Hi Christina-
Sorry you have to add more meds to the mix, but they are necessary to get rid of the fluid.
Joe has had congestive heart failure for many years and he is always battling fluid. I'm not suggesting that you have CHF, but just discussing edema. We have found that when he has it in his legs and feet, he also has it in other places, like his lungs and stomach area, even the liver. So it is important to rid your body of the extra. With Joe, the fluid retention ebbs and flows. I use no sodium in cooking, and none for him at the table. I make his bread w/o salt, and he cannot have anything with baking soda or baking powder (that is loaded w. sodium). His dairy is restricted as well, because that has more sodium than you might think. He uses no salt butter. He takes 160mg of Lasix per day, and lots of potassium, because one of his other meds causes potassium depletion. In spite of all that, he had to take Zaroxolyn over the weekend in addition to the Lasix. That is quite powerful. He lost the extra fluid, and feels better.
To keep track of what is going on with his fluid, he weighs himself everyday at the same time, and a weight gain or three pounds in a day, or five pounds in a week will generate a call to the cardio for extra diuretics. With Joe, it is a critical thing and could cause a decompensating cascade of problems. So it's very tightly controlled.
I'm hoping the diuretics help you out, and that it's a temporary thing.
Best wishes, Christina.