Ear Candling

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Anyone ever had this done?.When I went to have a pedicure (don't do nails)...Afraid of infections, ect...They had a sign that said, we do Ear Candling..I asked, what the heck is that? :D Long story..short..It is a Natural way to clean out accumulated wax... does not hurt...Conditions that may benefit..Ringing in ears..that many of us have posted that we have....It works by burning a handmade beeswax candle for about 20 minutes in your ear..it softens waxes and toxins will be drawn out of the ear,,,,oxidized and turned into vapors during the procedure...this has dated back to 2500 B.c...Also helps with sinus passages.....Hubby and I want to try it. :D ..$25.00..Google Ear Candling..My brochure is to long to post all information... :D ..I have the ear ringing..Hubby has...Selective hearing :D :D :D You Women with Hubby's know what I mean. :p :p :p Bonnie


Only if you are a whoosy like my Hubby :D I want him to have a manicure.pedicure. NO way..will not even come into my nail place. :eek: I keep telling him there are many men in there. No way..he says I will clip my own nails/toenails. :p ..Brochure says..It is a painless, harmless and totally relaxing experience. :D bonnie
I was just researching ear wax removal last week as Dick has a build-up also and we've been using the over-the counter wax removers to try and loosen it. The articles I read said not to use the ear candling- ineffective! They suggest using the over the counter drops and seeing a doctor to have him remove it if they don't work.
Granbonny said:
Only if you are a whoosy like my Hubby :D I want him to have a manicure.pedicure. NO way..will not even come into my nail place. :eek: I keep telling him there are many men in there. No way..he says I will clip my own nails/toenails. :p ..Brochure says..It is a painless, harmless and totally relaxing experience. :D bonnie
Don't even try to turn him Metrosexual!
Hi there,
I have had a lot of problems with my ears over the years, I found the best remedy was to use a product called Ceramol to gradually loosen any wax blockages,and then have your ears syringed by the doctor.(Even having this done by a Dr. can still end up with an ear infection and having to go onto a course of antibiotics)
Another tip from the Dr. was to try and keep your ears as dry as possible
as getting soap or shampoo in them, tends to harden any wax, causing problems.
Also using ear buds (Q tips in USA ? ) are an absolute "no no"
Hope this helps,
Best wishes
had heard of it..

had heard of it..

I was curious about ear candling too, as one of our children has very dense ear wax accumulations. Thanks for the article, Ross. I will caution him to avoid it like the plague!! Bonnie, I have taken our son both to an ENT (ear,nose,throat) and his regular GP who gladly, gently, carefully flush out the wax. Please see to it that a medical professional does it for you so that no damage is done.

:) Marguerite
I have some ear candles in my cabinete that I have not used yet. I asked the attendant at the health food store if she had ever done it and she said it was awesome. You can do it yourself with the help of someone to make sure you are always watching the candle. I got 2 candles for about $5.00 with a full set of instructions with pictures. I am excited to try it!! I have heard it works wonders!
I had really bad earwax buildup and went to the doctor - they used a water pick to shoot water in my ear to get it out. You want to talk about the MOST HORRIBLE feeling/sensation in the world!

I too had really bad wax build up as a child and the doctors would use the "water pick" method and every time I would come out unbalanced and w/ a severe headache w/ the ringing. The one time Mom took me to an ENT dr. I screamed he hurt me sooooo bad, I refused to return after he only did one ear.
After all this, Mom would clean out me ears for me... Using a hair pin and gently scooping out the wax as needed. I've since outgrown the need for the cleaning, but still use the hairpins ( not recommended for everyone ) myself.
As for the Candle thing... we all know the saying.. If It Sounds Too Good To Be True.. It Most Likely IS.
I'm trying to picture this, you stick a candle in your ear and then light it, right? What does that do to get out the wax? The bottom of the candle should still be solid, right, or does the fire go into your ear so the candle wax could somehow bond with the ear wax and all come out in one big piece.

Sounds a bit goofy doesn't it?

Why not go to the pharmacy and get some ear wax dissolver and an ear syringe and gently remove the wax, or go to the docs and let them do it. I've had my ear flushed when seawater got into it and caused a blockage. It was an easy thing, peroxide a few days before, then went and had it gently flushed out in the docs office. This was many years ago. I remember how well I could hear afterward.

The WaterPik sounds like some kind of torture. I use one every morning on my teeth and it's powerful unless it's on the very lowest setting, even then I wouldn't want to use it in my ear, when water flushing with a syringe does just as well.

Sounds like an area where you'd want to be gentle, not setting fire to it or doing something like Magilla Gorilla with a WaterPik. :p
As the candle won't/can't send any heat or fumes into the ear (heat rises, and fumes with them), I don't understand how it could have any effect on the wax in the ear. However, I can see how, in midieval times, the twenty minutes of burning the candle would give the provider enough time to abscond with the client's cash, avoiding apprehension...

Best wishes,
I see they sell for $30.00 for a pack of 10. Bob, may be right. Didn't seem to say they did much for the ear wax though, just "aided" in allowing it to come out "naturally". Hm-m-m

Well, try it and let us know how it goes. Be careful.
I started this thread as a ...Fun Thread.... :D If you notice I put a grin sign..when I said, My hubby and I want to try it.... Me for ringing in the ear..NOT a ringing but a light sound?I remember many people posting that they had a ringing in their ears????......No way did I imply..that it would be safe...Just ask members to google for more information..if they wanted to know about it.... I mentioned that I don't even have my nails done..for fear of infections.... :eek: Pedicure..yes..for clipping of toenails (Not cutting) and scrubbing dead skin from bottom of feet, ect..and a pretty nail polish for my toes. :D I have never had problems with ear wax..but, some good information did come from my Fun thread... :p Bonnie
It IS a fun thread Bonnie. I'm gonna get some b-day candles, put a pie plate on my head and stick that little candle through it and set fire to my ear drum, That should do it. That darned ear wax is a KILLER! Oh yeah, better have my fire extinguisher ready. Afterwards, I'm going to put some tinfoil on my head and tune in Mars. And Must remember not to buy the re-lighting b-day candles. Ever try those??

My daughter and I almost burned down her house when the relighting b-day candles wouldn't blow out and set fire to the cake frosting. Should have had a bucket of water ready. My son-in-law caught the whole thing on tape, he was laughing hysterically. Unfortunately, it was me who purchased them, not realizing. :D :D :D

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