First day of Rehab

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Well, today is my first official day of rehab. I had my orientation yesterday. I'll have 36 sessions to attend. I'm hoping I can figure out how to do that many. In January I need to start having rehearsals after school, but the program is M-W-F and the latest session is at 5pm (rehearsals usually end at 6). I'm thinking I'll attempt to do rehearsals just on T-Th, and if that doesn't work out, have them in the morning. We'll see...

Anyway, just thought I'd update everyone on the happenings with me...
hi niki!
so glad to read that you are starting rehab and that you are well on your way to recovery.
wishing you all the best in planning your schedule (rehearsals) and juggling it all.
stay well and a happy turkey day!
hi niki.. glad to hear you joined rehab.. it helped me alot.. i too was m-w-f for 36 classes.. 12weeks.. but my insurance paid for 36 classes, not just 12 weeks. so check with your insurance.. you may be able to miss a class or two and make them up.. it'll just take you longer to complete the program..

have a great holiday.. we're doing Luby's - he fried so many turkeys last couple months he doens't want to cook or do dishes.. and since he has to work friday, we're not going lousiana to family..

again, have a great and safe holiday..

chris :D
hensylee, I believe I've found a candidate for this .gif! :D

Oh Niki: I don't have any females on a treadmill but this'll do!
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Hi Niki! I am glad you got to start your rehab! I never got the chance, though I would have liked the opportunity after I got out of the hospital from my first stay:rolleyes: But I did ok anyways. I hope you do well with it! Happy thanksgiving, I hope you have a great day!
can somebody tell me what rehab is for? when my mother was 85 yrs old, she had problems with her legs. the rehab seemed to be an encouragement to use her legs and to strengthen them.

Is the rehab for encouragement?? or is there an actual course of physical guidelines and/or pace that you are put thru??
For me, it's more of a "safty net." I have a history of arrythmias, and I get nervous doing exercise, for fear of going into v-tach (which I did before surgery, but haven't since, thank goodness). There are nurses monitoring you at all times (hooked up to a heart monitor) and if anything happens, they see it and stop you immediately. At any rate, I'm sure some people, who were active people to beging with, could probably go without rehab and be fine. But I've NEVER been very active because of my heart. I never took a PE class, and really don't know WHAT to do.

Right now, this is my "regimine":
M-W-F "class" set of streaches
1lb weights (5 reps for each type)
6 minutes on stationary bike
4 minutes on airdine (sp?) (works your arms)
6 minutes treadmill
2 "cool down" laps
all other days I am told to walk for 15 minutes (if I can)

I'll admit that right now the "regimine" is pretty easy. They said they will keep working me up (as a matter of fact I did less today than I will on Friday), but want to take it slowly to check my tolerance level. I am also THE youngest person there (that I've seen so far, anyway). I felt a tad out of place today. But no one asked me any questions... yet. I'm sure once I've been there awhile people will start asking. All of the staff knows about me, though. They had fun with my EKG lines (they look WAY different because of my pacemaker and my situs inversus). But they are all very nice.


So glad that you have plans to keep an active lifestyle. It is good to keep busy during the winter months. You hang in there. You take care,

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
mamsram, rehab is alot of things. Encouragement, endurance, real physical activity, strengthening, you name it. I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't benefit anyone. They've never, that I've encountered, worked you to the point of pain and exhaustion. The goals are to improve the overall quality of your physical well being without having someone "backslide" per say.

Even with my continued lung problems, they made sure not to over do. You do your best and quit when you feel you've had enough. In fact, they yelled at me a couple of times because they thought I was doing more then I should. Maybe they were right, but I wanted out of the hospital and I was darn determined to do the most I could possibly do and get out of there. I did it too!
The Doc told me I'd be in rehab at the hospital for 4 to 6 weeks, then on to outpatient rehab. I said, "Wrong Answer" I'm outta here in 2 weeks. I was released in my 3rd week.