First day home...I'm scared!

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Thanks Sarah!

I spend or try to spend most of my time (when not recovering from OHS) as a fine art street photographer as well as some landscapes and travel...I'm also into sports cars and driving but that's off the table for awhile...never been much of a class guy but think it is a great idea to take a writing class as well as yoga/meditation.

I'm having a bit of an off heart rate is down a full 30 beats from 'normal', which is sorta great but the beat is like one...two....nothing..then's bizarre and I only noticed it cause the BP machine showed my HR as 57..figured it was's always in the high 80's or mid 90's...I have been prepared for weird heartbeats and all but still it's spooky when it's happening...Luckily I see my cardiologist tomorrow afternoon..I also have a blasting headache and am gonna drink a little coffee to see if that helps...maybe it will wake up this heart a bit too!

The 'funny' part of this whole recovery is that I am completely aware the hardest thing is a sort of 'acceptance'....I can think all I want about doing this or that and I am sure I will do many 'right' things to assist in recovery...but the truth is that in the end..much of the healing is via sleep and rest and simply ....time...

ALso it's a big test of faith and letting go...

I would say my recovery is close to feeling just about as bad as I was pre's not all that bad...I saw pictures of myself taken a month before I even knew I needed surgery and I can see I just really didn't look right...My face is less puffy and this heart of mine seems to be doing just fine!

thanks for the post and I am honored if any of my posts put you in a good mood!
LOL! I have to laugh at my inability to compare healthy and not healthy! When you say your resting heart rate is 30 less than usual I think “Better call an ambulance!”, and then when you say it’s 57bpm, I think “That’s normal!” My resting heart rate is 54, shortly after running to the doctor’s office… But, as I was saying, that’s just “my normal”, not yours (and I've been a huge athlete all my life and have no heart problems that I know of!)! Shoot, 30 less than “normal” for me and I’d be practically dead! Could it be that 57 is a new “normal”? On the other hand, you are absolutely right, it doesn’t sound right that it’s not steady. Update us when you get back from your appointment.

As for your photos, do you keep a photography blog, or belong to any photography forums? My mother is a huge gardener. She is a “computer-phobe”, but joined a couple forums 4-5 years ago. Now, she’s an expert at a bunch of things, has her own computer, has a great camera to share with her new friends, and I swear she keeps herself so busy it’s amazing. Not only that, but she’s been taking a gazillion photos (she’s getting amazing photos consistently), and getting together with acquaintances she’s made on the internet. I just wonder if something like that might also ease the boredom.

OK, tell us about your appointment and post a couple photos for us!
I do belong to a few photo forums as well as car forums..very active on them and they are a great resource. I'm thrilled my heart rate is down and hope it settles around's fantastic...But for it to suddenly go from 88 resting to 57 resting within 24 hours was a surprise but still more of a good sign than a bad one...the disconcerting thing is the heart rhythm is so inconsistent and 'off'..I've searched the forum and read about others have had skipped beats and other weirdnesses...I can see I'm certainly not the only one to find it very disconcerting...It's completely random now and its got a good beat but it's hard to dance to!

Hmm, the only thing I changed (and shouldn't have as a precaution) was to add Vitamin D to the mix...I started taking 5000iu's a day two days ago...I do see now it can cause irregular heartbeats? Doubt this is it but worth mentioning to the doctor...

I guess it's working ok inspite of the I woke up and found myself alive.

Headed over to NYU in two hours and will report back what the doctor says and does about it. I don't think it's anything serious or unexpected but....I don't like it!

I'll post some pictures up as well.

stay tuned and thanks for the post!
Just got back from the cardiologist. He increased the Metropolol to 25mg 2x a day (from 1x a day)...There are some 'conduction issues' but they are a normal (for me I guess) part of the healing and to be expected and monitored.

Amazingly he cleared me to drive! wow... He also cleared me for travel, said I can go when I feel up to it and gave me a script to check INR levels.

He also gave me the number for Rehab and told me they should be able to get me started very soon.

As far as 'missed beats' he said they are actually 'extra beats'...part of the healing process and I can (and should) ignore them.

