Fire Prevention Month

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Well-known member
May 19, 2003
Sterling CO
Hi Everyone,
Weekycat gave me a good idea. Since it is Fire Prevention month I thought I would share with you my two sons who are also firefighters. Remember when you change your clocks back from daylight savings time Sat. night before you go to bed, remember to also change the batteries in your smoke detectors. And for you that don't have daylight savings time, change your batteries anyway.
Stay Safe

Surgery; 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
What a nice picture, Dave. I know you are proud of those young'uns and I bet they are proud of their daddy.

Nice reminder about the batteries. We here in my house, are acutely aware of fire.

Time change - gads, hate that. When I was nearly 30, my husb and I moved to Baltimore. In October everybody said 'don't forget to change your clocks'. We said - hunh? In Miami in those days we had the same time year round and it was wonderful. A few years later, in Baltimore, we had another child and he really had a bad time every six months trying to adjust. I still do.

They also asked 'how's your spring (or fall) cleaning coming?' and we said hunh. In Miami windows were open all year long so nobody ever season cleaned.:cool:
Smoke Detectors--Check
Carbon Monoxide Detector--Check
Batteries--Getting them today
I think I'm ready. I do wish they'd leave the time alone though.
Frankly, I LIKE the "fall back." It's the "spring forward" that I hate!
Thanks Dave,

Your sons really favor you! A great picture and I'm sure it represents a lot of wonderful memories for you.

Thanks for the reminder. I changed them about a week ago. One kept going off during the night. Our electrician came out the next day and replaced one. I had him put in new batteries at the same time. No sense to have them if they don't work.
Thanks Dave!

Thanks Dave!

I told him it was hard to tell who was who on his little avatar picture. I assumed he was the one in the middle, but wasn't sure.

Dave, is this the picture for the local hero's Calendar? That's pretty cool!

And thanks for the reminder, I know we just replaced one battery, cuz it started chirping and wouldn't stop until we did! They are wired into the house, but I guess they have batteries anyway for back-up?
Hey Jean,
It is either this one or one other that they took.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Very nice picture Dave. You must be so proud of your sons.

Thanks for the reminder. We are diligent in our battery changing. The detector warned our daughter of a fire that started in the attic's whole-house fan. Did $30,000 worth of damage (mainly smoke). But she was home alone (8th grader at the time) and had the quick response of calling 911. The firemen said that if no one was home we would have lost our house because the fire was burning down and not up. By the time anyone would have noticed the fire outside, it would have been too late.

So maybe my little story will be an added incentive to heed your battery suggestion.


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