Do chest wires really set off security at Airports?

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
Hi guys,

I posted a while ago about my sister's health problems, (breast cancer/brain tumor). She's doing as well as can be expected and another sister and I are flying down to visit her in Phoenix this Friday.

My question is, at 10 weeks post-op, is there any reason I shouldn't fly or travel that far from home? It's a 3 hr. flight. I couldn't think of any reason myself, except that I have to be careful about carrying heavy luggage, and that shouldn't be a problem with the rolling ones they have these days.

I was reading some of the posts here about chest wires setting off the security at the airports, how often does that happen? Is it something rare, and if it does will I have to prove to them that I had surgery? I did just receive a card from the company that makes them, with details of the valve ring they put in me, that should be sufficient proof I guess.

I'm not exactly looking forward to going to AZ in August again, but here I go! My son got married there 2 years ago this month and I said I'd never do that again! The good thing is I get to visit him and his wife, (who's carrying my 1st grandbaby by the way) while I'm there too. They live in Mesa, isn't that where Hank lives?

The baby isn't due until Jan. and I was really thinking Feb. would be a great time to get out of Minnesnowta! Oh well, we'll probably visit then too. The thing is, that without a miracle from above, (which we're all praying for and counting on), I can't be sure Patty will make it 'til then. Thanks for any advice, Jean
Jean - Sorry to hear about your sister's problems. That must be difficult for her to deal with. About the flying, I went to LA about 7 week post-op with no problem. You should not carry your bags. There are usually people at the curb at most busy airports who can help with luggage. I never set the security buzzer off in about a dozen flights since then.
I had jury duty shortly after my surgery and when they lined us up to walk through the metal detector, I explained my concern. They took me aside and scanned me with a wand. It didn't go off. I'm not sure what the wire is made of, but it must not be something the machines look for.
Hi Jean,

I wouldn't advise toting your luggage around either. There are people that will carry your luggage from the curb to wherever you can go to check it in. At Ohare we could check our luggage in right outside.

I went to the Nashville Reunion in October (first time flying post-op) and I was all ready to show my St Judes medical card or partially bare my chest if I had to, but my chest wires didn't set off security either.

Sorry to hear about your sisters problems. I will keep her and your family in my prayers. Take care!
Wires not beep

Wires not beep

I just flew last week and did not set off the alarms with my wires. I did set them off, however, with watch, coins, new shoes, etc. They waved the wand over me and I even had the joy of a 2nd random inspection at the gate, but no beep from the chestal regions.
Hi Jean,

Been almost four years and have flown extensively since. Never set off one alarm or had a concern with the metal detectors. As I understand it, a pacemaker will set off the alarms. Just think about poor Elton John and the attention he grabs everytime he goes though. No hiding from the media.;)

Anyway, you should be just fine. Was adamant myself the first time I flew post op. Also had my 3 year old daughter with me alone, and did just fine.

I would recommend double checking with your doctor. Anything over an hour you should try to get out of the seat and stretch your legs to get the blood circulating. This opens up another can of worms because of turbulence. I am sure the people that have flown with me love the fact I hold the back of the seat while passing by, LOL. Anyway....try for a seat off the aisle if you are on Coumadin.

When we head for Vegas...... Perry, Lorraine and I will be fighting over the window seat I suspose:D

Wishing your sister and yourself a speedy recovery. Happy trails.
Chest Wires

Chest Wires

It depends on the number of wires and the guage of wire used. Our big puppy dog friend Ben is so mammoth that he needed super guage wire and he can hang a magnet off of his chest.

As for me, the metal detector at work will alarm, but the airport machines never do.
Some (presumably the better) grades of Stainless Steel are non-magnetic and therefore will not trigger magnetic detectors which usually have a large coil of wire as the sensor.

The wires are made of piano wire. My father in law is a surgical tech at the mayo clinic, and works on heart surgeries. Not mine, I live in Seattle. Hey Johnny, we seattlites should have a reunion! We all have the same surgeon! I flew to MN from Seatac, and my medication set off the x ray machine, but my chest wires did not.
Have fun on you future trips!
Yes, they do!! (at least some of them)

Yes, they do!! (at least some of them)

Hi guys!

I'm back from Phoenix, and thought I'd let you know what I found out.

My sis and I were lucky enough to be randomly chosen to be searched at the MSP airport, where they go through all your luggage and wave their "magic wand" over your entire body. The barrettes in my hair made it beep, the rivets in your jeans will make it beep, but the funny thing was when she passed it over my chest. She said, "That must be a necklace, huh?". I then informed her that I wasn't wearing a necklace and it was the wires in my chest. The top part of my scar was peeking out of my blouse, and she said, "Oh........OH!" I guess she knew I wasn't making it up when she saw the scar.

However, we were also treated to the magic wand treatment at the PHX airport, and that wand didn't beep when passed over my chest area, even though I was prepared for it. I think the sensitivity levels must vary quite a them.

I just thought you'd like to know! Jean