Ear Candling

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Granbonny said:
I started this thread as a ...Fun Thread.... :D If you notice I put a grin sign..when I said, My hubby and I want to try it.... Me for ringing in the ear..NOT a ringing but a light sound?I remember many people posting that they had a ringing in their ears????......No way did I imply..that it would be safe...Just ask members to google for more information..if they wanted to know about it.... I mentioned that I don't even have my nails done..for fear of infections.... :eek: Pedicure..yes..for clipping of toenails (Not cutting) and scrubbing dead skin from bottom of feet, ect..and a pretty nail polish for my toes. :D I have never had problems with ear wax..but, some good information did come from my Fun thread... :p Bonnie

Some of us (cough, cough) might not have been smart enough (ouch!) to know your ear candling (somebody get the extinguisher!) was a "fun thread," Granbonny! :eek: Especially those of us who would do about anything to stop the ring-a-linging in the ears. ;)
Ok I will admit it...I HAVE use the ear candles...and they are VERY cool.
My best friend and I use to do them all the time on each other. I even had a special pie plate for it. Yes, it is fire and it is weird. It works on a vacumn theory. I can tell you this..the stuff that got sucked up into the funnel of the candle...TONS fo nasty wax....yeah, we were gross and opened them up afterwards and looked at it all.
Sometimes you felt unbalanced afterwards and it did feel weird..you have to really trust the other person, but it sure was no way like the water pick!!! I say, worth a try! :)
I do agree the idea of putting this thing in your ear sounds crazy - I'll let you guys know how it goes when I do it and if I have any hair left on my head!!
MmM ear candles

MmM ear candles

I've tried ear candles many, many times, and I think they're great. They don't hurt in the slightest, and as long as you don't run around like a fool with 'em lit, you really don't have to worry about setting yourself on fire.

I do it myself at home. I just take a piece of aluminum foil and poke a hole in the middle of it for the candle, and then put it up to the side of my face. I do always lay in front of a mirror when I do it though.

I love 'em. When yer done, if you cut open the remainder of the candle you'll be grossed out with what is in it. :)

I actually have a package of 'em right in front of me. I just have to muster up the energy to do it.

I say try it.
When I was much younger, and being treated for an ear infection, my crusty old family doctor told me, "If you want to clean out your ears, use your elbow."

Sage advice.
I think I just set fire to my ear....



Actually, one of the nurses who oversaw the cardiac rehab clinic I went to after surgery said that there was a PT who worked in the same area (the "workout" room we were in was for cardiac rehab, PT/OT, stress tests, and they had portable echo units) who did ear candling... The nurse said she had it done once and swore by it.

Frankly, I was and still am a bit skeptical as to how well it works over more, "modern" approaches. I've never had a need to try it, my ear has always been decent and clear except on the rare occassion when I have an infection that bothers it.

I've only had two ear infections, back in grade school.

Oh, it's "singular" because my right ear is stone deaf, always has been.

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