......and am going back to my docs office for INR testing:eek2:. The final straw was today I received a bill from Tapestry Medical/QAS(on Alere letterhead) that I owed $47.38 and that I was 151-180 days late for $23.43 and 91-120 days late for $23.95. Actually, I have been begging Alere for several months to send me a bill:mad2:. They did send me a hand written bill on a "post-it note" that I refused to pay:confused2:. I have been on a bi-weekly testing program since July, 2009 and this is only the second time I have received a billing. I also had to beg for the first bill. If you have insurance that requires you to pay co-insurance, I advise you to examine your billings from your INR progam provider.
It is a shame that I had to stop this as it is very convenient and probalbly more accurate than going in for testing at my docs office. Oh well, I went into a lab or docs office for the first 42 years.....so it won't be difficult to make the transition back to the "old" way:redface2::tongue2:.
It is a shame that I had to stop this as it is very convenient and probalbly more accurate than going in for testing at my docs office. Oh well, I went into a lab or docs office for the first 42 years.....so it won't be difficult to make the transition back to the "old" way:redface2::tongue2:.