First Post - Husband having AVR in less than a week.

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Hello, I have been gaining wonderful information from this board for the last few weeks. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts, stories and humor. My husband had his aortic valve replaced in June of 1998 with a human homograft. The surgery went very well, they replaced the valve, aortic root and head if I remember correctly. They also did two grafts and repaired two aneurysms. Five days post surgical he developed a P.E. and ended up back in ICU on life support. He had pneumonia and the P.E. God was wonderful and he survived and we have been leading a pretty great life together.

Now fast forward to the day before Thanksgiving this year. My husband had a cardiology check-up and came home pretty shaken. They told him his valve was failing, he has aortic stenosis and the valve was down to 1 mm. :confused: We contacted his original surgeon right away and had a complete evaluation. The surgeon agreed about the valve and need for surgery and wondered why the original cardiologist didn?t diagnosis this back in April on the last echo. Perhaps he did not read the echo? More importantly during the past several weeks we have hired a new cardiologist who has ordered a TEE be done, Cardiac Cath and other tests. All the tests came back excellent except for the dia. of his aortic valve; it is now down to 0.7mm. We have decided to go with a mechanical valve, the St. Jude. My husband was 47 on his first surgery and is now 55 so we feel the mechanical is the way to go. I know we both do not want to go through this a third time.

My husband (Tim) is doing pretty good. He does have some shortness of breath and seems to have a bit of a short fuse. I think it is the stress of the upcoming surgery and being off work for a month. The first surgery he worked up to the afternoon we were going to register at the hospital. Perhaps too much time to think.

I would appreciate any prayers and words of wisdom you can offer. It is getting close and we are both feeling nervous. What are everyone?s thoughts on the St. Jude?

Thank you,

You will definitely be added to the prayer list...Praline is also scheduled for surgery next week and coincidently so am I. My father had the same condition that I have, BAV and he had an AAA that measured 5.4 just prior to his having ohs. He opted for the St. Judes valve and has had no problems with it whatsoever & he was 65 at the time of his surgery. He does not like the whole coumadin thing but the valve itself has been problem free. From the reading that I've done on this site and others, the St Judes valve is the most trusted mechanical valve available. It has the longest track record & history to back up its efficacy. I wish you the best in this forthcoming surgery and a speedy recovery to your husband!

Hi Ann and welcome. This is a great place to learn and lean on people. I remember the weeks leading up to my surgery and how stressful they were. All I can say is to keep busy and trust in your surgeon and God. Remember back to when your husband had his first surgery and how relieved you were when it was over (hopefully!).

As far as the valve choice, that is a personal issue but many, many people have the St. Jude valve. It has proven itself over decades of use. I wouldn't worry about failure with that valve. I hope & pray things turn out well for you both.
Thank you Deane and Pete. I talked to my huband about this board sometime back and I believe he is going to get on today. He is not much of a posting person, but he does enjoy reading.

I am certain seeing all the support here as well as the numerous surgeries you all have been through will set his mind at ease. And he may post here :D

Does anyone know how long the St.Jude has been around? How long have the member of this board had one?

Have a great day and thank you again.

According to their website ( : October 1977 was their first valve implant, November 2004 marked their 1.5 MILLIONTH implant. That's a lot of valves!
Hi Ann

St Jude is the Gold Standard. Tried, tested, and true to many including myself. I'll keep you both in thought and prayer. Just thinking back to the those days is enough to make my hairs stand on end. I know, as we all do, what your going through.
Hi Ann,
I too have a St Jude valve. Though I've only had my since May my surgeon has complete confidence in it. It is his first choice for a mechanical. I'm sure all will go well with your husband's surgery. I will keep you both in my thoughts & prayers.

I know just how he feels..

I know just how he feels..

Hello Ann,
I sure wish your husband good luck. I know how he feels, my surgery is scheduled for January 18th . The people on this board have been wonderful... but I am still very scared. I also find myself very easily frustrated.
I will send positive thoughts your way.And prayers too, prayers for you and your husband and also prayers for God to guide his surgeon's hands during surgery.
Keep posting.
Hi Ann

You sound just like me....with a hubby that likes to read posts, but not a big poster....actually I think Nathan doesn't like the typing :D

Welcome, glad you found this site. My husband (34) just had his AVR with a mechanical valve in Sept and *knock on wood*, anticoagulation has been going very well for him so far, and there is always someone here if ever run into questions....

Wishing you guys all the best on your upcoming surgery....
Wow! Bet that made the medical journals!

Wow! Bet that made the medical journals!

Ann said:
they replaced the valve, aortic root and head if I remember correctly.

The first head transplant I ever read about anyway. :D I hope he at least got to pick the one he wanted.

