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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2015
naples, florida
Known for years my time would come. Echo four months ago doc said I'd be having surgery in a year or two. Never liked the guy much so found a new cardio and he ordered a new Echo and said its not a year or two at all... More like a month or two! He did my cath today and said my heart and arteries look great, but my aortic looks really bad, barely opens and closes at all, he's recommending minimally invasive AVR. Got an apt to meet the surgeon in two weeks.

44yr old male, congenital bicuspid aortic valve. Naples FL
Hi there, hectic! I switched doctors one year before surgery (although I didn't know it then). I'm just north of Clearwater. I think we have some of the best-kept secrets of heart surgeons in Florida. You'll probably nearly have the cardiac floor to yourself this time of year.
Anyway, welcome to the forums. There's a TON of great information here. And of you can't find what you're looking for, just ask. We love to hear ourselves talk!
(Well, at least I do!)
Seriously, I found great comfort and relief on these forums in the weeks and months leading up to surgery. What kind of questions do you have for us?

Hi Meredith, ya know I'm not even sure what questions I have yet, still taking it all in I guess. Just happy to think I might receive the minimally invasive procedure and make a speedier recovery. My local hospital doesn't do that, so my cardio is sending me up to Fort Myers for surgery. So happy to now have a cardiologist who is highly regarded, willing to educate me without talking down to me, but most importantly is able to make recommendations for me based on MY best interest. My previous cardio was in the hospitals practice so he would have likely never given me the option to go elsewhere and get the minimally invasive option. I still don't want to get too convinced that's what I'm getting until I speak to the surgeon, but it's sounding that way. Fingers crossed!
I'm in a bit of the same boat...don't like my cardio...but he is connected to the surgeon I really like. I don't really care that I don't like him but not liking his work habits is another thing...late.....then did not show for CT....sent another doc last 2nd...just red flags.

See surgeon Monday with target December surgery....but could be next week if news is with a little luck December and less-invasive.
How did your cath go? Was the experience awful, or tolerable? I had two, at different hospitals. The first was a horror story - no patient instructions, nothing of what to expect, blah blah. The second one was a non-event. Friendly efficient nurses, good GOOD drugs lol.
My surgeon & I discussed the minimally invasive route. He's done them, and doesn't have a preference. However, when he drew the line on my breastbone and showed me the difference in scar length between a mini and a full, I told him to go ahead and do the full so he had plenty of room to work. It was only about 1.5-2 inches different. We talked about recovery time, and he told me the difference in his patients recovery times between mini and full were less than a day (as far as hospital stays, anyway).
After my very fist meeting with him, I found his videos about the valve replacement team at the hospital. They are doing more and more TAVR surgeries - the kind where they go in the side between the ribs. It's still for the more medically fragile, but boy oh boy did I have my fingers crossed that maybe it would get approved before I needed surgery! (But didn't. Phooey.)
Questions you should ask your surgeon: Valve type recommendation - mechanical (what brand?) or tissue (what brand?) and why that brand?
What kind of medications will you be on right after surgery? A week after? a month? a year?
How does the surgeon recommend the patient prepare mentally for surgery? Physically?

My advice: start writing things down. My brain seemed to turn to mashed potatoes about 6 weeks before surgery - I couldn't remember tasks, I had difficulty completing administrative tasks at work...I"m not sure if it was mental (anxiety) or physical (reduced blood to my brain). Either way, I feel a jillion times better now.
Thanks for asking. The cath procedure went pretty well, albeit unpleasant. But who would expect otherwise. Everyone at the hospital was very nice and accommodating as possible. They referred to the sedatives as happy juice, although they did nothing for my mood that I would call happy. They just made me sleepy and foggy. Which was good to help the time pass as I was there quite a while. I should state as I did several times that day I really dont like needles. So to me the cath represented one very very long needle. So it was good to be in a haze where my mind could just go blank. Dont remember much of the procedure, just a few seconds here and there.

But my heart is very healthy and arteries are in great shape. Although my aortic valve looks pretty bad, very narrow and barely opening and closing at all. Which is why my cardiologist is pleased Im a great candidate for the minimally invasive route with a mechanical valve, but I meet with the surgeon he referred me to next week, to get the official recommendation. His specialty is minimally invasive procedures, he believes strongly that its in the best interest of the patient to endure far less trauma on the body. From what I have read on him, which was very hard to find, surgeons from around the country and around the world travel to observe and learn from him and his team. As I understand it there wouldnt be any breastbone incision at all. He would go between two ribs with a small incision.

But I meet this surgeon for the first time next week and it sounds like my surgery would likely be as soon as a couple weeks after that maybe. Im actually excited and looking forward to meeting him. SO THANKFUL I switched cardiologists!!! I cannot say that enough. Had I listened to the previous guy I saw Id still be under the impression that surgery was a year or two away... If I made it that far! And he would not be sending me to this surgeon in Fort Meyers about 45 mins away. He would have assumed I would have surgery at our local hospital, who might be capable, but they dont do this surgery every day and nobody is seeking them out to learn the most advanced, proven techniques from.

Good advice on writing everything down. I had thought just yesterday I should go buy a nice notebook to compile notes and things in. Actually what prompted the idea was I already got a letter from the local hospital where my cardiologist did my cath, stating that the bills would be coming! Thankfully I upgraded my insurance this year and I should be in good shape regarding bills. But any time Ive ever had anything to do with a hospital theres always billing errors and a long paper trial to have to chase for whats paid and whats not, or even what shouldnt have been. All the while the hospital billing office being very unforgiving. Okay I have to stop thinking about that now.

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