Energy Level Tanking

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Hey all,

Recently I've noticed that my energy level has completely tanked. I can't sleep well at night and I feel like I could sleep all day. I'm toast. I've been trying to keep my activity up by walking (slow) for about an hour a day but it doesn't seem to help. I know I'm way out of shape from my normal condition but this seems above and beyond that. I had to sit down and take a rest while walking through the store the other day. It's really getting me at work too. Good thing I've only got a couple weeks to go but this is getting ridiculous.

Anyone else experience a severe decrease in energy?
My energy level is very low as well. Don't want to do anything. Tired all day long and I have sleeping problems as well. I do take something for that but there are some nights when I don't sleep much or I am awake every hour. Last night was that way and today I am really tired. Wanted to get some shopping done this afternoon but I can tell you that I won't.
Good Luck
I knew I was dead tired everyday for the last 2 years or so. But it wasn't until I had my mitral valve replaced in Oct. that I realized just how tired (and sick) I was. I feel like I new person! I wasn't getting enough blood flow through my heart, the right ventricle was enlarged due to the regurgitation and now.....I can even run! Ha!
Wow, I felt like I was reading a post I had written! I totally relate and wonder if part of it isn't just the pre-operative stress and anxiety. I don't sleep well at night at all, waking up every hour or so and not being able to go back to sleep and then feeling like sleeping all day. That's been my way of life for the past few months. Since my doctor gave me something for anxiety (Xanax) I have actually been using them to go to sleep at night and it has helped immensely. Also, the calm and acceptance that you feel prior to surgery really does seem to be happening to me! I was very skeptical of this before but I can honestly say at one week out from surgery I feel so much better. I can honestly say I even feel lucky...yes lucky....because I know that I am NOT going to be one of the thousands every year who die from this...I am going to survive and be just fine!

I am also WAY out of shape now and really concerned about how that is going to affect me postoperatively but since I broke my back and was already physically restricted because of that and then the aneurysm there really isn't a lot I can do about it but just hope for the best.

Hang in there and when you can, just sleep, no matter what time it is. That's the body's way of regenerating both physically and emotionally.


I don't feel like I ever had to deal with symptomatic issues; however, my wife constantly tells me that she can't keep up with me now. I usually remind her that she had difficulty keeping up with me post-op. She says this is a totally different thing.

Even though my surgery was last March my sleep pattern stuff doesn't seem normal. I still have a difficult time sleeping at night.

Make sure to get rest when you need it and do what exercise you can without overdoing it. In a couple of weeks you'll have a totally fresh perspective as you begin the recovery and rehab process. Hang in there! You're almost there!

I was always tired before I had my surgery. It would sometimes take everything I had to get through my work day. I barely had enough energy to make it home and get into my jammies for bed. I remember falling alseep in my work clothes many times!! I would got to bed exhausted, get a good 8hrs. of sleep in and I would still wake up tired. I knew I was symtomatic before my surgery. I just never realized how bad it was until after my surgery.

Post op.......
I was amazed to see the difference in my energy level. I felt like the energizer bunny at times. Two months post-op I went back to working two jobs, walking 15-20 miles a week and cardiac rehab 3 times a week. I would sometimes walk 3-4 miles after working a 10 hour day. I really liked the fact that I could walk up the stairs without getting sob.

I'm not saying recovery was a walk in the park. I had problems and some set backs. It was all worth it now!!

I look forward to seeing your post after surgery. It will take some time after surgery to regain your stamina and energy. I highly recommend rehab!
Best of Luck!!