Ok. so I conjured up the courage and went to the records dept. today to get my echo results in preparation for my cardio. appt on Monday. I think I know what is coming 
There seems to be significant change from this echo compared to the one from 9 months ago. Again...the concern is some of the readings seem a 'little better' but most are alot worse! Besides the echo, what is the next accurate test to determine valve problems? Is it the CT, MRI or angiogram? I have been told echos are the 'gold standard', but from what I have read, there seems to be quite a bit of inconsistency.
Here's a highlight of the results:
Compared to prior study, changes are noted:
Severe valvular aortic stenosis. The gradient is higher compared to previous study.
Mild to moderate valvular pulmonic stenosis. The pulmonic regurgitation is now moderate. (this is new from mild!)
Normal left and right ventricular size and systolic function.
Borderline left atrial enlargement (this is new!)
Mildly dilated ascending aorta.
Abnormal calcified valve. Moderate calcification.
Mitral Valve: The valve is normal. There is mild mitral regurgitation (this is new!)
The ejection franction is 64.5% Is this good or bad?
The AO root diam: 3.1cm
Asc Aorta: 3.4 cm (last report showed 3.9)
Ao max Peak Gradient: 90.3 mmhg (change from 66 last report)
AO mean PG: 47.5 mmHG (change from 36 last report)
AVA .56 cm2 (change from .83 cm2 last appt). I am small framed, so have been told to index for this.
It seems like the gradients have gone up alot and valve size has reduced substantially in 9 months.
Any advice, feedback would be greatly appreciated as always.. One of my concerns is not only the aortic valve, but the pulmonary valve seems to be getting worse, but probably isn't bad enough to warrant surgery. Anyone else in this position?
Thanks so much everyone for all your input and feedback. I will try and stay sane between now and Monday.
There seems to be significant change from this echo compared to the one from 9 months ago. Again...the concern is some of the readings seem a 'little better' but most are alot worse! Besides the echo, what is the next accurate test to determine valve problems? Is it the CT, MRI or angiogram? I have been told echos are the 'gold standard', but from what I have read, there seems to be quite a bit of inconsistency.
Here's a highlight of the results:
Compared to prior study, changes are noted:
Severe valvular aortic stenosis. The gradient is higher compared to previous study.
Mild to moderate valvular pulmonic stenosis. The pulmonic regurgitation is now moderate. (this is new from mild!)
Normal left and right ventricular size and systolic function.
Borderline left atrial enlargement (this is new!)
Mildly dilated ascending aorta.
Abnormal calcified valve. Moderate calcification.
Mitral Valve: The valve is normal. There is mild mitral regurgitation (this is new!)
The ejection franction is 64.5% Is this good or bad?
The AO root diam: 3.1cm
Asc Aorta: 3.4 cm (last report showed 3.9)
Ao max Peak Gradient: 90.3 mmhg (change from 66 last report)
AO mean PG: 47.5 mmHG (change from 36 last report)
AVA .56 cm2 (change from .83 cm2 last appt). I am small framed, so have been told to index for this.
It seems like the gradients have gone up alot and valve size has reduced substantially in 9 months.
Any advice, feedback would be greatly appreciated as always.. One of my concerns is not only the aortic valve, but the pulmonary valve seems to be getting worse, but probably isn't bad enough to warrant surgery. Anyone else in this position?
Thanks so much everyone for all your input and feedback. I will try and stay sane between now and Monday.