When I last posted on here, was so very nervous about my OHS for Bicuspid valve replacement and repair of aortic root aneurism. Since then, and after all the wonderful supportive messages and posts from everyone on this site, I started to feel a little less stressed. When I first found out I needed surgery in 6 months, I was barely sleeping and could only worry about my surgery. Now I only think about it every now and then and am keeping busy.
I met with my new cardiologist last week about my upcoming pre-surgical tests, one of which is an angiogram. I have been so stressed about that too. When I met with him, he immediately put me at ease. When he discussed the procedure, he made it sound like he was doing something as simple as making coffee. He will be going in through my wrist, and I will have no real restrictions afterwards except to have someone stay with me for 24 hours and then not being able to lift anything heavier than 9 lbs for 5-6 days.
I scheduled my surgery for the week of April 28th. I will get a definite date once my results come back from my angiogram. I am busy working on preparing my home for the post surgery time recovering, and getting my life in order should where be any complications. I'm most dreading the days in ICU since all the stuff about breathing tubes, chest tubes, IV's stress me out more than the surgery but I recently had an epiphany. I reminded myself that I have no choice other than to have this surgery, and that I have to go through all of this and yes its going to probably suck for 2 or 3 days. But I can't change anything and all I can do is deal with it as best I can. And surprisingly that realization has made me less stressed.
I will provide another update after my angiogram. Until then, I keep reading all the posts on here that have helped me calm down and I thank you all so much for your words of wisdom.
I met with my new cardiologist last week about my upcoming pre-surgical tests, one of which is an angiogram. I have been so stressed about that too. When I met with him, he immediately put me at ease. When he discussed the procedure, he made it sound like he was doing something as simple as making coffee. He will be going in through my wrist, and I will have no real restrictions afterwards except to have someone stay with me for 24 hours and then not being able to lift anything heavier than 9 lbs for 5-6 days.
I scheduled my surgery for the week of April 28th. I will get a definite date once my results come back from my angiogram. I am busy working on preparing my home for the post surgery time recovering, and getting my life in order should where be any complications. I'm most dreading the days in ICU since all the stuff about breathing tubes, chest tubes, IV's stress me out more than the surgery but I recently had an epiphany. I reminded myself that I have no choice other than to have this surgery, and that I have to go through all of this and yes its going to probably suck for 2 or 3 days. But I can't change anything and all I can do is deal with it as best I can. And surprisingly that realization has made me less stressed.
I will provide another update after my angiogram. Until then, I keep reading all the posts on here that have helped me calm down and I thank you all so much for your words of wisdom.