Echo Results Are In

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Hi all.

My Doctors office just called to tell me my echo looked okay.

Mild tricuspid regurg - Unchanged (Yippee)
EF has improved from 70% to 74% (quitting smoking probably helped that one!!??!) Just guessing.
No significant changes in Mitral. Joann, the person who called me, didn't see any other notes regarding calcification other than the "No Significant changes to Mitral".
The only negative news was that there is a slight increase in Aortic Stenosis. It is at 1.04 cm. Is that the same as +1?

Joann from my Dr's office was not knowledgeable in what all the info meant but was able to answer most of my questions.
Thanks to all you guys I am more informed than ever before and actually knew what to ask. Thanks!!!!

The other thing was they want me to have another echo in one year instead of two. This is a new Doctor I am seeing so maybe he just has different protocol. My last cardiologist said some Doctors do it every year but he thought every 2 was okay. I didn't like that guy. I'm glad I found Dr. Lutz. He's a sweetie.
It took me a few tries to find a good one after having the same one for 10 years.

Someone get back to me on the Aortic Stenosis info please.

Take Care.

Great News

Great News

Glad to hear the great news. In my case I was fine one year and went down hill fast so I would recommend you go with the once a year echo. Also go at once if you have any symptoms. I am not sure but the 1.04 sounds like it is right on the border line. My Cardiologist said at 1.0 they watch it close unless there are other symptoms and at .8 they usually look at surgery. Mine was all the way down to .6. Each case is different that was just his rule of thumb. Buy the way make sure you have a cardiologist not a regular doc handling you case. Most of all you deserve a big congratulation for the quitting smoking. So Good Luck CONGRATULATION :cool:
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Thanks Fred.

I guess this means I have to come out of Denial. What a bummer.
Did the Docs not find your Aortic Stenosis until it was at .6 or was that over time?
I see my cardiologist every 6 months. I feel I'm in good hands.

I was so looking forward to not having a second surgery.
There are no guarentees in this life.

Take Care.

Aortic Stenosis.

Aortic Stenosis.

Hi Tammy,

The heart has 4 valves-the aortic, mitral, pulmonic and tricuspid. Their job is to open at the correct time in the cardiac cycle and make sure the blood flows through the heart in the right direction. Valves are usually operated on for stenosis (where they fail to open fully and let the blood flow through) or insufficiency (also known as regurgitation-where they fail to close properly and allow blood to go backwards). Patients with stenosed valve are not operated on until the stenosis is causing symptoms. Patients with insufficient valves may be advised to undergo surgery even before the development of symptoms if an echocardiogram shows that the leakage appears to be weakening the heart muscle. In this case, it may be too late if you wait for symptoms to develop. Medications are often of no or limited value in these situations.

Hopes this helps..

See Doc Every Year

See Doc Every Year

Hi Tammy,
Yes I saw my doc every year. But it went down hill very fast all at once. Actually I was a little over my year before I went in. I started having some symptoms and got worried. That is the problem sometimes it gets worse slowly and sometimes it can change rapidly. Good luck on yours. I like the idea of going in every six months. Good Luck
Thanks Christina and Fred,

I got confused for a minute about regurgitation and stenosis.
I had Mitral Regurg prior to MVR and had that in my mind. The Aortic problem is stenosis, which is not the same.
There has been only a slight change in the past 2 years, so far so good.
I know surgery is recommended at .7 or .8 but am still not clear where 1.04 cm fits in. Does anyone know if that is considered Mild, Moderate or serious. My Doctor has been playing it down. I think he just doesn't want to scare me. I don't know but I can't talk to him til Monday.

Take Care,

Don't worry over the weekend

Don't worry over the weekend

Hi Tammy-

Please don't worry over the weekend. If there was something to worry about, I'm sure the doctor would have reacted immediately. Most all doctors are caring and want to help, so I'm sure you would have known if there was a major concern. If they're waiting one year to do another echo, sounds like you're in pretty good shape.

If you're feeling well, all things considered, enjoy your weekend. On Monday first thing call the doc and ask your questions.

Best wishes :) Nancy