Well-known member
Hi Gang,
Just thought I would put in a little post to warn you all about the hazards of driving in the state of Maine.....
I was driving up to my parents on Friday the 13th (yes, I realized what day it was), and I was about 2 hours from my home (I was just above Augusta, Maine) when this car in front of me Sped up, Slowed down, Sped up, and Slowed down again, and kept doing this for about 2 miles, so I thought, well, this is dangerous, so I went to pass them, and as I was trying to pass them, they sped up again, as if to not allow me to pass, and I ended up doing 82 in a 65, just while trying to get around the dude that was causing this...Well, I got pulled over, and a nice, fat $185.00 ticket, and told by the Trooper that I really should consider staying OUT of the State of Maine...How rude....considering, the poorer communities of northern maine drive down here to NH and work our jobs.....-sorry, I am just too mad right now...
Anyway, I got to my parent's house and discussed it with my dad, and he said that it WAS a set up speed trap....So, if anyone drives up here into Maine, PLEASE be careful as the fines have doubled....There, Now I will be more pleasant...I promise...LOL

Just thought I would put in a little post to warn you all about the hazards of driving in the state of Maine.....
I was driving up to my parents on Friday the 13th (yes, I realized what day it was), and I was about 2 hours from my home (I was just above Augusta, Maine) when this car in front of me Sped up, Slowed down, Sped up, and Slowed down again, and kept doing this for about 2 miles, so I thought, well, this is dangerous, so I went to pass them, and as I was trying to pass them, they sped up again, as if to not allow me to pass, and I ended up doing 82 in a 65, just while trying to get around the dude that was causing this...Well, I got pulled over, and a nice, fat $185.00 ticket, and told by the Trooper that I really should consider staying OUT of the State of Maine...How rude....considering, the poorer communities of northern maine drive down here to NH and work our jobs.....-sorry, I am just too mad right now...
Anyway, I got to my parent's house and discussed it with my dad, and he said that it WAS a set up speed trap....So, if anyone drives up here into Maine, PLEASE be careful as the fines have doubled....There, Now I will be more pleasant...I promise...LOL