Errrrrrrr!!!!!! Ole Harrybaby Got Bagged!!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,

Just thought I would put in a little post to warn you all about the hazards of driving in the state of Maine.....

I was driving up to my parents on Friday the 13th (yes, I realized what day it was), and I was about 2 hours from my home (I was just above Augusta, Maine) when this car in front of me Sped up, Slowed down, Sped up, and Slowed down again, and kept doing this for about 2 miles, so I thought, well, this is dangerous, so I went to pass them, and as I was trying to pass them, they sped up again, as if to not allow me to pass, and I ended up doing 82 in a 65, just while trying to get around the dude that was causing this...Well, I got pulled over, and a nice, fat $185.00 ticket, and told by the Trooper that I really should consider staying OUT of the State of Maine...How rude....considering, the poorer communities of northern maine drive down here to NH and work our jobs.....-sorry, I am just too mad right now...

Anyway, I got to my parent's house and discussed it with my dad, and he said that it WAS a set up speed trap....So, if anyone drives up here into Maine, PLEASE be careful as the fines have doubled....There, Now I will be more pleasant...I promise...LOL:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :D
Just came back from 'way above Bangor yesterday and passed several of that type of driver. Sort of a passive-aggressive type of thing where they slow down when they're in front of you, but suddenly find the gas pedal when you go to move past. No troopers accompanied them, though. Sometimes a yo-yoing idiot driver is just a yo-yoing idiot driver...

If the mountie pulled you over for 82 mph, he must have liked your license plate. At 82 mph on Rt 95, he would have had his pick.

Best wishes,
There are a lot of traps out there but you would be hard pressed to prove it.

One of the things some of the local jurisdictions do around here is sit and wait on roads that have construction with signs that say "Closed to through traffic". What happens is people not from the area might turn around on those road sections because they don't know how to get where they want to go (often the detour signs are further up the road). Then the waiting officer gives a ticket for "Driving on a closed road". The happened to us as well as many folks I know. The officers claim you are trying to get "through" which makes no sense because clearly you cannot. Trying to argue that turning around is not driving on a closed road or that "Closed to through traffice" is not the same as "Road closed" is also useless. They merely assume you are lying.

Too bad that the courts always side with the officer (unless, for some reason he or she does not show up). Knowing this happens, people do not go to court to argue which only gives the jurisdiction more reason to make money this way.
I just heard a story about a very stupid driver, aggressive for no reason type. He decided to come up behind a car on the freeway and bump his rear bumper! Then!! he proceded to pass, swerve in front of this poor guy and just stop in the middle of the freeway!! Lucky for those of us hearing this story, the driver he bumped was a state trooper in an unmarked car. He obviously pulled him over and may even have approached the stupid driver with his gun out!! The driver didn't give him any trouble!! Ya think??!!!!!

Maybe it's just a story that is supposed to make us all feel better, I don't know. You always wonder where the cops are when you see aggressive drivers..... well, at least that one didn't get away with it!! :D

Sorry about your ticket. I once had to swerve around a guy who cut in front of me and gun it through an intersection to avoid hitting him. Got a speeding ticket since they got me on the photo thing in the intersection. :mad: **it happens!!

;) Marguerite

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