First day w/o PVCs

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Michelle D

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2010
It's unbelievable but for the first time since surgery I had a PVC free day!!!! Hallelujah, I could be having them and not feeling them and that is fine by me. They've been fading away for the past week. This is my very first day since the surgery that I feel like a normal person without health issues.
I am truly VERY HAPPY for you Michelle! I think eventually you will hardly get them at all. Remember though, if you do start experiencing a reoccurence, it most like is temporary, I know from experience. I hardly get them at all any more, and I had quiet a few.

I'm not going to fool myself this time, I do have many triggers so I expect to have them again. I just hope the full days of PVCs is in my past.
Nice to read :) Hope it continues.

Mine have gotten better again recently also and, while I'm delighted, I've wondered why. I feel better when the weather gets cooler and wonder if there could be some connection. I recently had to wear a surveillance monitor for ten days (and I haven't heard the results yet) but my heart wasn't pounding out the thousands of near-constant PVCs like it did the last time I wore a 24 hour holter monitor.

Dropping a later edit in here as I think I realize now why my PVCs have calmed down. I was on Toprol for a couple of weeks. Couldn't take it any longer than that -- because of sluggishness and a miserable headache. But perhaps even that brief time on it was enough for my PVCs to calm down. For how long they'll stay calmer, I don't know. I'm not offering medical advice to anyone here but just sharing my speculation related to my experience.
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I'm so happy for you Michelle! Don't stress out too much trying to figure out what happened because the stress may bring back the PVCs. I've just decided I'm going to have to live with some of them and I enjoy the times when I don't. It seems to be a little better that way.