Feeling very sad...I think it's time to go.

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2004
Phila PA
gadgetman said:

When one of the "talking heads" on the news pointed out the fact that "SO MANY" of our National Guard are overseas (not just in Iraq by the way) an Army General on the show pointed out that Mississippi has over 11,000 Guard Members. Currently, 3,000 are deployed out of state. That leaves 8,000 plus just in Mississippi. You think those helicopters you see plucking people off roof tops are being flown by civilians. SOAP BOX CLOSED.

I've been feeling like my face has been slapped all day and that's not how it should be. I'm very sorry if my remark hit nerves.

Am I insenstive to disasters?: In 1974 I lived ten miles from Xenia Ohio which was flattened by an F-5 tornado. I'll never forget that sunny day turning black, crouching in the bathtub with a mattress over our heads, the sights of the devastation, the "refugees" who moved in next door. I was 8.

Am I a commie liberal insenstive to military people? I lived near Xenia because my father was stationed at the nearby air force base. He served for 20 years until he retired at 44 only to die at 47 from lymphoma linked to agent orange exposure during his service in Vietnam.

I climbed out of the base swimming pool at 5:00 for taps and the lowering of the flag during the summers and shopped at the commissary with my mom.

My sister served in the first gulf war and is still in the reserves and I shudder to think of her getting deployed.

Maybe my valve issues will stay mild and I wouldn't have needed the forum anymore anyway.

Take care.
I don't understand this post--I must have missed something.

I'm sorry for whatever happened to make you feel this way. Was it on another thread??

We value your input, please don't go away.
Don't go!

Don't go!


Don't go. I went back and read your posts, you were just expressing your feelings. Since Katirna, peoples' emotions are running very high and sensetive right now, and everyone has a voice and the right to use it. If you have a heart valve issue and it seems you do then you need us and we need you. Focus on that. No one will remember tomorrow whether they agreed or disagreed with what you said.


Hang in there. Thank your family for their sacrifice and service.

Gadgetman's point is well taken. The news media has no business politicizing this and nobody should be blaming the Corp of Engineers. This is a time to come together.

Yes, more people should have heeded warnings to evacuate. Some likely had good reasons to stay. Others made a bad choice. Sadly, some from both groups have died or yet will die. I've made some bad decision in my life. I have no trouble with government or anyone providing assistance in saving as many lives as possible. Ther eis very little time left for some.

Strawberry, please decide to stay with us.
Thanks guys...I couldn't figure out how to unsubscribe.. :(

I didn't mean to politicize anything....My friend made that comment the other day that a lot of the people "overseas" are national guard who probably never thought they would see combat. He has a purple heart from Vietnam...

I think I'm PMSing and I'll just lay low for a while. I just feel bad cause I didn't mean to make anyone mad. Thanks for your thoughts.

PS I think the whole Katrina thing was shocking cause we went to bed thinking it wasn't so bad, and then it took a while to figure out how that had changed and it turned out to be the flooding...It is very upsetting. :eek:
strawberry said:
I couldn't figure out how to unsubscribe.. :(

I think I'm PMSing and I'll just lay low for a while.

Good Strawberry! I'm glad you couldn't figure it out!!!!! Topics often come up that we disagree with each other on. Bottom line is that we care about each other and are here for each other for support when we need it.
I think you are referring to a post in the "Katrina" thread. You are right, it can be frustrating knowing we need help here and some of our folks are elsewhere. However, I am sure they are needed there as well. It's just too bad that the rest of the world does not help us out in times of emergencies the way we help them.

Please stick around. We have all had "our faces slapped" here and there. That's what happens in families. We try not to let that keep us from our primary goal, just like the national guard, which is to help others in need.

I have a tendency to get really angry when disasters happen and I feel I can't do what I want to help. I lash out at stupid drivers and just now slammed the refrigerator door just because it didn't close on its own. Not rational but stemming from many, many emotions. I am sure that is what prompted the post that you felt was personal. I do not think it was meant to hurt you but, again, stemmed from helplessness in such a time.

Take care.



I'm so sorry you took my comments as a "slap to the face" :( . I meant no disrespect to your opinions (no matter how wrong they are :D :D ). It just make me angry when someone takes something this drastic and tries to politicize the tragedy to further their agenda. I just felt you were wrong to blame any human (no matter what side of the fence) for what occurred with Katrina. Only God can control the weather and none of us are in a position to "second guess" Him.

I also respect your "service" to your country. Yes, dependents should be considered along with the active duty member (just ask my wife and kids :D ). It was sad to hear your father was taken at such a young age. He did not have much time to be with and enjoy his family after retirement. I served 26 years in the Air Force and was one of the fortunate ones to avoid the Agent Orange. I attribute some of my service to my heart problems but I ain't blaming anyone. I chose to serve and am proud of that fact.

