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Well-known member
May 31, 2010
kansas city, mo
It has some time since I have been in here and love the new look. I just wanted to share some good news with everyone. I just found out that I will be on SSDI soon. Just waiting for the official documents to come to me soon. Been a heck of a year waiting for the appeal and to get it done. The process of the hearing was not as bad as I thought. Had the attorney there and was as honest as I could ever be. And emailed my attorney's office back on Monday and she was able to find out that I was awarded back on the 18th of this month and should get official word this week. So happy. Been fight to get Medicaid and Mo is pretty tough on it. But now they cannot deny. I am so relieved. I have lived this life before with my mother. And I live pretty simple. Just had to share. It is not always easy for most people. Just got to hang in there. Hugs for everyone today.
It has some time since I have been in here and love the new look. I just wanted to share some good news with everyone. I just found out that I will be on SSDI soon. Just waiting for the official documents to come to me soon. Been a heck of a year waiting for the appeal and to get it done. The process of the hearing was not as bad as I thought. Had the attorney there and was as honest as I could ever be. And emailed my attorney's office back on Monday and she was able to find out that I was awarded back on the 18th of this month and should get official word this week. So happy. Been fight to get Medicaid and Mo is pretty tough on it. But now they cannot deny. I am so relieved. I have lived this life before with my mother. And I live pretty simple. Just had to share. It is not always easy for most people. Just got to hang in there. Hugs for everyone today.
Going through that process is inhumane. I have successfully been through it with a family member that should have been a slam dunk in my opinion. I am pleased to hear your results.
I am updating here, got the paperwork, medicare card and the checks will start late next month. Thank God for the backpay to help with the rent till I budget my new income. It won't be easy, but at least no kids, just one dog, Dixie(Boston Terrier mix). Just found out she officially have cataracts and may need operate soon. I will be conferring with the vet before making a final decision. But at least life is pretty normal. So glad of the support, the past two years have not been easy, not working and then the filing. At least the worst part is over on SSDI. Now a new chapter begins. I will update you all on Dixie. Have a great week. Hugs for everyone.
I am updating here, got the paperwork, medicare card and the checks will start late next month. Thank God for the backpay to help with the rent till I budget my new income. It won't be easy, but at least no kids, just one dog, Dixie(Boston Terrier mix). Just found out she officially have cataracts and may need operate soon. I will be conferring with the vet before making a final decision. But at least life is pretty normal. So glad of the support, the past two years have not been easy, not working and then the filing. At least the worst part is over on SSDI. Now a new chapter begins. I will update you all on Dixie. Have a great week. Hugs for everyone.
Yes! Here's to a new chapter for you. :) Onward and upward.
So glad to hear your good news, Caroline. I too live in Missouri and know what a hard road you’ve traveled. Our daughter in law, a preschool teacher, was diagnosed with lupus after it attacked her liver and eyes, and I don’t think she will be able to return to work this Fall. I hope that she will be able to receive Medicare and Medicaid eventually.
They do cataract surgeries on dogs? Do they implant new lenses?
Most of my dogs developed cataracts. They got around pretty well, using other senses, and memory of obstacles, to get around.

I'd be interested in learning about canine eye surgery, if you ever look into it.
So glad to hear your good news, Caroline. I too live in Missouri and know what a hard road you’ve traveled. Our daughter in law, a preschool teacher, was diagnosed with lupus after it attacked her liver and eyes, and I don’t think she will be able to return to work this Fall. I hope that she will be able to receive Medicare and Medicaid eventually.
I will pray for her. so sorry to hear her story. It is hard to get Medicaid, but because she has lupus, it might be easier for her. Tell her good luck and to hang in there. it is a hard life for those with lupus. I had a friend on a different message board on AOL, she stopped being there after a few years. I still pray for her at times. She was a cardio patient also. You all have a great weekend and keep hanging in there. Hugs to your whole family.
They do cataract surgeries on dogs? Do they implant new lenses?
Most of my dogs developed cataracts. They got around pretty well, using other senses, and memory of obstacles, to get around.

I'd be interested in learning about canine eye surgery, if you ever look into it.
Yeah they do. You would be amazed at the kind of surgeries they do on animals of all kinds these days, cancer, heart, liver even. All in the care of all God's creatures, big to small. I am just weighing in all options and not rushing to make a snap decision. I will let you know soon on what will be decided. My brother has a elder dog, given to him over two years ago and she has cataracts, but he no money to do the surgery. Dogs generally do well when they are blind. I never let my baby loose in the hood anyway, lmao! Have a great weekend and hug for today.
I am updating here, got the paperwork, medicare card and the checks will start late next month. Thank God for the backpay to help with the rent till I budget my new income. It won't be easy, but at least no kids, just one dog, Dixie(Boston Terrier mix). Just found out she officially have cataracts and may need operate soon. I will be conferring with the vet before making a final decision. But at least life is pretty normal. So glad of the support, the past two years have not been easy, not working and then the filing. At least the worst part is over on SSDI. Now a new chapter begins. I will update you all on Dixie. Have a great week. Hugs for everyone.

Just a brief note on dogs with eye problems. Mine went blind and he adapted quite well. He proved wrong the old adage "can't teach an old dog new tricks." He coped on his own except for steps when going on walks. He didn't know where the steps were, so I taught him the command "Step" and slow down when approaching a step and he'd reach up with his paw to catch the step. He was fine with steps in the house since he knew where they were. He loved to lie in the sun and could still follow the sun around the house even though being blind. Being blind did take the piss and vinegar out of him, but in some ways that wasn't bad (he was 1/2 pitt bull :) )So if you can't afford the cataract surgery or want to put it off, your pet should be able to cope.
Just a brief note on dogs with eye problems. Mine went blind and he adapted quite well. He proved wrong the old adage "can't teach an old dog new tricks." He coped on his own except for steps when going on walks. He didn't know where the steps were, so I taught him the command "Step" and slow down when approaching a step and he'd reach up with his paw to catch the step. He was fine with steps in the house since he knew where they were. He loved to lie in the sun and could still follow the sun around the house even though being blind. Being blind did take the piss and vinegar out of him, but in some ways that wasn't bad (he was 1/2 pitt bull :) )So if you can't afford the cataract surgery or want to put it off, your pet should be able to cope.
I plan to leave her the way she is. She is a trooper so far in her live. She is a Boston Terrier mix and she is doing quite well in the early stages, for a 13 year old, that is. She will adapt, cause the surgeon wants too much money. My brother has a Cocker Spaniel who has cataracts and is doing quite well, more advanced in the cataracts then my dog. But she is younger than mine. But she too, is doing well. We humans can have the surgery when it is ripe(I have known about mine for some years now and have a long time yet). But thanks for the words of encouragement. Means a lot. Have a great week, and hugs for today.