Had a nice walk back from the hospital and think it's time for me to step up (a little what my activity level is)...he agreed but of course told me to take it easy and not 'push i'.

I'll drive to see my daughter who lives with her mother about 15 miles away...probably before the weekend.

Pretty great checkup!
my daughter just texted me, "Dad, you may be cleared to drive if you drove like the average bear." if your doctor knew you I guarantee you would not be cleared to drive...

she's funny.

Now I feel like I HAVE to drive...part of it too ambitious to drive cross country yet? lolol.
That's wonderful!

Physio will be great to help track your progress. And, driving would be great to get to places, as long as it isn't substituted for all that walking!

Congrats on a great appointment! :)
Just got back from the cardiologist. He increased the Metropolol to 25mg 2x a day (from 1x a day)...There are some 'conduction issues' but they are a normal (for me I guess) part of the healing and to be expected and monitored.

Amazingly he cleared me to drive! wow... He also cleared me for travel, said I can go when I feel up to it and gave me a script to check INR levels.

He also gave me the number for Rehab and told me they should be able to get me started very soon.

As far as 'missed beats' he said they are actually 'extra beats'...part of the healing process and I can (and should) ignore them.

Had a nice walk back from the hospital and think it's time for me to step up (a little what my activity level is)...he agreed but of course told me to take it easy and not 'push i'.

I'll drive to see my daughter who lives with her mother about 15 miles away...probably before the weekend.

Pretty great checkup!

Yes, that is a pretty great checkup. :)

The extra heart beat sensation is usually what we call a PVC or PAC,
which is a premature ventricular/atrial contraction. The heart receives 2 beats too close together thus giving
the feeling that the next beat is at a slight delay. Most of these are benign, harmless, but still annoying.
Metoprolol is often used for those bouncy beats and for most people they go away.
Yes, that is a pretty great checkup. :)

The extra heart beat sensation is usually what we call a PVC or PAC,
which is a premature ventricular/atrial contraction. The heart receives 2 beats too close together thus giving
the feeling that the next beat is at a slight delay. Most of these are benign, harmless, but still annoying.
Metoprolol is often used for those bouncy beats and for most people they go away.

Thanks for this...I only occasionally felt my pulse to see if I am still having extra or skipped beats...confused as cardio said even if i don't feel them they are there..but whatever...

doubled the metoprolol and was hoping it would be 'normal' but i think it might take more than 12

Had a friend visit me today...first non family friend I let in...spent about 4-5 hours hanging out, ordered in some great food and spilt a bottle of wine...I didn't take my pulse once!

I'm tempted to go out tomorrow night and meet a friend at a bar but it's also a drive and my incision, while healing very well does hurt a's sore...and while I am cleared for driving it still hurts...Might force myself to not go and give it another week...I'm a bit nervous going out socially still..I have gone out to dinner within walking distance from my apartment two times and it was pretty good...

I guess I feel vulnerable with this sore sternum...No bar fights for me for
They told me all the extra shaving was for emergency access.

I'm a big fan of blogs here, as you can tell from the long "Norm's progress" post (blog) around here somewhere. . .
They told me all the extra shaving was for emergency access.

I'm a big fan of blogs here, as you can tell from the long "Norm's progress" post (blog) around here somewhere. . .

Suffering way more from minimally invasive surgery than from the big zipper job doesn't seem fair at all -- except that you're getting the good half of the deal now, so I guess it's OK. Don't screw it up by going nuts, it's still early times!
So, did you go out?

How's it going today? Have any photos to share?

I felt to guilty to reply to this thread as I didn't go out yesterday..and I missed a beautiful day in NY today as well....BUT...I did go out just now for a nice fairly brisk 1 1/2 mile walk...Wasn't in the mood in the slightest..I'm feeling ok but still really tired. Entertaining last night I guess tired me out...Tonight I had thought I'd go for a drive and meet some friends for a drink, but that wouldn't be a good plan right now.

The truth is I am still feeling vulnerable and not that comfortable being out with people...The streets of NY are harsh..It' brisk, fast moving, intense with noise, traffic, bicycles in all directions...I usually love it and it's a part of me..but right makes me feel a bit vulnerable and unsettled...