Maybe God was the reason you couldn't find a way to quit the site. I (along with the rest of the family) hope you will continue to read and post here. You have my permission to "slap my face" when you think I get out of line (watch out, I might slap back :D ). Ross, Mary, Bonnie, Ann and others have in the past and they ain't run me off yet :eek: :D .

So hang in there and keep posting.

May God Bless,

It is to be remembered that we are talking about cities. Many of these people did not have the choice of evacuating. They don't own cars, and the buses were full and gone early on. They wound up in that horrible stadium or trying to wait it out in their flooding homes and apartments. Perhaps if the evacuation had been assisted, instead of the recovery, things might have worked out somewhat better. Hindsight is certainly wonderful.

I don't even want to think about Mississippi. This will truly be our tsunami.

I don't know what the discord was, but I truly hope no one leaves due to a tiff about something not related to valves. Whatever views we may have about how it is handled, we are all united in our grief for those who are living through this nightmare.

In sadness,
strawberry said:
Thanks guys...I couldn't figure out how to unsubscribe.. :(

I didn't mean to politicize anything....My friend made that comment the other day that a lot of the people "overseas" are national guard who probably never thought they would see combat. He has a purple heart from Vietnam...
First off, I'm happy you didn't figure out how to unsubscribe, but most of all, I know that feeling that your speaking of. I've had it happen at least once every 3 months lately. You know what though, it's not a big deal and people get over it. If you have too or just want to take some time off and away, that is fine. I found it to be very helpful, but I'm truly stuck firm to this place no matter how many times I get slapped down. I think you may find yourself that way too. At least I hope so, because if not, we sure didn't' do our jobs right to start with! ;)

Natural Disasters are stressing and this, being the largest single one to hit this Nation, has everyone thrown off balance. Sadly, it's going to get much worse before it gets better. Do as a Wiseman (Hank, I think is his name) told me, Those are just words on a screen, you have a family, you have a life, and you have friends, do not let what happens in the forums take a toll on you as a person. :)
I'm glad you didn't leave either...........

I'm glad you didn't leave either...........

I've been pretty scarce these days for obvious reasons........still trying to catch up from being gone a month, but just had to post a note. My husband and I are both lifers in the Texas Army National Guard...........and I will defend the guard to my death, and I fully appreciate where you are coming from. It is true to some extent that guardsmen are scarce right now.......yes, many troops are deployed overseas or, and what many people don't realize, at various active duty stations around the nation. As so many active duty forces have been forced to "abandon" places like White Sands, NM (my husband was deployed there for 11 months just two years ago to provide security because the active duty forces there, for the most part, had been deployed to Iraq), Fort Sam, and Fort Bliss - leaving serious "holes" in those posts' security, many guardsmen are activated and deployed to those posts to "fill" in security positions, etc. Some of our TExas troops have been activated and are used to help with border patrol - at least this was true through two years ago - that is when I retired due to our Katie's health issues. And what so many people don't take into account with guardsmen is that they ARE FROM those areas, unlike active duty troops who are from all over and simply stationed at a post, guardsmen usually live within fifty miles of their duty station/armory. Yes, there are guardsmen from other areas of Louisiana and Mississippi, but there are also many troops living in those decimated areas. Yes, you are supposed to keep your command informed of where you are at all times, but I doubt if that was those soldiers' top priority as they were fleeing the flood waters with their families trying to get them to safe ground. Many of those very troops have had their homes destroyed, too. With communication out, they may not even realize their units have been activated.

And I disagree with the statement made by your friend about reservists not thinking they would ever be called up. Ever since Desert Storm, callup of the guard has been a reality. My unit was 11 days from deploying during Desert Storm. I do not think there is a reservist out there who is naive enough to believe, especially since 9/11, that they are not going to do some serious active duty time at some point during their "reserve" career. I do have to confess that Don and I agreed that he needed to retire (SGM with 28 years) last year as his unit was due up on the next rotation for Iraq. It was with very mixed emotions, as we feel such a sense of loyalty and obligation to the brigade, but I was not going to go through Katie's fourth open heart surgery alone & without him.

Well, now I am rambling on like an idiot. I am so glad you stayed and, believe me, I do appreciate the sacrifice your family has made. I know I have regrettably missed a great deal of my son's early life - his first steps, birthdays, etc., due to my military obligation. "People" don't understand truly the sacrifices that those in the military make. Please disregard some uninformed comments by others. I just think that some people out there are ignorant about the "workings" of the military and didn't mean to truly put down our nation's soldiers - active or reserve. It's probably good I didn't see the other post you are referring to. Many hugs. Janet

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