Eggs - to eat or not

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I don't eat that many eggs, but I can safely say that I don't believe 95% of "scientific studies" either. My opinion, (Yeah, I know it isn't worth much) is eat them if you like them and don't worry so much about all the "scientific studies".:D
Yea! For Eggs!

Yea! For Eggs!

I agree with you Ross. I have always thought that I would eat my eggs because I love them and I just thought they were good for me too...I generally have 5 or 6 a week. I also switched from butter to margarine and then back to butter because I thought margarine just tasted like plastic. Besides I have a dairy farm background. I have switched from whole milk to 1%. I just cannot tolerate blue skim milk...bah! humbug! I guess I'll stick my head in the sand and think that if I eat lots of fruit and veggies and keep cutting down on my red meat intake, I will still be ahead of the game...and stay physically active. Anyway thanks for the report ...I will add it to my "chocolate is good for you" report for justification!
I laugh!

Just think about all the foods that were eaten, long before these studies were ever thought of. People lived long, fruitful lives and pretty much ate what they wanted too.

It's the stress in everyday life that is the killer, not so much the food we eat!
Protein fortified milk

Protein fortified milk


In our area of the country, we have a fat free milk that looks and tastes like whole milk. It's called "protein fortified fat free plus." It costs a little more than regular milk, but it's worth the difference to us.

The nice thing is that when you pour it into coffee, it isn't blue. It evan tastes good straight.

Since my AVR I have been cutting back on red meats, trying to stick with a low fat, low cholesteral, and low salt diet. It's been okay so far, but I haven't been a fanatic about any of it. I still enjoy an occassional prime rib or a good steak, but just not as frequently or as much in quantity. "All things in moderation" seems to be the key to success.

I confess, I did have a Philly chesse steak after meeting with my cardiologist about 3 weeks ago! (LOL)

Ron K
Ross you have got it! Accodring to all the studies everything is dangerous! My sister-in-law really turned me on to "whole foods" eating, which is pretty much what you are talking about. back in the day folks ate a lot of different foods, but none of it contained processed sugars and fats. My great grandparents lived on a farm and ate what they raised, right? There were no twinkies and no doritos. They both lived to be in their 80's. My grandparents were the ones with health problems (post- WWII industrial revolution?)

I am trying to get away from all the junk food I used to eat, (God save me from ice cream) and be more active and eat a variety of foods, more organics and less processed stuff.

It's so true about the old days. My Grandpa lived to be 95, and he ate beef or pork probably daily for as long as I can remember.
My Grandma on my Mom's side lived to be 96, and we sure got lots of sweet recipes laden with butter or shortening from her! Maybe it was the Norwegian ale that gave her the edge!
My grandmother is 93 and still going strong. She eats Grape Nuts and some sort of flake cereal for breakfast with whatever milk she happens to pick up. She eats oatmeal cookies and butter pecan ice cream for lunch. For dinner, my mom or uncle (whichever she is staying with at the time) tries to get her to eat veggies, but they aren't always successful. She grew up eating lots of beans and rice (with pork), and can't stand to look at either one now.

Since my arteries are clean, and my heart problem wasn't caused by by dietary habits, I pretty much eat what I want, and I am a chocoholic and Diet Coke fanatic! I try to watch my weight, but I'm not always successful! I am a teacher, and if I forget to bring my lunch, I eat whatever's on the menu, and it's usually not very healthy. You'd be amazed at what they can put into a nugget!
I am hip your your garandma! What a hero. I wish I could eat cookies and ice cream for lunch, but I usually have that for breakfast! Ha ha.

I dont' have any artery troubles either and the cardio said I can eat what I want, so I do. I am jut trying to get this valve job to last for a long time.

On Eggs

On Eggs

I just have to be careful when it is PT time, because if I fry in vegetable oil, my number is lower. But most of the time I use spray for frying and margarine for scrambled. I also two large egss for breakfgast. Unless I want just one for a sandwich. Do what feels good to you all.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve