There is a very very long list of Red Cross eligibility criteria, with more than a few disputably arcane rules. But rules are rules all the same. I'm a tissue valver, not on Coumadin, but I'm ineligible. Why? I used animal sourced insulin as a kid many many years ago. Any use after 1980 is deemed a potential threat due to concerns of Mad Cow / CJD. Now, technically I could get a waver if I could prove the cows used for my insulin weren't from the UK...but much as I love research, that's just a bit too much of an undertaking for my taste.
But should otherwise be ok, right? Nope, folks with pacemakers have stipulations too. Your pulse must be between 50 and 100 with only a "small" number of irregular beats. Now, as the first rule disqualifies me, I haven't taken the steps to inquire for more specifics on this one, what constitutes "small" etc. Then, as if that weren't enough, what else... Oh yeah, aspirin. Have to withhold 2 days when donating platelets, ok by the rules for whole blood but have heard of holds for that too.
Anyway, I don't mean to steer this discussion too far of course, just wanted to point out that there are actually quite a few rules and restrictions on blood donation, and I'm sure a number of frustrated folks out there with and without mechanical valves. So a big +1 to the point above about "donating" in other ways if we must...