Well-known member
Hey, I have finally gotten to the home stretch and am FINALLY almost done with my route! 9 more days left. I have found that the more exhausted I get the more pumpheaded I get. I was headed into Silverdale yesterday to get my blood draw, and I figured I might as well gas up and get some lunch since the lab was closed for lunch too. SO I did that, and I ended up heading back towards home. Anyways, I got into poulsbo(a town north of where I needed to go, and remembered that I was supposed to get my blood draw, so I headed ALL the way back for my test, and THEN came home, only to remember that we were out of milk. Well, by then I had figured that I was home and NOT going back we had pizza for dinner. Tonight I am taking the kids out to have mcdonalds...I am too tired to cook anything. I feel bad but this will be done and over with soon. My house looks like crap, and I need to do will have to wait. I will do the dishes and sweep up todays mess, but the rest will have to wait. I need to take care of myself first...then the house. I will nap after I put the kids to bed. This is rediculous! Sorry, just had to tell somebody who understands us heart patients!