finally a surgery date

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It's been a few weeks since I last posted. My husband finally has a surgery date 10/3. He has chosen to go with a tissue valve. Many family members and friends are calling to find out when they can come up, since nobody lives closer than 4 hours away. I'm trying to hold people off right now because I don't know what we will need. Any suggestions?
I will put him on the calendar and send you my best wishes for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Having some family with you in the waiting room would be great- it's more stressful for the family than it is for the patient. I tried to keep visitors to a minimum when Dick was recovering - he was in the hospital and at home to recuperate, not entertain.
I would also say keep visitors to a minimum for a few weeks. No point in people coming to the hospital, he will be on pain meds for a while.. Once he gets home, napping frequently will be the norm for a while, and not very entertaining for visitors. Of course, close family is different - kids (if you have any), siblings, parents etc., for short visits- they will want to SEE that he is OK. I had the sense to realize that was why my parents offered to drive us to the hospital etc., and wait with my DH in the waiting room while I was being "done".
I agree about keeping visitors to a minimum. Having well-meaning friends and neighbors visit, even though all I did was sit and smile, was one of the most tiring things I did for about 6 weeks. I really appreciated cards and flowers, though.:D And he will be too busy recovering to want visitors in the hospital.

Also, Oct is the beginning of "flu season" and even if people had shots, they may not be effective yet.
I found visitors exhausting both of my OHS. DH kept them to a bare minimum the first time and the second time I told him the few people I wanted to see and he kept the rest away. I didn't even want them to come visit when I got home. By the time I wanted visitors (about a week to ten days) I was up to going out for casual, early dner and that is what we did. We met our friends at a nearby, casual restaurant that offers
'good food' vs fast food junk. We had a nice meal with them and went home.

Everyone who cares about you will understand. If they have the good sense to come, stay for fifteen minutes to a half and hour and leave, then fine. Any more than that is very tiring IMO
I agree with everyone. The only people allowed to visit me when I was recovering from OHS (AVR) was my sister, kids and hubby. That was enough.
All of my work friends had the common sense to give me time. Just remember though that most people still like cards, flowers, cookies, fruit arrangements etc. But ask everyone to have these delivered to your home so that when he gets out of the hospital they will be waiting for him there. I will pray for a quick and uneventful recovery.:D
Hi ~ I just wanted to wish your husband well with his surgery. I pray that the surgery is successful and that he has an easy recovery. I agree with the others..i haven't had heart surgery yet, but i have had many spine surgeries and all i wanted to do was sleep (because of all the medications they gave me) and i didn't feel like entertaining people at all for the first week, or so. Once i had my landlady and her 3 kids all show up right after i got out of the recovery room and i was so sick from the anesthesia that all i wanted to do was be alone and they visited for almost an hour!! So tell people he will need to recover first and then they can visit...people will understand.

Best wishes,
