Drunk Driver gets what he deserves

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Premium Level User
Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2007
East Ontario, Canada
This story is from Gatineau, just outside of Ottawa.

A couple of days ago at 9 p.m. a 17 yr old girl is finishing her working shift at a local restaurant.
Mom calls to pick her up, but daughter says she's fine to return on her bike.
She is riding on the side of the road when a pick up truck is coming straight at her in the wrong direction on the road. It bounces off a car and then hits her. She is dead.
A smart student with a brilliant future, gone in minutes.

Police arrive and report that Mr. X is beyond drunk, totally non-functional.
He had been in a strip bar, got wasted and drove...remember its only 9 pm.

So police lock him up.....He had already been arrested THREE times for driving drunk.
Someone, (his jailmates?), did not take too kindly to the news of what he had done.
So, they beat the cr*p out of him.
He is reportedly suffering from brain hemorrages and multiple contusions.
Tragic. I hope that he survives the beating to spend the rest of his life in prison. This will most likely not be the case. I know that a third DUI in SC gets you prison time unless you ?know? one of the good ole boys. In the case of Felony DUI I think it is a minimum of 17 years?..not nearly long enough.

I am sure that I am not the only one who will read this that can say ?there have been times when I should not have been behind the wheel? and ?there by grace go I? This is so very sad. I?m at a loss for further comments.

It seems I keep reading stories just like this one with alarming frequency these days. :eek: :mad:

Just a few weeks ago a drunk driver in a Mercedez around here, under license suspension and multiple DUI convictions, rear ended a car waiting for a train to pass at a crossing. The rear ended car was pushed in front of the approaching train and the occupants were killed. :(

Anyway, my thoughts are with this poor girl and her family.
I wonder if we all bombarded that jail with requests to transfer those inmates to a particular prison in Ohio if they'd oblige us...
Another tragic loss :( . Victims always pay a higher price than than those who commited the crime.


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