When I saw my cardiologist just over a month ago I complained about some left sided chest pains I was getting intermittently, every few weeks lasting two to three days, pain around sternum and into left side of chest and up into shoulder blade, making breathing painful, and more painful when I lie down. The cardio did some blood tests for inflammation. I had an echo, which was okay apart from some 'minor' heart damage (paradoxical septal movement) that is common after cardiac surgery. When I asked at follow up about the blood tests he told me they were normal.
I got lab copies of the tests a few days ago and saw that the C-Reactive Protein level was raised at 15.9 (lab ref range 0 - 10), but the ESR was normal and blood count normal too. I contacted the cardiologist and asked him if I should see my GP in view of the raised CRP. He said I could if I wished (I'm not a doctor) to see if the levels have recovered, but he didn't think it was significant. I am sure he is only thinking of my heart since he is a cardiologist. I have several other things wrong with me (diabetes, small airways disease and now tendon pains or arthritis in my toes and fingers), as well as the continuing intermittent chest pains and feeling breathless, and plain not like I was pre-surgery. The cardio didn't comment on my chest pains after the blood test and the echo.
I am having routine blood tests via my GP on Friday week but CRP is not one of the tests. My problem is that I don't know whether to bother my GP with this and ask him to add the CRP to the list of tests or whether I should just wait until I see him at the beginning of October when I have a routine appointment for the results of Friday week's tests.
I find very little information about CRP - I mean I do find info but it's not clear what a raised level like I have means. I did not have an infection at the time of the test.
Has anyone else had a raised CRP ?
I got lab copies of the tests a few days ago and saw that the C-Reactive Protein level was raised at 15.9 (lab ref range 0 - 10), but the ESR was normal and blood count normal too. I contacted the cardiologist and asked him if I should see my GP in view of the raised CRP. He said I could if I wished (I'm not a doctor) to see if the levels have recovered, but he didn't think it was significant. I am sure he is only thinking of my heart since he is a cardiologist. I have several other things wrong with me (diabetes, small airways disease and now tendon pains or arthritis in my toes and fingers), as well as the continuing intermittent chest pains and feeling breathless, and plain not like I was pre-surgery. The cardio didn't comment on my chest pains after the blood test and the echo.
I am having routine blood tests via my GP on Friday week but CRP is not one of the tests. My problem is that I don't know whether to bother my GP with this and ask him to add the CRP to the list of tests or whether I should just wait until I see him at the beginning of October when I have a routine appointment for the results of Friday week's tests.
I find very little information about CRP - I mean I do find info but it's not clear what a raised level like I have means. I did not have an infection at the time of the test.
Has anyone else had a raised CRP ?