often my right eye. I've had my eyes dilated and had other tests run. It's been chaulked up to one of "those things". I never get a head ache along with them.
Thanks everyone.

I think I'll make an appointment with my opthamologist......just to be on the safe side. Why take an unnecessary risk?
I've not had what you've described however I have had a quick flashing light followed by a floater. By all means see your eye doctor. I did see my eye doctor and had the floater for quite some time.
I've had a floater (in that eye) for over a year but this flashing light business is very unlike the floater. The floater is a small black dot that I see mostly if looking at a blank wall and often when reading a book.
Jkm7 said:
I've had a floater (in that eye) for over a year but this flashing light business is very unlike the floater. The floater is a small black dot that I see mostly if looking at a blank wall and often when reading a book.

Could be totally different but I had the quick flashing light (not 20 minutes worth) and then the floater. My eye doctor associated the flash of lighting with the floater. Could also be a torn retina so get checked out.
I used to get flashes occasionally before my surgery, and most of the time they lasted about 15 minutes and affected my vision to a point where I couldn't fuction very well until it subsided. They were very distressing but I never had them checked out because I sometimes went months without experiencing them. KNOCK ON WOOD, I have not had a single episode since my surgery. I have 20/20 vision at age 47 and I'm the only one in my family that has not needed glasses or contacts. But I still agree with the others...if in doubt check it out.
In addition to the flashes that I mentioned above, I've had floaters for 15 years. They don't bother me, but I know they are there..
Several years ago (in my late 50's) I experienced flashes in one eye, sort of like lightening bolt shaped floaters, that I was aware of mainly in the dark or with my eyes closed. The opthamalogist told me they were caused by a normal alteration of the retina that comes with age. When I asked why only one eye, she told me my other eye had already altered, I just didn't notice it. I may have noticed them this time because we were in a place without light pollution, and I was more alert to any altitude-related manifestations. Sorry I don't remember the terminology for the condition causing the flashes.
Same Here

Same Here

Ive also had the same floater in my left eye ever since my surgery and i get flashes once in a while in the corner of my right eye. It is more of an annoyance than anything else.... but when it hits at the same time as a dizzy spell, I cant find the couch fast enough!! Ahhhhhhhhh the couch.
I too had floating, flashes of light, fairly frequently the first week after surgery. They seem to occur less now that I'm 6 weeks out. Whoops, just saw one stream by. Could medications have anything to do with them?
I had the same thing. I would have a giant bright spot "in" one of my eyes. I also had some dizzy spells where the room would start spinning. Pretty weird! They went away with time.
I feel so much better to know others have similar symptoms...other visual upsets. I don't think mine are medication related as the only medication I take now that I didn't take pre op is warfarin. I seriously doubt that is responsible though it will be interesting to see if they stop when I stop taking the warfarin. But then I would probably think it coincidental.

Maybe I'll hold off seeing the eye doctor until I'm off of it.
It does sound like Optical migraines to me as well. I had gotten them years prior to OHS, but after OHS they became an almost daily (sometimes more than once) occurance. Because I only had the visual disturbance and no headache, no one had ever given me any medicine for the migraines. About a year ago, I was complaining to my doctor about how annoying it was to have to basically stop everything for 20 minutes everytime this happened until it passed, she put me on Topomax. That did the trick! Now it only happens once every couple of months.
TammyM said:
It does sound like Optical migraines to me as well. I had gotten them years prior to OHS, but after OHS they became an almost daily (sometimes more than once) occurance. Because I only had the visual disturbance and no headache, no one had ever given me any medicine for the migraines. About a year ago, I was complaining to my doctor about how annoying it was to have to basically stop everything for 20 minutes everytime this happened until it passed, she put me on Topomax. That did the trick! Now it only happens once every couple of months.

Tammy -

What kind of drug is Topomax?
Does it have any interaction with Coumadin?

Dr. Petracek is famous for his minimally invasive Thoracotomy, especially for MV surgery SO,
I'm wondering if you had a Strenotomy or Thoracotomy for your combined AVR and MV Repair from Dr. P.?

'AL Capshaw'

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