Sorry, couldn't resist. Welcome to our family, but I hate that you have to be here. Sounds like you are getting some good advice from the St. Jude fans, so this Carbomedics fan will just sit back and welcome you to the group and wish you good luck. We will add you to our prayers. Many hugs. J.
Ann - I know where you're coming from! My husband have AVR and root replacement with a St. Judes about 14 months ago. Right now is the toughest time.

We're here for you!
St Jude's

St Jude's

My husband had AVR with a St Judes's mechanical in 2002, just days before his 65th birthday. He had some trouble a few weeks later, but I imagine it would've happened regardless of the type valve used. He's had very good luck with coumadin, once it got leveled out after the surgeries. About twice a year there's some minor glitch, such as dental issues, etc, that cause the INR levels to wobble. Otherwise he only gets checked monthly and it's always in range. He eats whatever he wants.

I'd be perfectly content to go with the mechanical at age 55.

I got my St. Jude's at age 52, nearly 53. A friend told me his mother got one at age 72 and 2 years ago -- at age 84 -- she and the valve were still ticking away pretty strong. I asked why mechanical instead of tissue, and he said the odds were pretty good she'd live well into her 90s, based on other relatives' lifespans.

I will keep you and your husband in my prayers for a boring 2nd VR and recovery.
Hi Ann and WELCOME

This sure is a great place, isn't it!!! I'm Evelyn whose husband is probably just like yours.....will check out the message boards, but won't post anything...he leaves that to me. Anyway, Tyce had his AVR with a St. Jude's in June of '02 and hasn't looked back since. He knew he didn't want to have to have a replacement with the tissue scene, so we opted for the St. Jude's. Coumadin hasn't been an issue, we self check weekly and tweak any dosages necessary---very easy and it's nice to have some control.

Please feel free to ask any questions....we're here to support you through anything.

I'll put you both on my prayer list and wish you lots of good thoughts to get through it.



Ann and husband,

welcome to the group. This is really a great resource. My wife had her St. Jude valve put in 9 years ago and she is going along just fine. Just some of the blips with coumadin as was mentioned above with other procedures. I am going in for an AVR on 2/2 and the mechanical that two surgeons from different hospitals here in Boston suggested was the St. Jude valve. I still have not decided for my own replacement (tissue vs mechanical), but If I go mechanical it will be a St Judes valve. No worries there.

Best of luck and I will be praying for you also.

Oh all have brought tears to my eyes. Thank you all so very much for the support and prayers. It is wonderful to find a group of people have gone through what you have or are going through. :) I appreaciate the support more than you can imagine and so does my husband.

Now for a couple of questions:

I just got off the phone with the pre-op nurse at our surgeons office. She seemed pretty busy. On Tims first surgery they had him take Phillips Milk of Mag. the night before. They also had him scrub with Betadine liquid soap the night before and the morning of. This nurse/assistant said no, not necessary. It there any reason I should not have Tim do this? I know things change in 7 1/2 years.


I welcome you and Tim (ARE YOU READING THIS?????:p ) to "da family". Great bunch of guy here (for the most part):D . One thing for sure we will be with you both for your walk.

Now to your latest questions:

"Phillips Milk of Mag" (SPIT, SPIT, SPIT)?????:eek: :eek: :)

"scrub with Betadine liquid soap" - Don't worry, they will clean him from head to toe (they tried to "prep" me 4 times before my surgery). By the way, he might keep the hair on his chinny chin chin but not anywhere else, at least on the front.:eek: :eek: :D :D

Prayers and good thoughts are coming y'alls way. Keep us posted.

May God Bless,

Hello Ann,

First off, I have a St. Jude Mechanical Valve and have had no problems with it in the 3+ years I've had it.

OTOH, there have been some significant technological improvements in 'third generation' mechanical valves such as the St. Jude Regent, On-X, ATS (I think that's right), and Sorin (only available in Europe). These valves are designed to produce less turbulence and have a lower liklihood of forming clots than the standard St. Jude valve.

Since your husband likes to read, I recommend he browse through the Valve Selection Forum to find some of the lengthy discussions of these new valves. The SEARCH feature will simplify his search. Those manufacturers also have websites extolling the virtues of their newer designs.

'Al Capshaw'
Hi I just wanted to let you know I'll keep you and your husband in my thoughts. I never went thru this w/ my husband, but my 17 year old son Justin was also born w/ CHDs and just had his 4th OHS in May.
Justin has never had to drink the milk of mag, he is also one of the guys that never wants to miss a meal so since he had to be npo at midnight, he had take out from Applebees at 11pm, lol.
I know of others that had to do the shower w/ benadine but Justin never had to do that either.
Good Luck w/ everything , you found a really helpful group here, Lyn
Welcome Ann and TIM!

This joint means so very much to all of us...we really are a big happy family...

we openly celebrate surgeries whereas most people are fearful of OHS.

I shall add 2 more to my prayer-list...

we really do care about all our members


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