Everything is all set for the 22nd of JAN 2008

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Last Friday -11January my wife and I went down and spent some time with My surgeon and headnurse (Bonnie). Bonnie was terrific and went through the whole process of OHS with my wife and I. SHe had a great illustrated flow chart that started from the very start of the day of surgery until discharge from the hospital a week later.
I really didnt need to see all the pics etc--kinda freaked me out--but my wife was happy --- as she said it has eased her mind a bit.

The valve is scheduled to be replaced on 22JAN by DR.Havenstrite and assisted by TACOMA GENERAL surgeon DR. Nichols. Dr, Nichols will assist in surgery--- as this will be the first ONX valve to be emplaced in a patient with Madiagan Hosptial.
As many of you have read some of my recent posts under valve selection, I am sure you are wondering why I have switched from a pig valve to the onx. I am being told now by the military cardiologists here at Madigan that having a ONX valve will not effect my military career and the opportunity to deploy overseas again. I was very relieved (although I have no real issues against a tissue valve) to find I can stay in the military and not be limited in any way from having to be on coumadin.
I am being told the actual date could change but looks good so far. Im sure everyone gets told that.

My "surgical services" pre-op, blood work etc date is this Thursday the 17th of JAN.
I will report back here upon completion of that appt.
Im still very anxious and nervous---look forward to waking up at the hopital with the recovery ahead of me---its just these last days leading up to surgery that are kind of a pain.
Take Care all and Thanks for all yoru support!
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Hello Zack,

Glad to hear you have a date and you were able to meet with the surgeon and nurse. That is a great relief to begin to have a better picture of what you are facing. It's true, the waiting is the hardest part and your job now is to try to relax as much as possible and know all will go well and you will be excellently taken care of.

I am 6 weeks post op and feeling really great. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and you my friend, will be there soon, too!!!

All the best, Betsy
Hi Zack, you are well on your way....big decisions are done....hospital, surgeon, valve, date.
Don't get freaked out by all the pics they showed you in hospital, I have no memory of even waking up on my morning of surgery. Several months post op I started to ask my husband questions about what went on, but it is hard to digest it all for quite some time.
I actually got called in 2 days early for my surgery, so be prepared.:)
Keep busy the next few days and the time will pass by quickly. Don't forget to do some fun stuff while you can as for a few months post-op you'll be concentrating very hard on recovery. Also, prepare you house to accomodate you during recovery. Best wishes for a successful surgery and smooth, uneventful, recovery.
Hi Zack. Sounds like you have made the major decisions and everything is a "go." Just try to relax as best you can (easier said than done, I know) before the big day. Maybe pick out some movies to watch or books to read when you return home for recovery. All best wishes to you....
Upcoming Surgery

Upcoming Surgery

Hi Zack,

Your post sounds too familiar. My wife and I did the pre-surgery visit with my surgeon and his staff. The flow chart thing, and very detailed description of my surgery and recovery timelines pretty much overwhelmed me. One of the nurses ran us through the manditory video showing. When it was over she asked me if I felt better about my upcoming surgery. I believe my comment was, "Are you nuts?" My wife found the information we received to be very positive. As we left the hospital, she commented about how we had made the right decision about the surgeon and the hospital. I've never seen her misjudge people and she didn't miss the mark with her assessment.

As others have already said, it sounds like you've got the major decisions made. Now you just need to focus on keeping your stress level down as you wait for your surgery date to get here. Try to get you head around this thing and relax. You'll be okay.

Hi Zack,

Have included you in my prayers.I look forward to your posting about your smooth recovery.

God Bless,

CP from Middle Ga:)
Sounds like you are ready to go and confident as you should be. Best wishes, Zack.
I'm wishing you good luck for your upcoming surgery and for a smooth recovery.


Zack - wow... I was really surprised to read this post. So you decided on the On-X and I see that Dennis Nichols will be assisting your surgeon. Dr. Nichols is the CTS who will be doing my AVR (On-X of course!). I met him last week and I was quickly convinced that for me, he's "the guy." Best of luck on Jan 22. You and your family will definitely be in my thoughts & prayers on that date. I'll be just a short drive down I-5 from you and I'll do my best to send you positive thoughts/energy and prayers all day long. I know we'll talk soon. HarleyGirl suggested that we have an "I-5" get-together a few months from now. Until then, go have some fun with that family of yours!
Thanks to all of you!!

Thanks to all of you!!

Thanks for all the positive comments!! You all are so terrific!!

I have my pre-op with surgical services as stated early tomorrow-Thursday the 17th of JAN.

Interestingly enough I received a phone call last night from my primary care provider informing me that my CTA scan ( (computed tomography angiography) on Oct 31st had revealed some buildup of something on one of my lungs---1/2 to 1 cm or so in size. He told me it quite possibly is scar tissue and not to worry but that I would need to get that checked out asap --before surgery. So tomorrow AM before the pre-op for OHS I will get a CT scan of the lungs.
Trying not to be freaked out over the lung--but I will be very angry if the lung is effected with the C-word. I wont be angry at the doctors or anything --just the fact of it all. I heard its common to have some scar tissue in the lungs and this is just a precaution.
Has anyone else experienced any scar tissue in the lungs?

Thanks again for all the great comments!
I will update on here asap tomorrow--
Take Care ALL--Zack
Sorry to hear you now have this additional worry- sending prayers that it is just scar tissue and will look for your update tomorrow. Godspeed!
Surgery postponed until FEB

Surgery postponed until FEB

Well I just returned from my scheduled CT scan. The doctors have informed me that its very normal to have a follow-up CT scan---many people have them I guess. I am supposed to be called later to day to get the results.

In the mean time my surgeon has informed me that my surgery scheduled for 22Jan has been put on hold for two-three weeks or so. So nonetheless my pre-op appt was cancelled. I was so prepared mentally for today!
Huge disappointment mentally but--its OK.
The reason is he says is because of administrative reasons. He says Dr. Nichols from Tacoma Gen. needs to get his credentials with Madigan Hospital worked out--he sayed its a mere forality as Dr. Nichols has previously worked there. Also there seems to be some issues with the ONX rep--I guess the valve hasnt arrived yet. Not to sure on that.
Im kinda irrated because I feel as if Im not as filled in on everything as I feel I need to be. I am positive it will all work out though!
Whats another 2-3 weeks. Dr.Havenstrite, just told me as I was leaving today--"go home enjoy the Super Bowl (Feb 4) and shortly thereafter we will have everything in order to perform the surgery."
So Im fine --just seemed like I was mentally getting more prepared and relaxed--now I have to scale it back a bit and wait a little more.
Take Care All- Zack
Gosh we were having our surgery the same day. I don't know how I would handle it being put off now but I've heard of that on this board. Others here have been through this. I guess everything happens for a reason. Good Luck and I'll be thinking of you. Earline

Sorry to hear you have more waiting time. The doc is right, just try to relax and enjoy the time you have and before you know it, you will be on the other side with the rest of us. It does look good from this side and is a big relief.

all the best, Betsy
So sorry you have to wait as I know you were mentally prepared for Tuesday, but I agree, try to put it out of your mind and enjoy the reprieve. I took you off the calendar so be sure to let us know when you have a new date.