Do you remember when your baby danced?

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Very cute video on youtube.... [ link ]

My daughter danced a bit like this, to the Jeffersons television show...moving on up, to the east side.....:)
My parents have a "dancing flower." Turn it on and the 3 or 4 flowers rotate around and move up & down to "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy."
They've had this for quite some time -- long enough that I think my 24YO nephew learned to dance to it. My cousins' kids danced to it, my 3YO great-niece dance to it and now my 1YO great-nephew is learning to dance to it.

And they all look just like that baby holding onto the coffee table!!!

Thanks for sharing...............
Too funny. You can't help but laugh along with the parents. I love the leg shaking. Babies are so much more observant that we give them credit for.

All we needed to do to get my granddaughter to dance when she was about that age was say "shake your money maker!"
I was telling Chris about this one. Talon does the same thing. It's funny as heck to watch.
Thanks for sharing, Louise, that was great! My "babies" will be 15 next month:(. I miss that time. It goes so fast. Now I guess I just have to wait for grandbabies but, believe me, I am not rushing that;)!

My 14 year old grandson used to do this in his little saucer. Started when he was about six months old when my son would take out his guitar. Now they entertain everyone together, Cristian is quite musical, plays guitar, drums, keyboard and sings.
Thanks for posting, brings back many fond memories.
So, who is cuter: Beyonce or the baby? hee hee

Many, many moons ago....when my daughter was one year old, I had bought a new
stereo and I think she enjoyed it more than I did. I have a pic of her dancing while
holding her Teddy Bear. So cute.