Just got back from my card and got the latest Echo report. I hope someone here can explain what it all means. I have absolutely no faith in my card. She has messed up several test results but luckily my PCP and my Pulmonologist have taken care of things.
I appreciate any help anyone can give.
M Mode
Ao root diam - 3.14cm, LA dimension - 4.19cm, LVSd - 1.61cm, LVIDd-5.23cm
LVINd - 1.69cm. LVIDs - 2.82cm
AV Doppler
AoV Vmax- 329.0cm/s, AoMaxPG - 43.3mmHg, Ao meanPG - 17.2mmHg, LVOT V Max - 161.0cm/s, AoV area (Vmax) 1.55cm2, AoV VTI - 81.3cm, LVOT VTI - 52.6cm , Ao area (VTI) - 1.83cm2
LVOT diam - 1.90cm , EF (Teich)>60%
MV Doppler
MV pk E vel - 154.0 cm/s, Tissue D E'- 8.19cm/s, MV mn grad - 2.51mmHg, MV area (PHT) 2.62cm2, MV pk A vel - 63.2cm/s, MV E/A 2.43
TV Doppler
RVSP - 33.5mmHg, TR pk vel - 242.0cm/s
PV Doppler
PV Vmax - 81.9cm/s , PV pk grad - 2.68mmHg
Mild tricuspid regurgitation. RVSP 33mmHg
Mild right ventricular dilatation
MIld left atrial enlargement
Mild LVH
So what do you think? I am going to try and find a copy of the previous echo I had done, ( by the way, I had to absolutely insist that an echo be done. My surgery was in January of 2004 and this is the first echo I have had.) She seems just too nonchalant about everything.
Thanks for any information you can share.
I appreciate any help anyone can give.
M Mode
Ao root diam - 3.14cm, LA dimension - 4.19cm, LVSd - 1.61cm, LVIDd-5.23cm
LVINd - 1.69cm. LVIDs - 2.82cm
AV Doppler
AoV Vmax- 329.0cm/s, AoMaxPG - 43.3mmHg, Ao meanPG - 17.2mmHg, LVOT V Max - 161.0cm/s, AoV area (Vmax) 1.55cm2, AoV VTI - 81.3cm, LVOT VTI - 52.6cm , Ao area (VTI) - 1.83cm2
LVOT diam - 1.90cm , EF (Teich)>60%
MV Doppler
MV pk E vel - 154.0 cm/s, Tissue D E'- 8.19cm/s, MV mn grad - 2.51mmHg, MV area (PHT) 2.62cm2, MV pk A vel - 63.2cm/s, MV E/A 2.43
TV Doppler
RVSP - 33.5mmHg, TR pk vel - 242.0cm/s
PV Doppler
PV Vmax - 81.9cm/s , PV pk grad - 2.68mmHg
Mild tricuspid regurgitation. RVSP 33mmHg
Mild right ventricular dilatation
MIld left atrial enlargement
Mild LVH
So what do you think? I am going to try and find a copy of the previous echo I had done, ( by the way, I had to absolutely insist that an echo be done. My surgery was in January of 2004 and this is the first echo I have had.) She seems just too nonchalant about everything.
Thanks for any information you can share.