EXTREME Palpitations....

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beano said:
Hi. actually all this talk about CHOCOLATE being bad for you and the palps--- it is actually GOOD for you, your heart and your palps! :)
its teh SUGAR in the chocolate that causes the terror-- sugar is evil.
Cocoa or chocolate actually helps the heart, vessels (sceintific proof), and the magnesium content in chocolate is HIGH-- which reduces palps and helps heart function.
I buy 75% and 90% chocolate (only like 20-10 % sugar , so real low) bars and they help me out- greatly
the cocoa also has a chemical in it that makes you feel calm, cozy and the substance that is released from the brain when you fall in love. it increases serotonin-- and best of all its natural and not a drug.
Sugar is a drug because it is refined from its natural source and pure energy, something the nerves dont like.
once you get used to high content bittersweet chocolate--its hard to ever go back.
there is a website somewhere that lists hundreds of medical articles on teh health benefits of chocolate. my freind gave it to me but i forgot it.
also saw on the news how good chocolate is for you.
cutting the sugar out is the key. eat up! and never feel guilty!

I think I am going to get me some high grade chocolate.....my heart could use some TLC right about now.

Irr. Heart beat.

Irr. Heart beat.

Sorry Harry,
to hear you are having so many problems. Back in Oct. I w.as having the same problems. My PCP didn't want to deal with it finally after I pass out for the third time and was taken to the hosp. by the EMS. With me telling them to call my cardiologist. They put in a pacemaker-defiblator. I have had a couple of events but nothing very bad. My husband finally told them if I blacked out one more time and hurt my self he was going to sue. That finaally got their attention.I am on medicare too!