Recovery is a very individual personal process... and in my gut, even though I do less than I could, what I'm doing feels (overall) right for me..

I'm doing amazingly well. I don't think I could ask for a much better outcome from surgery or prognosis but at the same time, yeah, I'm a little down...There's nothing to really 'do' about it...I did go on a nice long walk...I'm eating well and resting well...I'll make plans to see my kids and keep taking it easy...

It will be 3 weeks since I had my surgery tomorrow!

one foot in front of the other...
Yes my friend. One foot in front of the other. Don't beat yourself up cause you are tired. Tired and grumpy is sometimes par for the course. Just see your kids and take it one minute at a time. I am so impressed with you. I don't live in NYC but have reason to believe that it is truly fast paced and I'm not sure that I would even have gone outside if it was me. So take a big breath, smile, and say "Yesterday is gone, can't change it, Tomorrow is outta my control, and today I will love bein' alive".
Good to read these posts...The good truth is simple....Almost every day and the more I sleep, the better I feel...breathing is a bit better just about every single day..It's noticeable..incision is healing fast but as it does it sorta hurts a bit but really nothing major at all.

I slept and slept and woke up, had late breakfast, watched tv and slept 3 more simply needed it...I didn't sleep well last night and my body wanted more..

Duffey, I was lucky enough to have the Mitral Valve repaired (second time!)...I expected a replacement...still can't believe it...I bought the extended warranty this time! Hope he holds up!
Hey, rest away. You have to listen to your body, and know when it wants rest because it's truly tired, and when it wants rest as an avoidance mechanism that will slow down the healing. Right now, it sounds like you are doing great! As much as you have slept, it sounds like that's what your body needed! Healing needs rest. Exercise needs rest. Digesting needs rest. If you are consistently feeling better, then that's wonderful!

Keep us posted on your progress. Have a great visit with your kids.
Kids cancelled lol..

Today is 3 weeks since surgery and I pulled it together and drove to NJ (40 miles round trip)...I brought a soft cashmere scarf to double fold over the incision and off I went..

I went to a favorite watering hole where I am friends with lots of people, had some good food and less than 3 beers over 4 hours...took only 1/2 a pain pill as the incision was a bit sore but is really healing fast.

Feels great to have been out of this apartment for 5 hours..I was a little nervous as the city and this area is crowded, young and on the drunk side on Friday and Saturdays...It's a bit daunting to walk out into the middle of it when you are not feeling your best..But I buckled down and did it and am glad I did.

heat beat is all sorts of missed and extra had promised not to check .... But I am assured this is part of the healing process and went through worse last time.

As far as how I will feel tomorrow...I hope I feel energetic but if not, that's just the way it is and I'm fine with it.

Pretty amazing I am able to do all this at only 3 weeks post op!

happy to share a good report here!
Almost at the 4 week mark...Forgot my appointment with Dr. Galloway, the surgeon who fixed my valve! So bad...But his office is fantastic and they got me another appointment to see him Friday afternoon which makes it 4 weeks since the day.

I want to bring him a gift. I am thinking of one of my photographs framed...

I don't know how to easily post the image but it's the first one on my site..

My other doctor the cardiologist has framed photographs all over his walls...I have the perfect image for him too!

I'm mostly fighting boredom...socializing just a little bit more, walking a bit each day..heart or course still feels weird, not perfect fulfilling breaths but I'm sorta used to it and have my first surgery that was much worse to remember..

I just so look forward to being able to run if I want to, travel more and just get back to living!
Almost at the 4 week mark...Forgot my appointment with Dr. Galloway, the surgeon who fixed my valve! So bad...But his office is fantastic and they got me another appointment to see him Friday afternoon which makes it 4 weeks since the day.

I want to bring him a gift. I am thinking of one of my photographs framed...

My other doctor the cardiologist has framed photographs all over his walls...I have the perfect image for him too!

I'm mostly fighting boredom...socializing just a little bit more, walking a bit each day..heart or course still feels weird, not perfect fulfilling breaths but I'm sorta used to it and have my first surgery that was much worse to remember..

I just so look forward to being able to run if I want to, travel more and just get back to living!

Your work is great. Thanks for sharing. I think photos you took yourself are a perfect gift
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