Does Your Hospital Have A Coumadin Restricted Diet?

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Thanks Ross. I can't blame you one bit for disliking hospitals! I am not even the patient and breaking out in cold sweat just thinking about it. My husband on the other hand is fine - he was in such a haze, he barely remembers antyhing which is just as well. The only thing he remembers are the haluzinations he had:D He was lucky, he had smooth sailing from then on and on the worst day of A-fib/A-flutter he had this great and pretty looking, young Asian nurse looking after him. She worked her butt off keeping him stable and I didn't even have to ask a question - she informed me every step.
I still think that 98% of doctors and nurses are great but it's the 2% which scare me because you don't get to control everything but I am trying to think happy thoughts:) Hope you can stay out of the hospital for a long time!!
Glad you are back with us Ross,
I never heard of a restricted diet like, that but it doesn't surprise me one bit.
I was on a very strong pair of anti-biotics a few years ago for a little problem.
The nurse at least knew it miight raise my INR, so I told her it was no problem, I will just eat a few more salads during that period.
You should have seen the look on her face, she said you must never do that, you are not allowed to eat any green vegetables!
After I got thru chewing her out and trying to educate her, she never has had anything to say to me since.
What a bunch of uninformed idiots.
Rich this dietician thought she new more then God and was going to make her case stick. You should have seen her jaw tighten when I told her that I self dose and self test and that I knew what works and what doesn't. I told her to leave patients eat what they darn well want and so long as they are semi consistent, the dose will be adjusted to match the diet. Stop trying to make people diet the dose of the drug.

It just gets my goat that these people will not open their minds to the possiblity that they just might be wrong and the patient may well be right.
The other clinic in Pueblo tells people to avoid greens. When people tell me that I say that they are telling you, "I picked the right warfarin dose for you and it is your job to prove that I am right." But I say, "I don't know what your right warfarin dose is, so we will find out as you improve and eat the things that you like."

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