Enetric day seven-defibrillator gets placed

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Wow, you guys are too much. He did very well today, thank you all for your prayers and support & the many responses. Eric's been poked, prodded , shocked, punctured, sewn, dripped, punched, knocked out you name it they did it to him. It's been when Hell of an ordeal. The procedure and testing of the defibrillator I'm so happy to say went well today. He's now in a step down room tonight. I don't know the manufacturer of the defibrillator but I imagine he does. I know he's finally on the mend. He was hungry..... He's also very determined to have a good night and successfully get thru the testing of the defibrillator tomorrow and hopes to be home as soon as tomorrow night or at the very latest Wednesday morning. His arms are still pretty swollen and infected but he's handling it. Just want you to know, when my Eric is determined nothing stops him. When he was a teenager he decided he would grow to be 6'2" tall and would settle for nothing less. Not one family member on either side ever grew that tall, 5'10 & 1/2 was the tallest, so I told him not to count on it. He didn't count on it he just did it!!!!! Guess who's 6'2" tall???

It's real late and I've got to get back to work tomorrow. Hopefully the next communication will come from him. However, don't be surprised if I drop in and say hi. After all he's been through I just know my Eric will be safe and will get back to the business of living. I'm sure you all will be there to help him. A special thanks to Bob and Mary you've been great, heartfelt thanks to all who took the time to write, I appreciate you all so very much.

Good night.
You are a great mom. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on Eric and happy to hear he is doing so well.
Please do pop in - we need all the input possible to keep things rolling along.
Give Eric our very best.
With a wonderful Mum like you Di...its no wonder Eric is such a fighter and is gonna surprise you all...he is one determined young man...

God Bless you both and we hope to see him back here soon...and yes please dont leave us Di...we need heart-Mums here too :D to help remind us other heart-mums that our kids are gonna make it thru these tricky-times :D
Thanks so much for keeping us all well-informed. I know how stressed you must have been this last week and I am so glad that things are now going so well. We look forward to hearing from Eric when he returns home and we hope that you stay with us "significant others"- Moms included. Good job, Mom- we know where Eric gets his determination!
Thanks Dina for the update. I wondered all day if Eric had the defibrillator implanted.
I hope today goes well, so he can concentrate on the business of getting back home. My prayers continue to be with you all.
Dina, thanks so much for giving us the positive news. We'll all have an online party when he gets home.:D
Right on, Di... he sounds like a great guy.

Right on, Di... he sounds like a great guy.

With an attitude like that and a Mom like you.... Eric will be fine. Sure glad to hear he's on the mend.
Eric will have to regale us with his horror stories once he is enough past them to feel he's not jinxing himself by talking about them.

He's been through a good storm, but he's weathering it. And he'll recover even more quickly once he gets home. It doesn't take long before you suddenly realize you're not "special" anymore. Normal can be very pleasant indeed.

Eric remains in my thoughts, but it's a happier Eric, looking forward to coming home.

Very best wishes,
Bob's post reminded me that valve repair/replacment stories are like child-birth stories. Eric will be able to hold his own in a room full of new moms now!!:D
Great to hear Eric is doing well.......remember that his 'heart' is what has gotten him to 6' +......... his 'will' suredly will keep him going through all of this to a perfect recovery.


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